Research Article
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The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements

Year 2020, , 325 - 342, 15.03.2020


This research aims to prove whether mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (mCSCL) is better at improving learning outcomes to solve problems than mobile Computer-Supported Individual Learning (mCSIL) based on the student's Self Regulated Learning level. Data analysis techniques in this study used SPSS programs with two-way variance analysis. The research subjects involved 140 Harapan Bangsa Academy students. The results of the analysis found that mCSCL has an average of 67,071 provides better learning outcomes for problem-solving than mCSIL, which is 63,414. Also, this study found that students with higher Self Regulated Learning (SRL) had better learning achievement than students with lower Self Regulated Learning that is, 66.5 compared to 63.986. Furthermore, the test results also obtained Fab = 3,326 with Sig. = 0.07 then H0AB is accepted. This matter means the mCSCL and mCSIL learning strategies provide equally good learning achievements for students who have high or low Self Regulated Learning. The novelty of this study is that the mobile Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning strategy will be more effective in improving problem-solving learning outcomes if students have high Self Regulated Learning.

Supporting Institution

Enhancing International Publication Program and Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Scholarship (BUDI-DN), a collaboration between the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education with the Finance Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia.

Project Number

The Grant number of 226325841081929


Thank you to the Indonesian government (LPDP-BUDI DN), the head of Universitas Negeri Malang and the head oh AMIK Harapan Bangsa Surakarta


