Research Article
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Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity

Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 23 - 50, 06.12.2015


Training young scientists, enabling conceptual understanding in science education is quite important. Misconception is one of the important indications for whether the concepts are understood or not. The most important educational tools to remove misconceptions are conceptual change texts. In addition, one of the important methods to remove misconceptions is computer-assisted instruction. The goal of this study is to research the effects of the use of computer-assisted instruction (CAI), conceptual change texts (CCT), computer-assisted instruction with conceptual change texts (CAI+CCT), and use of traditional teaching method (TTM) on removing the misconceptions of science teacher candidates on the subject of radioactivity. Research sample was made of totally 92 students studying at four different groups of senior students in Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Education, Department of Science Education in 2011-2012 academic year. A different teaching method was used in each group. Experimental groups were randomly determined; in the first experimental group, computer-assisted instruction was used (23 students); in the second experimental group, conceptual change texts were used (23 students); in the third experimental group, computer-assisted instruction with conceptual change texts were used (23 students); and the fourth group, on which traditional education method was used, was called control group (23 students). Two-tier misconception diagnostic instrument, which was developed by the researcher, was used as data collection tool of the research. “Nonequivalent Control Groups Experimental Design” was used in this research in order to determine the efficiency of different teaching methods. Obtained data were analyzed by using SPSS 21.0. As a result of the research, it was determined that methods used on experimental groups were more successful than traditional teaching method practiced on control group in terms of removing misconceptions on radioactivity.


  • Alsop, S. (2001). Living With and Learning About Radioactivity: A Comparative Conceptual Study. Int. Sci. Edu., 23(3), 263-281.
  • Bernhisel, S. M. (1999). Measuring preservice and biology teachers’ understanding of selected biological concepts. Utah State University, PhD. Thesis, Utah.
  • Canpolat, N., Pınarbaşı, T. (2002). Conceptual Change approach in Science Educatıon-II: Conceptual Change Text. Kastamonu Education Journal. 10-2, 281-286.
  • Chang, L.J., Yang, J.C., Chan, T.W. (2002). Multilayer Educational Services Platforms and Its Implementation. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Auckland: New Zealand.
  • Chambers, K.S., Andre, T. (1997). Gender, Prior Knowledge, Interest and Experience in Electricity and Conceptual Change Text Manipulations in Learning About Direct Current. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 2, 107-123.
  • Chi, M.T.H. (1992). Conceptual Change Within and Across Ontological Categories Examples from Learning and Discovery in Science. In R. Giere (Ed)e Cognitive Models of Science: Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 129- 160.
  • Cooper, S., Yeo, S., Zadnik, M. (2003). Australian Students' Views on Nuclear Issues: Does Teaching Alter Prior Beliefs?. Phys. Educ., 38, 123 (
  • Coştu, B., Çepni, S. ve Yeşilyurt, M. (2002). Kavram Yanılgılarının Giderilmesinde Bilgisayar Destekli Rehber Materyallerin Kullanılması. V. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 1401-1407 (
  • Çobanoğlu, E.O, Bektaş, H. (2012). Kavramsal Değişim Metinlerinin İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Dolaşım Sistemi Konusundaki Kavram Yanılgılarının Giderilmesine Etkisi. X. Science and Mathematics Education Congress, Niğde, Turkey. (
  • Demirci, N. (2004). A Study on Students’ Misconceptions and Achivement in Force and Motion Concepts Using Web Based Physics Software Program. Balıkesir Universty Necatibey Faculty of Education, Physical Education Department, Balıkesir, Turkey (ğitim.pdf).
  • Diakidoy, I.A.N., Kendeou, P., Ioannides, C. (2003). Reading About Energy: The Effects of Text Structure in Science Learning and Conceptual Change. Educational Psychology, 28(3), 335-356.
  • Ersoy, F.N. (2012). The Effect of Computer Simulations and Conceptual Change Texts on Teaching of Electrostatic. Master's Thesis. Atatürk University/Institute of Education Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey.
