Review Process

JOLTIDA values and emphasizes blinded peer-review process. The journal applies a two-stage screening and reviewing process. At the first stage, manuscripts are screened by editorial team (the editor-in-chief, editor, language editor) whether the submitted work is in concordance with the journal's focus and coverage. If the submitted manuscript is approved by the editorial team, at the second stage, the submitted manuscript is sent to two reviewers. In the review process, authors or reviewers cannot know each other's any identifying information such as name, institution, title, or position. If two reviewers do not have agreement on their decisions, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. Review process is concluded based on majority's decision.

1. JOLTIDA is refereed
2. After editor’s screening, manuscripts undergo a blind review process involving panel of two reviewers. If necessary, a third reviewer can be assigned.
3. Authors are informed with initial results of the review process usually within two months after the submission of the manuscript.
4. Submitted manuscripts should not be considered elsewhere for review process and/or publication.

Decision on acceptance. Editor-in-Chief accordingly decides whether the paper should be accepted as it is, revised (major or minor), or rejected based on reviewers’ suggestions/evaluations. Selection of manuscripts for publication is based on timeliness, originality/significance, scientific quality throughout the study, usefulness of practical implications, and readability (easily understandable, well-structured/written papers in English are required). Please note that all of the manuscripts(including perspectives) published in JOLTIDA require revision(s) before acceptance for the best. If authors have a different idea from reviewers’ opinions, authors can present their positions with sufficient scientific evidence/references. A rejection may be appealed by e-mailing Editor-in-Chief of JOLTIDA, Dr. Mehmet Akif Ocak, at to request that she/he “initiate a rebuttal.” A cover letter to the revised manuscript should include a.) Editor-in-Chief’s permission on the rebuttal and b.) reasonable information on why the author is requesting review of another revision of the paper.

Authors are informed with initial results of the review process usually within six months after the submission of the manuscript. Authors can log on to at any time to check the status of their submissions. Authors who have no notification of a decision within six months of submission are welcomed to contact the editorial office at for an update on the manuscript’s status. Contacts before six months of submission are however discouraged.

Editing. All accepted manuscripts are under the control and authority of JOLTIDA on a continuing basis: i.e., editorial modifications and revisions necessary to fall in line with JOLTIDA’s editorial rules. Authors are considered to agree with it upon submission of the paper(s) to JOLTIDA. Intensive editing – e.g., fact-checking for accuracy, reference validation, determinations of balance, and confirmations of lines/words for readability and accessibility – will be followed upon acceptance of the paper.

Last Update Time: 3/9/25, 12:31:47 PM

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age 2023. © 2023. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 19195

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age. All rights reserved, 2023. ISSN:2458-8350