  • Ahghar, G. (2013). Effect of Problem-solving Skills Education on Auto-Regulation Learning of High School Students in Tehran. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Al-Said, K. M. (2015). Students’ perceptions of edmodo and mobile learning and their real barriers towards them. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
  • Alvarez, C., Alarcon, R., & Nussbaum, M. (2011). Implementing collaborative learning activities in the classroom supported by one-to-one mobile computing: A design-based process. Journal of Systems and Software.
  • Andreas, K., Tsiatsos, T., Terzidou, T., & Pomportsis, A. (2010). Fostering collaborative learning in Second Life: Metaphors and affordances. Computers and Education, 55(2), 603–615.
  • Balasubramanian, K., Jaykumar, V., & Fukey, L. N. (2014). A Study on “Student Preference towards the Use of Edmodo as a Learning Platform to Create Responsible Learning Environment.” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Baloch, H. Z., Abdul Rahman, A., & A Ihad, N. (2012). Mobile Collaborative Informal Learning Design: Study of collaborative effectiveness using Activity Theory. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 6(3), 34–41.
  • Caballé, S., Xhafa, F., & Barolli, L. (2010). Using mobile devices to support online collaborative learning. Mobile Information Systems.
  • Carapina, M., & Boticki, I. (2015). Technology trends in mobile computer supported collaborative learning in elementary education from 2009 to 2014. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile Learning 2015, ML 2015, (November 2014), 139–143.
  • Chen, C. H., & Law, V. (2016). Scaffolding individual and collaborative game-based learning in learning performance and intrinsic motivation. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Chinnery, G. M. (2006). VoIM-Mediated Cooperative Tasks for English Language Learners. English Teaching Forum.
  • Cress, U., Wodzicki, K., Bientzle, M., & Lingnau, A. (2011). CSCL for intellectually disabled pupils: Stimulating interaction by using a floor control mechanism. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(2), 307–321.
  • Dabbagh, N., & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. Internet and Higher Education.
  • Damyanov, I., & Tsankov, N. (2018). Mobile apps in daily learning activities. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 12(6), 133–140.
  • Dörrenbächer, L., & Perels, F. (2016). Self-regulated learning profiles in college students: Their relationship to achievement, personality, and the effectiveness of an intervention to foster self-regulated learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 51.
  • Durak, G. (2017). Using social learning networks (SLNs) in higher education: Edmodo through the lenses of academics. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.
  • Echeverrí, A., Nussbaum, M., Calderón, J. F., Bravo, C., Infante, C., & Vásquez, A. (2011). Face-to-face collaborative learning supported by mobile phones. Interactive Learning Environments.
  • Enriquez, M. A. S. (2014). Students ’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of the Use of Edmodo as a Supplementary Tool for Learning. DLSU Research Congress.
  • Escudero, I., León, J. A., Perry, D., Olmos, R., & Jorge-Botana, G. (2013). Collaborative Versus Individual Learning Experiences in Virtual Education: The Effects of a Time Variable. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 367–370.
  • Fu, Q. K., & Hwang, G. J. (2018). Trends in mobile technology-supported collaborative learning: A systematic review of journal publications from 2007 to 2016. Computers and Education.
  • Greenstein, L. (2012). Assessing 21st century skills: A guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning. Assessing 21st Century Skills: A Guide to Evaluating Mastery and Authentic Learning.
  • Hary Soedarto Harjono, S. W. (2011). IS COOPERATIVE LEARNING BETTER THAN INDIVIDUAL LEARNING IN READING COMPREHENSION WORKSHOP ? 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Asus/Downloads/666-Article Text-1295-1-10-20130104.pdf
  • Hill, G. W. (1982). Group versus individual performance: Are N + 1 heads better than one? Psychological Bulletin.
  • Hsu, P., Van Dyke, M., & Smith, T. J. (2017). The Effect of Varied Gender Groupings on Argumentation Skills among Middle School Students in Different Cultures. Middle Grades Review, 3(2), 1–22.
  • Hsu, Y. C., & Ching, Y. H. (2013). Mobile computer-supported collaborative learning: A review of experimental research. British Journal of Educational Technology.
  • Jansen, R. S., Anouschka Van Leeuwen, •, Janssen, J., Kester, L., Kalz, M., Nl Anouschka Van Leeuwen, R. S. J., … Nl, M. K. (2017). Validation of the self-regulated online learning questionnaire. Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
  • Jansen, R. S., van Leeuwen, A., Janssen, J., & Kester, L. (2018). Validation of the Revised Self-regulated Online Learning Questionnaire. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
  • Järvelä, S., & Hadwin, A. F. (2013). New Frontiers: Regulating Learning in CSCL. Educational Psychologist.
  • Kattayat, S., Josey, S., & Asha, J. V. (2017). Mobile learning apps in instruction and students achievement. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 11(1), 143–147.
  • Khaddage, F., Lanham, E., & Zhou, W. (2009). A Mobile Learning Model for Universities -Re-blending the Current Learning Environment. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 3(0), 18–23.
  • Khandaker, N., Soh, L. K., Miller, L. D., Eck, A., & Jiang, H. (2011). Lessons learned from comprehensive deployments of multiagent CSCL applications I-MINDS and ClassroomWiki. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
  • Kolloffel, B., Eysink, T. H. S., & de Jong, T. (2011). Comparing the effects of representational tools in collaborative and individual inquiry learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
  • Kongchan, C. (2012). How a Non-Digital-Native Teacher Makes Use of Edmodo Chada. ICT for Language Learning 5th Edition.
  • Kramarski, B., & Gutman, M. (2006). How can self-regulated learning be supported in mathematical E-learning environments? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A., Sharples, M., Milrad, M., Arnedillo-Sanchez, I., & Vavoula, G. (2009). Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL).
  • Kurubacak, G., & Altinpulluk, H. (2017). Mobile technologies and augmented reality in open education. In Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education.