  • Eryılmaz, A., Sürmeli, E. (2002). Üç Aşamalı Sorularla Öğrencilerin Isı ve Sıcaklık Konularındaki Kavram Yanılgılarının Ölçülmesi. V. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress. 16-18 September, ODTU, Ankara, Turkey (
  • Fisher, K.M. (1983). Amino Acids and Translation: A Misconception in Biology. In H. Helm & J. Novak (Eds.) Proceedings of The International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics (pp. 407-419). Ithaca, NY: Department of Education, Cornell University.
  • Fisher, K. M. (1985). A Misconception in Biology: Aminoacids and Translation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol.22, pp.53-62.
  • Geban, Ö., Başer, M. (2007). Effectiveness of Conceptual Change Instruction on Understanding of Heat and Temperature Concepts. Research in Science & Technological Education, (
  • Gussarsky, E., Gorodetsky, M. (1990). On the Concept Chemical Equilibrium: The Associative Framework. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 3, 197- 204.
  • Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E., Glass, G. V. (1992). Promoting Conceptual Change in Science: Can Texts Be Used Effectively? Journal of Reading. 35 (8), 642-649.
  • Helm, H. (1980). Misconceptions in Physics Amongst South African Students. Physics Education, 15: 92-105.
  • Gobert, J., Snyder, J., Houghton, C. (2002). The Influence of Students' Understanding of Models on Model-Based Reasoning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 1-5, New Orleans, LA.
  • Hynd, C. R., Alvermann, D. E. (1986). The Role of Refutation Text in Overcoming Diffuculty with Science Concepts. Journal of Reading. 29 (5), 440-446.
  • Jimoyiannis, A., Komis, V. (2001). Computer Simulations in Physics Teaching and Learning: A Case Study on Students’ Understanding of Trajectory Motion. Computers and Education, 36 (2):183-204.
  • Kahraman, S., Demir, Y. (2011). The Effects of Computer-Based 3d Instruction Materials on Misconceptions: Atomıc Structure and Orbitals: Erzincan Journal of Education, 13-1. Erzincan, Turkey.
  • Kaptan, S. (1998). Bilimsel Araştırma ve İstatistik Teknikleri. Tekışık Web Offset Facilities, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Karasar, N. (1999). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. (s.102). 9th Edition, far, Ankara: Nobel.
  • Karataş, F.Ö., Köse, S., Coştu, B. (2003). Öğrenci Yanılgılarını ve Anlama Düzeylerini Belirlemede Kullanılan İki Aşamalı Testler. Pamukkale University Journal of Education. (1) 13. Denizli, Turkey.
  • Kathleen, M.S. (1994). The Development and Validation of A Categorization of Misconceptions in The Learning of Chemistry. PhD Thesis, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA.
  • Kim, J.H. Park, S.T. Lee, H., Lee, H. (2005). Correcting Misconception Using Unrealistic Virtual Reality Simulation in Physics Education. Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies, 1, (
  • Köse, S., Ayas, A., Taş, E. (2003). The Effects of Computer-Based Instruction on Misconceptions: Photosynthesis. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, (2) 14. Denizli, Turkey.
  • Liew, C.W., Treagust, D.F. (1998). The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Tasks in Diagnosing Students’ Understanding of Science and in Identifying Their Levels of Achievement, Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of The American Educational Research Association, San Diego.
  • Mikkila-Erdmann, M. (2001). Improving Conceptual Change Concerning Photosynthesis Through Text Design. Learning and Instruction. 11 (3), 241-257.
  • Millar, R., Klaassen, K., Eijkelhof, H. (1990). Teaching About Radioactivity and Ionising Radiation: an Alternative Approach. Physics. Education. 25, 338-342.
  • Millar, R. and Gill, J., S. (1993). School Students’ Understanding of Processes Involving Radioactive Substances And Ionizing Radiation. Physics. Education, 27(5), 27-33.
  • Monaghan, J. M., Clement, J. (2000). Algorithms, Visualization, and Mental Models: High School Students’ Interactions with a Relative Motion Simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technolog. Vol. 9, No 4, 311-25.
  • Mork, S.M. (2011). An Interactive Learning Environment Designed to Increase the Possibilities for Learning and Communicating About Radioactivity. Interactive Learning Environments. Vol. 19, No 2, 163-177 (
  • Odabaşı, F. (1998). Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim: Çağdaş Eğitimde Yeni Teknolojiler. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Publications, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • Osborne, R. J., Gilbert, J. (1980). A Method for the Investigation of Concept Understanding in Science, European Journal of Science Education, V.2 (3): 311-321.