  • Laal, M., & Laal, M. (2012). Collaborative learning: What is it? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Lestari, I., Maksum, A., & Kustandi, C. (2019). Mobile Learning Design Models for State University of Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 13(09), 152.
  • Lipponen, L. (2010). The challenges for computer supported collaborative learning in elementary and secondary level. 46-es.
  • Littlejohn, A., Hood, N., Milligan, C., & Mustain, P. (2016). Learning in MOOCs: Motivations and self-regulated learning in MOOCs. Internet and Higher Education.
  • Ludvigsen, S. (2016). CSCL: connecting the social, emotional and cognitive dimensions. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 11(2), 115–121.
  • Mason, W., & Watts, D. J. (2011). Collaborative learning in networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Mega, C., Ronconi, L., & De Beni, R. (2014). What makes a good student? How emotions, self-regulated learning, and motivation contribute to academic Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology.
  • Parsons, D., Petrova, K., & Ryu, H. (2012). Mobile gaming - A serious business! Proceedings 2012 17th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012.
  • Purnawarman, P., Susilawati, S., & Sundayana, W. (2016). The use of Edmodo in teaching writing in a blended learning setting. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
  • Reimann, P., & Bannert, M. (2019). Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. In Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance (pp. 285–303).
  • Resta, P., & Laferrière, T. (2007). Technology in support of collaborative learning. Educational Psychology Review.
  • Roberts, T. S. (2005). Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education. In Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education.
  • Rosé, C. P., & Ferschke, O. (2016). Technology Support for Discussion Based Learning: From Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to the Future of Massive Open Online Courses. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
  • Saputro, B., & Susilowati, A. T. (2019). Effectiveness of Learning Management System (LMS) on In-Network Learning System (SPADA) based on scientific. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(3), 481–498.
  • Serrano-Cámara, L. M., Paredes-Velasco, M., Alcover, C. M., & Velazquez-Iturbide, J. Á. (2014). An evaluation of students’ motivation in computer-supported collaborative learning of programming concepts. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Sha, L., Looi, C. K., Chen, W., & Zhang, B. H. (2012). Understanding mobile learning from the perspective of self-regulated learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
  • Shi, Y., Frederiksen, C. H., & Muis, K. R. (2013). A cross-cultural study of self-regulated learning in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Learning and Instruction.
  • Siqin, T., Van Aalst, J., & Chu, S. K. W. (2016). Fixed group and opportunistic collaboration in a CSCL environment. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 10(2), 161–181.
  • So, H. J., & Brush, T. A. (2008). Student perceptions of collaborative learning, social presence and satisfaction in a blended learning environment: Relationships and critical factors. Computers and Education.
  • Stahl, G. (2010). Guiding group cognition in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(3), 255–258.
  • Stahl, G. (2017). Group practices: a new way of viewing CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 12(1), 113–126.
  • Stahl, G., Suthers, D. D., & Hesse, F. (2007). A double issue for CSCL 2007. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2(2–3), 127–131.
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Liu, T. C. (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students’ learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers and Education.
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Yang, J. M. (2015). How effective are mobile devices for language learning? A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review.
  • Takeda, S., & Homberg, F. (2014). The effects of gender on group work process and achievement: An analysis through self- and peer-assessment. British Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 373–396.
  • Theobald, E. J., Eddy, S. L., Grunspan, D. Z., Wiggins, B. L., & Crowe, A. J. (2017). Student perception of group dynamics predicts individual performance: Comfort and equity matter. PLoS ONE, 12(7), 1–16.
  • Tortop, H. S. (2014). Examining the Effectiveness of the In-service Training Program for the Education of the Academically Gifted students in Turkey: A Case Study. Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and Giftedness.
  • Tsiatsos, T., Andreas, K., & Pomportsis, A. (2010). Evaluation framework for collaborative educational virtual environments. Educational Technology and Society, 13(2), 65–77. Tuckman, B. W. (1999). Conducting Educational Research. In Conducting Educational Research.
  • Vega-Gorgojo, G., Bote-Lorenzo, M. L., Gómez-Sánchez, E., Asensio-Pérez, J. I., Dimitriadis, Y., & Jorrín-Abellán, I. M. (2008). Ontoolcole: Supporting educators in the semantic search of CSCL tools. Journal of Universal Computer Science.
  • Weinberger, A., Marttunen, M., Laurinen, L., & Stegmann, K. (2013). Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8(3), 333–349.
  • Weldon, M. S., & Bellinger, K. D. (1997). Collective memory: Collaborative and individual processes in remembering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition.
  • Wong, J., Baars, M., Davis, D., Van Der Zee, T., Houben, G. J., & Paas, F. (2019). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning Environments and MOOCs: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
  • Yau, J. Y., & Joy, M. S. (2008). A Self-Regulated Learning Approach: A Mobile Context-aware and Adaptive Learning Schedule (mCALS) Tool. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 2(3), 52–57.
  • Yunita, A., Nursechafia, Setiawan, E., Nugroho, H., & Ramadhan, H. (2018). The relationship between mobile phone usage in classroom and academic achievement in college life. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 12(8), 96–103.
  • Zhan, Z., Fong, P. S. W., Mei, H., & Liang, T. (2015). Effects of gender grouping on students’ group performance, individual achievements and attitudes in computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Zimmerman, B. J. (1990). Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview. Educational Psychologist.
  • Zurita, G., & Nussbaum, M. (2002). Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: MCSCL. European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, (June), 65.
Year 2020, , 325 - 342, 15.03.2020