  • Osborne, R. J, Cosgrove, M. M. (1983). Children’s Conceptions of The Changes of State of Water. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20, 9, 825-838.
  • Palmer, D. H. (1998). Measuring Contextual Error in the Diagnosis of Alternative Conceptions in Science. Issues in Educational Research, 8, 1, 65-76.
  • Posner, G., J., Strike, K., A., Hewson, P., W., Gertzog, W.,A. (1982). Accommodation of a Scientific Conception: Toward a Theory of Conceptual Change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
  • Prather, E.E., Harrington, R.R. (2001). Student Understanding of Ionisation Radiation and Radioactivity. Journal of College Science Teaching, 31 (2), 89-93.
  • Prather, E. (2005). Students' Beliefs About the Role of Atoms in Radioactive Decay and Half-life. Journal of Geoscience Education, Volume 53, Number 4 (
  • Sanger, M.J., Greenbowe, T.J. (2000). Addressing Student Misconceptions Concerning Electron Flow in Electrolyte Solutions with Instruction Including Computer Animations and Conceptual Change Strategies. International Journal of Science Education, 22, 521-537.
  • Smith, K.J., Metz, P.A. (1996). Evaluating Student Understanding of Solution Chemistry through Microscopic Representations. Journal of Chemical Education, 73, 3, 1996.
  • Tan, K. C. D., Goh, K. N., Chia, S. L., Treagust, D. F. (2002). Development and Application of a Two-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Instrument to Assess High School Students’ Understanding of Inorganic Chemistry Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 4, 283-301.
  • Tao, P. K., Gunstone, R. F. (1999). The Process of Conceptual Change in Force and Motion During Computer-Supported Physics Instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 36, No. 7, p. 859–882.
  • Tokatlı, F.R. (2010). The Effect of Conceptual Change Approach, Cooperative learning and Computer Assisted Instruction on Students' Science Achievement. Master's Thesis. Sakarya University/Institute of Science, Sakarya, Turkey.
  • Tortop, H.S. (2013). A new model program for academically gifted students in turkey: overview of the education program for the gifted students’ bridge with university (EPGBU). Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and Giftedness, 2(1), 21-31.
  • Tortop, H.S., Mavi, B., Akkurt, İ., Mavi, M., Ozek, N. (August 2008). Investigation of knowledge level of high school students on radiation concept. 25th International Physics Congress, Bodrum, Turkey.
  • Treagust, D.F. (1988). Development and Use of Diagnostic Test to Evaluate Student’ Misconceptions in Science. International Journal of Science Education, 10 (2), 159-169.
  • Uşun, S. (2004). Bilgisayar Destekli Öğretimin Temelleri. Ankara: Nobel
  • Ünal, S. (2007). A New Approach on Teaching of Chemical Bonds and Intermolecular Forces: The Effects of CAI and CCT on Conceptual Change. Ph.D. Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University/Institute of Science, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Voska, K. W., Heikkinen, H. W. (2000). Identification and Analysis of Student Conception Used to Solve Chemical Equilibrium Problems. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 2, 160-176.
  • Yalçın, A. (2003). Effect of Constructivist Approach to Achievement and Conceptual Perception Of Lycee 2 Students About Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions and Determination of Misconceptions of Students About This Subject. Master's Thesis. Gazi University/Institute of Science, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Yılmaz, Z.A. (2010) An Investigation of Effect The Conceptual Change Text on Remediating Students' Misconception About Geometric Optic and Their Attitudes Toward Physics. Ph.D. Thesis. Atatürk University/Institute of Science, Erzurum, Turkey.
  • Wang, T., Andre, T. (1991). Conceptual Change Text versus Traditional Text and Application Questions versus No Questions in Learning about Electricity. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 16 (2), 103-116.
Year 2015, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 23 - 50, 06.12.2015



  • Alsop, S. (2001). Living With and Learning About Radioactivity: A Comparative Conceptual Study. Int. Sci. Edu., 23(3), 263-281.
  • Bernhisel, S. M. (1999). Measuring preservice and biology teachers’ understanding of selected biological concepts. Utah State University, PhD. Thesis, Utah.
  • Canpolat, N., Pınarbaşı, T. (2002). Conceptual Change approach in Science Educatıon-II: Conceptual Change Text. Kastamonu Education Journal. 10-2, 281-286.
  • Chang, L.J., Yang, J.C., Chan, T.W. (2002). Multilayer Educational Services Platforms and Its Implementation. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Auckland: New Zealand.
  • Chambers, K.S., Andre, T. (1997). Gender, Prior Knowledge, Interest and Experience in Electricity and Conceptual Change Text Manipulations in Learning About Direct Current. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34, 2, 107-123.
  • Chi, M.T.H. (1992). Conceptual Change Within and Across Ontological Categories Examples from Learning and Discovery in Science. In R. Giere (Ed)e Cognitive Models of Science: Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 129- 160.
  • Cooper, S., Yeo, S., Zadnik, M. (2003). Australian Students' Views on Nuclear Issues: Does Teaching Alter Prior Beliefs?. Phys. Educ., 38, 123 (
  • Coştu, B., Çepni, S. ve Yeşilyurt, M. (2002). Kavram Yanılgılarının Giderilmesinde Bilgisayar Destekli Rehber Materyallerin Kullanılması. V. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 1401-1407 (
  • Çobanoğlu, E.O, Bektaş, H. (2012). Kavramsal Değişim Metinlerinin İlköğretim 6. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Dolaşım Sistemi Konusundaki Kavram Yanılgılarının Giderilmesine Etkisi. X. Science and Mathematics Education Congress, Niğde, Turkey. (
  • Demirci, N. (2004). A Study on Students’ Misconceptions and Achivement in Force and Motion Concepts Using Web Based Physics Software Program. Balıkesir Universty Necatibey Faculty of Education, Physical Education Department, Balıkesir, Turkey (ğitim.pdf).
  • Diakidoy, I.A.N., Kendeou, P., Ioannides, C. (2003). Reading About Energy: The Effects of Text Structure in Science Learning and Conceptual Change. Educational Psychology, 28(3), 335-356.
  • Ersoy, F.N. (2012). The Effect of Computer Simulations and Conceptual Change Texts on Teaching of Electrostatic. Master's Thesis. Atatürk University/Institute of Education Sciences, Erzurum, Turkey.
  • Eryılmaz, A., Sürmeli, E. (2002). Üç Aşamalı Sorularla Öğrencilerin Isı ve Sıcaklık Konularındaki Kavram Yanılgılarının Ölçülmesi. V. National Science and Mathematics Education Congress. 16-18 September, ODTU, Ankara, Turkey (
  • Fisher, K.M. (1983). Amino Acids and Translation: A Misconception in Biology. In H. Helm & J. Novak (Eds.) Proceedings of The International Seminar on Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics (pp. 407-419). Ithaca, NY: Department of Education, Cornell University.
  • Fisher, K. M. (1985). A Misconception in Biology: Aminoacids and Translation. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, vol.22, pp.53-62.
  • Geban, Ö., Başer, M. (2007). Effectiveness of Conceptual Change Instruction on Understanding of Heat and Temperature Concepts. Research in Science & Technological Education, (
  • Gussarsky, E., Gorodetsky, M. (1990). On the Concept Chemical Equilibrium: The Associative Framework. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27, 3, 197- 204.
  • Guzzetti, B. J., Snyder, T. E., Glass, G. V. (1992). Promoting Conceptual Change in Science: Can Texts Be Used Effectively? Journal of Reading. 35 (8), 642-649.
  • Helm, H. (1980). Misconceptions in Physics Amongst South African Students. Physics Education, 15: 92-105.
  • Gobert, J., Snyder, J., Houghton, C. (2002). The Influence of Students' Understanding of Models on Model-Based Reasoning. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, April 1-5, New Orleans, LA.
  • Hynd, C. R., Alvermann, D. E. (1986). The Role of Refutation Text in Overcoming Diffuculty with Science Concepts. Journal of Reading. 29 (5), 440-446.