Project Number

The Grant number of 226325841081929


  • Ahghar, G. (2013). Effect of Problem-solving Skills Education on Auto-Regulation Learning of High School Students in Tehran. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Al-Said, K. M. (2015). Students’ perceptions of edmodo and mobile learning and their real barriers towards them. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
  • Alvarez, C., Alarcon, R., & Nussbaum, M. (2011). Implementing collaborative learning activities in the classroom supported by one-to-one mobile computing: A design-based process. Journal of Systems and Software.
  • Andreas, K., Tsiatsos, T., Terzidou, T., & Pomportsis, A. (2010). Fostering collaborative learning in Second Life: Metaphors and affordances. Computers and Education, 55(2), 603–615.
  • Balasubramanian, K., Jaykumar, V., & Fukey, L. N. (2014). A Study on “Student Preference towards the Use of Edmodo as a Learning Platform to Create Responsible Learning Environment.” Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Baloch, H. Z., Abdul Rahman, A., & A Ihad, N. (2012). Mobile Collaborative Informal Learning Design: Study of collaborative effectiveness using Activity Theory. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 6(3), 34–41.
  • Caballé, S., Xhafa, F., & Barolli, L. (2010). Using mobile devices to support online collaborative learning. Mobile Information Systems.
  • Carapina, M., & Boticki, I. (2015). Technology trends in mobile computer supported collaborative learning in elementary education from 2009 to 2014. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile Learning 2015, ML 2015, (November 2014), 139–143.
  • Chen, C. H., & Law, V. (2016). Scaffolding individual and collaborative game-based learning in learning performance and intrinsic motivation. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Chinnery, G. M. (2006). VoIM-Mediated Cooperative Tasks for English Language Learners. English Teaching Forum.
  • Cress, U., Wodzicki, K., Bientzle, M., & Lingnau, A. (2011). CSCL for intellectually disabled pupils: Stimulating interaction by using a floor control mechanism. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6(2), 307–321.
  • Dabbagh, N., & Kitsantas, A. (2012). Personal Learning Environments, social media, and self-regulated learning: A natural formula for connecting formal and informal learning. Internet and Higher Education.
  • Damyanov, I., & Tsankov, N. (2018). Mobile apps in daily learning activities. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 12(6), 133–140.
  • Dörrenbächer, L., & Perels, F. (2016). Self-regulated learning profiles in college students: Their relationship to achievement, personality, and the effectiveness of an intervention to foster self-regulated learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 51.
  • Durak, G. (2017). Using social learning networks (SLNs) in higher education: Edmodo through the lenses of academics. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.
  • Echeverrí, A., Nussbaum, M., Calderón, J. F., Bravo, C., Infante, C., & Vásquez, A. (2011). Face-to-face collaborative learning supported by mobile phones. Interactive Learning Environments.
  • Enriquez, M. A. S. (2014). Students ’ Perceptions on the Effectiveness of the Use of Edmodo as a Supplementary Tool for Learning. DLSU Research Congress.
  • Escudero, I., León, J. A., Perry, D., Olmos, R., & Jorge-Botana, G. (2013). Collaborative Versus Individual Learning Experiences in Virtual Education: The Effects of a Time Variable. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83, 367–370.
  • Fu, Q. K., & Hwang, G. J. (2018). Trends in mobile technology-supported collaborative learning: A systematic review of journal publications from 2007 to 2016. Computers and Education.
  • Greenstein, L. (2012). Assessing 21st century skills: A guide to evaluating mastery and authentic learning. Assessing 21st Century Skills: A Guide to Evaluating Mastery and Authentic Learning.
  • Hary Soedarto Harjono, S. W. (2011). IS COOPERATIVE LEARNING BETTER THAN INDIVIDUAL LEARNING IN READING COMPREHENSION WORKSHOP ? 1(1), 1–13. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Asus/Downloads/666-Article Text-1295-1-10-20130104.pdf
  • Hill, G. W. (1982). Group versus individual performance: Are N + 1 heads better than one? Psychological Bulletin.
  • Hsu, P., Van Dyke, M., & Smith, T. J. (2017). The Effect of Varied Gender Groupings on Argumentation Skills among Middle School Students in Different Cultures. Middle Grades Review, 3(2), 1–22.
  • Hsu, Y. C., & Ching, Y. H. (2013). Mobile computer-supported collaborative learning: A review of experimental research. British Journal of Educational Technology.
  • Jansen, R. S., Anouschka Van Leeuwen, •, Janssen, J., Kester, L., Kalz, M., Nl Anouschka Van Leeuwen, R. S. J., … Nl, M. K. (2017). Validation of the self-regulated online learning questionnaire. Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
  • Jansen, R. S., van Leeuwen, A., Janssen, J., & Kester, L. (2018). Validation of the Revised Self-regulated Online Learning Questionnaire. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics).
  • Järvelä, S., & Hadwin, A. F. (2013). New Frontiers: Regulating Learning in CSCL. Educational Psychologist.
  • Kattayat, S., Josey, S., & Asha, J. V. (2017). Mobile learning apps in instruction and students achievement. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 11(1), 143–147.
  • Khaddage, F., Lanham, E., & Zhou, W. (2009). A Mobile Learning Model for Universities -Re-blending the Current Learning Environment. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 3(0), 18–23.
  • Khandaker, N., Soh, L. K., Miller, L. D., Eck, A., & Jiang, H. (2011). Lessons learned from comprehensive deployments of multiagent CSCL applications I-MINDS and ClassroomWiki. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
  • Kolloffel, B., Eysink, T. H. S., & de Jong, T. (2011). Comparing the effects of representational tools in collaborative and individual inquiry learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.
  • Kongchan, C. (2012). How a Non-Digital-Native Teacher Makes Use of Edmodo Chada. ICT for Language Learning 5th Edition.
  • Kramarski, B., & Gutman, M. (2006). How can self-regulated learning be supported in mathematical E-learning environments? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
  • Kukulska-Hulme, A., Sharples, M., Milrad, M., Arnedillo-Sanchez, I., & Vavoula, G. (2009). Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning (IJMBL).
  • Kurubacak, G., & Altinpulluk, H. (2017). Mobile technologies and augmented reality in open education. In Mobile Technologies and Augmented Reality in Open Education.
  • Laal, M., & Laal, M. (2012). Collaborative learning: What is it? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Lestari, I., Maksum, A., & Kustandi, C. (2019). Mobile Learning Design Models for State University of Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (IJIM), 13(09), 152.
  • Lipponen, L. (2010). The challenges for computer supported collaborative learning in elementary and secondary level. 46-es.
  • Littlejohn, A., Hood, N., Milligan, C., & Mustain, P. (2016). Learning in MOOCs: Motivations and self-regulated learning in MOOCs. Internet and Higher Education.
  • Ludvigsen, S. (2016). CSCL: connecting the social, emotional and cognitive dimensions. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 11(2), 115–121.
  • Mason, W., & Watts, D. J. (2011). Collaborative learning in networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • Mega, C., Ronconi, L., & De Beni, R. (2014). What makes a good student? How emotions, self-regulated learning, and motivation contribute to academic Achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology.
  • Parsons, D., Petrova, K., & Ryu, H. (2012). Mobile gaming - A serious business! Proceedings 2012 17th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012.
  • Purnawarman, P., Susilawati, S., & Sundayana, W. (2016). The use of Edmodo in teaching writing in a blended learning setting. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics.
  • Reimann, P., & Bannert, M. (2019). Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. In Handbook of Self-Regulation of Learning and Performance (pp. 285–303).
  • Resta, P., & Laferrière, T. (2007). Technology in support of collaborative learning. Educational Psychology Review.
  • Roberts, T. S. (2005). Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education. In Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education.
  • Rosé, C. P., & Ferschke, O. (2016). Technology Support for Discussion Based Learning: From Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to the Future of Massive Open Online Courses. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education.
  • Saputro, B., & Susilowati, A. T. (2019). Effectiveness of Learning Management System (LMS) on In-Network Learning System (SPADA) based on scientific. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 7(3), 481–498.
  • Serrano-Cámara, L. M., Paredes-Velasco, M., Alcover, C. M., & Velazquez-Iturbide, J. Á. (2014). An evaluation of students’ motivation in computer-supported collaborative learning of programming concepts. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Sha, L., Looi, C. K., Chen, W., & Zhang, B. H. (2012). Understanding mobile learning from the perspective of self-regulated learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.
  • Shi, Y., Frederiksen, C. H., & Muis, K. R. (2013). A cross-cultural study of self-regulated learning in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Learning and Instruction.
  • Siqin, T., Van Aalst, J., & Chu, S. K. W. (2016). Fixed group and opportunistic collaboration in a CSCL environment. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 10(2), 161–181.
  • So, H. J., & Brush, T. A. (2008). Student perceptions of collaborative learning, social presence and satisfaction in a blended learning environment: Relationships and critical factors. Computers and Education.
  • Stahl, G. (2010). Guiding group cognition in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(3), 255–258.
  • Stahl, G. (2017). Group practices: a new way of viewing CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 12(1), 113–126.
  • Stahl, G., Suthers, D. D., & Hesse, F. (2007). A double issue for CSCL 2007. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2(2–3), 127–131.
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Liu, T. C. (2016). The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students’ learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis. Computers and Education.
  • Sung, Y. T., Chang, K. E., & Yang, J. M. (2015). How effective are mobile devices for language learning? A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review.
  • Takeda, S., & Homberg, F. (2014). The effects of gender on group work process and achievement: An analysis through self- and peer-assessment. British Educational Research Journal, 40(2), 373–396.
  • Theobald, E. J., Eddy, S. L., Grunspan, D. Z., Wiggins, B. L., & Crowe, A. J. (2017). Student perception of group dynamics predicts individual performance: Comfort and equity matter. PLoS ONE, 12(7), 1–16.
  • Tortop, H. S. (2014). Examining the Effectiveness of the In-service Training Program for the Education of the Academically Gifted students in Turkey: A Case Study. Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and Giftedness.
  • Tsiatsos, T., Andreas, K., & Pomportsis, A. (2010). Evaluation framework for collaborative educational virtual environments. Educational Technology and Society, 13(2), 65–77. Tuckman, B. W. (1999). Conducting Educational Research. In Conducting Educational Research.
  • Vega-Gorgojo, G., Bote-Lorenzo, M. L., Gómez-Sánchez, E., Asensio-Pérez, J. I., Dimitriadis, Y., & Jorrín-Abellán, I. M. (2008). Ontoolcole: Supporting educators in the semantic search of CSCL tools. Journal of Universal Computer Science.
  • Weinberger, A., Marttunen, M., Laurinen, L., & Stegmann, K. (2013). Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8(3), 333–349.
  • Weldon, M. S., & Bellinger, K. D. (1997). Collective memory: Collaborative and individual processes in remembering. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition.
  • Wong, J., Baars, M., Davis, D., Van Der Zee, T., Houben, G. J., & Paas, F. (2019). Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning Environments and MOOCs: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.
  • Yau, J. Y., & Joy, M. S. (2008). A Self-Regulated Learning Approach: A Mobile Context-aware and Adaptive Learning Schedule (mCALS) Tool. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 2(3), 52–57.
  • Yunita, A., Nursechafia, Setiawan, E., Nugroho, H., & Ramadhan, H. (2018). The relationship between mobile phone usage in classroom and academic achievement in college life. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies, 12(8), 96–103.
  • Zhan, Z., Fong, P. S. W., Mei, H., & Liang, T. (2015). Effects of gender grouping on students’ group performance, individual achievements and attitudes in computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior.
  • Zimmerman, B. J. (1990). Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview. Educational Psychologist.
  • Zurita, G., & Nussbaum, M. (2002). Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: MCSCL. European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, (June), 65.
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Differentiated Instruction