  • Jimoyiannis, A., Komis, V. (2001). Computer Simulations in Physics Teaching and Learning: A Case Study on Students’ Understanding of Trajectory Motion. Computers and Education, 36 (2):183-204.
  • Kahraman, S., Demir, Y. (2011). The Effects of Computer-Based 3d Instruction Materials on Misconceptions: Atomıc Structure and Orbitals: Erzincan Journal of Education, 13-1. Erzincan, Turkey.
  • Kaptan, S. (1998). Bilimsel Araştırma ve İstatistik Teknikleri. Tekışık Web Offset Facilities, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Karasar, N. (1999). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. (s.102). 9th Edition, far, Ankara: Nobel.
  • Karataş, F.Ö., Köse, S., Coştu, B. (2003). Öğrenci Yanılgılarını ve Anlama Düzeylerini Belirlemede Kullanılan İki Aşamalı Testler. Pamukkale University Journal of Education. (1) 13. Denizli, Turkey.
  • Kathleen, M.S. (1994). The Development and Validation of A Categorization of Misconceptions in The Learning of Chemistry. PhD Thesis, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA.
  • Kim, J.H. Park, S.T. Lee, H., Lee, H. (2005). Correcting Misconception Using Unrealistic Virtual Reality Simulation in Physics Education. Recent Research Developments in Learning Technologies, 1, (
  • Köse, S., Ayas, A., Taş, E. (2003). The Effects of Computer-Based Instruction on Misconceptions: Photosynthesis. Pamukkale University Journal of Education, (2) 14. Denizli, Turkey.
  • Liew, C.W., Treagust, D.F. (1998). The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Tasks in Diagnosing Students’ Understanding of Science and in Identifying Their Levels of Achievement, Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of The American Educational Research Association, San Diego.
  • Mikkila-Erdmann, M. (2001). Improving Conceptual Change Concerning Photosynthesis Through Text Design. Learning and Instruction. 11 (3), 241-257.
  • Millar, R., Klaassen, K., Eijkelhof, H. (1990). Teaching About Radioactivity and Ionising Radiation: an Alternative Approach. Physics. Education. 25, 338-342.
  • Millar, R. and Gill, J., S. (1993). School Students’ Understanding of Processes Involving Radioactive Substances And Ionizing Radiation. Physics. Education, 27(5), 27-33.
  • Monaghan, J. M., Clement, J. (2000). Algorithms, Visualization, and Mental Models: High School Students’ Interactions with a Relative Motion Simulation. Journal of Science Education and Technolog. Vol. 9, No 4, 311-25.
  • Mork, S.M. (2011). An Interactive Learning Environment Designed to Increase the Possibilities for Learning and Communicating About Radioactivity. Interactive Learning Environments. Vol. 19, No 2, 163-177 (
  • Odabaşı, F. (1998). Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim: Çağdaş Eğitimde Yeni Teknolojiler. Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Publications, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • Osborne, R. J., Gilbert, J. (1980). A Method for the Investigation of Concept Understanding in Science, European Journal of Science Education, V.2 (3): 311-321.
  • Osborne, R. J, Cosgrove, M. M. (1983). Children’s Conceptions of The Changes of State of Water. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 20, 9, 825-838.
  • Palmer, D. H. (1998). Measuring Contextual Error in the Diagnosis of Alternative Conceptions in Science. Issues in Educational Research, 8, 1, 65-76.
  • Posner, G., J., Strike, K., A., Hewson, P., W., Gertzog, W.,A. (1982). Accommodation of a Scientific Conception: Toward a Theory of Conceptual Change. Science Education, 66, 211-227.
  • Prather, E.E., Harrington, R.R. (2001). Student Understanding of Ionisation Radiation and Radioactivity. Journal of College Science Teaching, 31 (2), 89-93.
  • Prather, E. (2005). Students' Beliefs About the Role of Atoms in Radioactive Decay and Half-life. Journal of Geoscience Education, Volume 53, Number 4 (
  • Sanger, M.J., Greenbowe, T.J. (2000). Addressing Student Misconceptions Concerning Electron Flow in Electrolyte Solutions with Instruction Including Computer Animations and Conceptual Change Strategies. International Journal of Science Education, 22, 521-537.