Eka Budhi Santosa 0000-0002-5748-3176

İ Degeng 0000-0003-4684-552X

Sulton Sulton This is me

Dedi Kuswandi

Project Number The Grant number of 226325841081929
Publication Date March 15, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Santosa, E. B., Degeng, İ., Sulton, S., Kuswandi, D. (2020). The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 8(1), 325-342.
AMA Santosa EB, Degeng İ, Sulton S, Kuswandi D. The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements. JEGYS. March 2020;8(1):325-342. doi:10.17478/jegys.656642
Chicago Santosa, Eka Budhi, İ Degeng, Sulton Sulton, and Dedi Kuswandi. “The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8, no. 1 (March 2020): 325-42.
EndNote Santosa EB, Degeng İ, Sulton S, Kuswandi D (March 1, 2020) The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8 1 325–342.
IEEE E. B. Santosa, İ. Degeng, S. Sulton, and D. Kuswandi, “The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements”, JEGYS, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 325–342, 2020, doi: 10.17478/jegys.656642.
ISNAD Santosa, Eka Budhi et al. “The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 8/1 (March 2020), 325-342.
JAMA Santosa EB, Degeng İ, Sulton S, Kuswandi D. The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements. JEGYS. 2020;8:325–342.
MLA Santosa, Eka Budhi et al. “The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 8, no. 1, 2020, pp. 325-42, doi:10.17478/jegys.656642.
Vancouver Santosa EB, Degeng İ, Sulton S, Kuswandi D. The Effects Of Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning to Improve Problem Solving and Achievements. JEGYS. 2020;8(1):325-42.

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By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.