  • Smith, K.J., Metz, P.A. (1996). Evaluating Student Understanding of Solution Chemistry through Microscopic Representations. Journal of Chemical Education, 73, 3, 1996.
  • Tan, K. C. D., Goh, K. N., Chia, S. L., Treagust, D. F. (2002). Development and Application of a Two-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Instrument to Assess High School Students’ Understanding of Inorganic Chemistry Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 4, 283-301.
  • Tao, P. K., Gunstone, R. F. (1999). The Process of Conceptual Change in Force and Motion During Computer-Supported Physics Instruction. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 36, No. 7, p. 859–882.
  • Tokatlı, F.R. (2010). The Effect of Conceptual Change Approach, Cooperative learning and Computer Assisted Instruction on Students' Science Achievement. Master's Thesis. Sakarya University/Institute of Science, Sakarya, Turkey.
  • Tortop, H.S. (2013). A new model program for academically gifted students in turkey: overview of the education program for the gifted students’ bridge with university (EPGBU). Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and Giftedness, 2(1), 21-31.
  • Tortop, H.S., Mavi, B., Akkurt, İ., Mavi, M., Ozek, N. (August 2008). Investigation of knowledge level of high school students on radiation concept. 25th International Physics Congress, Bodrum, Turkey.
  • Treagust, D.F. (1988). Development and Use of Diagnostic Test to Evaluate Student’ Misconceptions in Science. International Journal of Science Education, 10 (2), 159-169.
  • Uşun, S. (2004). Bilgisayar Destekli Öğretimin Temelleri. Ankara: Nobel
  • Ünal, S. (2007). A New Approach on Teaching of Chemical Bonds and Intermolecular Forces: The Effects of CAI and CCT on Conceptual Change. Ph.D. Thesis. Karadeniz Technical University/Institute of Science, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Voska, K. W., Heikkinen, H. W. (2000). Identification and Analysis of Student Conception Used to Solve Chemical Equilibrium Problems. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 37, 2, 160-176.
  • Yalçın, A. (2003). Effect of Constructivist Approach to Achievement and Conceptual Perception Of Lycee 2 Students About Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions and Determination of Misconceptions of Students About This Subject. Master's Thesis. Gazi University/Institute of Science, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Yılmaz, Z.A. (2010) An Investigation of Effect The Conceptual Change Text on Remediating Students' Misconception About Geometric Optic and Their Attitudes Toward Physics. Ph.D. Thesis. Atatürk University/Institute of Science, Erzurum, Turkey.
  • Wang, T., Andre, T. (1991). Conceptual Change Text versus Traditional Text and Application Questions versus No Questions in Learning about Electricity. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 16 (2), 103-116.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section STEM Education

Ahmet Yumuşak

İsmail Maraş This is me

Mehmet Şahin

Publication Date December 6, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Yumuşak, A., Maraş, İ., & Şahin, M. (2015). Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, 3(2), 23-50.
AMA Yumuşak A, Maraş İ, Şahin M. Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity. JEGYS. December 2015;3(2):23-50.
Chicago Yumuşak, Ahmet, İsmail Maraş, and Mehmet Şahin. “Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction With Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 3, no. 2 (December 2015): 23-50.
EndNote Yumuşak A, Maraş İ, Şahin M (December 1, 2015) Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 3 2 23–50.
IEEE A. Yumuşak, İ. Maraş, and M. Şahin, “Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity”, JEGYS, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 23–50, 2015.
ISNAD Yumuşak, Ahmet et al. “Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction With Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 3/2 (December 2015), 23-50.
JAMA Yumuşak A, Maraş İ, Şahin M. Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity. JEGYS. 2015;3:23–50.
MLA Yumuşak, Ahmet et al. “Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction With Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity”. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists, vol. 3, no. 2, 2015, pp. 23-50.
Vancouver Yumuşak A, Maraş İ, Şahin M. Effects of Computer-Assisted Instruction with Conceptual Change Texts on Removing the Misconceptions of Radioactivity. JEGYS. 2015;3(2):23-50.
By introducing the concept of the "Gifted Young Scientist," JEGYS has initiated a new research trend at the intersection of science-field education and gifted education.