Writing Rules


We recommend that you carefully review the Review process page as well as the Author Guidelines. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the Author Guidelines may be returned to the corresponding author for technical revisions before undergoing double-blind peer review or be rejected in case of many violations detected. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting all manuscripts online at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/joltida or, if already registered, can simply log on and go through the five-step on-line submission process. For questions about submitting a manuscript, contact Editor-in-Chief of JOLTIDA, Dr. Mehmet Akif Ocak, at joltida.info@gmail.com


For manuscript submission, the following items are mandatory: 1. Full manuscript, 2. Copyright form, 3. Cover letter, 4. Title page, 5. Ethics Committee Permission Letter, 6. Similarity report

Optional items: 1.  Proof reading letters


  • All candidate articles (including literature reviews, meta-analysisbibliometric analysis) must submit a paper requesting clearance from the ethics committee.
  • Researchers should submit the "does not require ethics committee approval" form to be obtained from their institution's ethics committee in order to conduct studies that don't need such permission.
  • Prior to starting the study's data gathering procedure, independent researchers should apply to the ethical committees of the institutions in their province and acquire a letter of clearance from the committee.
  • The ethics committee's thesis approval is sufficient to submit for publications based on  theses. The approval of a separate ethical committee is not required for the articles produced from theses. 


Authors have to submit a cover letter with each manuscript. The cover letter should articulate/confirm the following information:  

  • Submitted manuscripts are not considered elsewhere for review process and/or publication. If there is any other submissions related to the submitted manuscript to the other journal(s) that may duplicate any part of the submitted manuscript, author(s) must declare the details about it including supporting statements of the significance and originality of the submitted manuscript.
  • There are no other publications related to the submitted manuscript, either in whole or in part, nor have the findings been posted online.
  • The author(s) confirms full access to all aspects of the research and writing process, and will take final responsibility for the paper.
  • If this article is accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright-holder.
  • Official permission has been obtained for reusing or modifying previously published tables, charts, figures, art works, illustrations, or any other parts of the manuscript as a format of signed letters from the copyright-holders. Authors are responsible for any permission fees.
  • Conflicts of interest and authorship. To ensure transparency of real and potential conflicts of interests that may lead to bias or an actual conflict of interest, all possible conflicts of interest in the manuscript – e.g., financial, consultant, institutional and/or other relationships – must be stated. If there is no conflict of interest, this should also be explicitly stated as “none declared.” All sources of funding should be acknowledged in the manuscript as well as cover letter.
  • Authors’ names and affiliations do not appear anywhere on the manuscript for ensure scientific integrity.


Margins should be 1½" on all sides, left justified only. Type must be a minimum of 12-point font size. Double-space throughout and arrange the text in the following sequence: title, affiliation, abstract, main text (figures and tables included), references. Number the pages consecutively, in the upper right-hand corner. Number the lines continuously beginning with the main text. Include a short title in the header of each page, just above the page number.

We encourage authors to use headings and subheadings throughout the manuscript. We also encourage the use of diagrams, tables, charts, illustrations, and photos; however, authors should place them in the body of the text.

Authors are required to follow APA 6.0 style for preparation of their manuscripts. Please strictly follow the requirements written in the APA style and place your title, abstract, key words, main text, tables and graphics (with captions or titles) within the text as this will produce document that is easier to review. Note that a corresponding author information is required on the first page of the template. Authors are also encouraged to write in active voice.

Language. Manuscripts should be written in English language.

Title. Title of the study must not exceed limit of 15 words. Please use Times New Roman, 14 pt for the title.

Author(s). Provide author names, affiliations, and e-mail addresses.

Abstract. The abstract should deliver the essence of the manuscript in a concise or clear academic writing. Please provide a structured abstract using the following headings: Background, Purposes, Methodology/Approach, Findings, and Discussion. The abstract must be Times New Roman 11pt, single line spacing, justified, and should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined acronym or abbreviation.

Keywords. Include 5 keywords for indexing purposes. Keywords should be written in italic.

Corresponding author. Provide the corresponding author along with; (In footer section of the first page)

  • E-mail
  • Full mailing address (including phone number)

Main text. The main body of the manuscript should not exceed 10,000 words. Type face should be Times New Roman, 12 pt, and justified. Avoid footers and footnotes except in tables, where needed. Authors should clearly articulate implications and recommendations for educators and scholars in the discussion section.

Headings. 3 levels of headings should be used as the title:

  • First level, all capital letters, bold and centered
  • The second level, the first letters capitalized, left justified, bold and not left indent. Second level headings should be used appropriately to describe the subtopics of the main topic.
  • Third level, the first letters capitalized, bold, italic and left indented 1.25 cm (0.5 inch). Use third level headings to describe subtopics of topics in the second level headings.

Tables. Table titles should be placed at the top of the related table. Table titles should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, and justified. All tables should be referenced in the text of the manuscript.

Figures. Figure titles should be placed at the bottom of the related figure. Figure titles should be written in Times New Roman, 12 pt, and justified. All figures should be referenced in the text of the manuscript.

Acknowledgement. This is an optional section. At the end of the paper, before the references, the acknowledgments should be given if there is a source of funding that contributed to the manuscript. You may also recognize other people who made contributions to the manuscript.

References. All the references should be presented according to Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2020) (APA; https://apastyle.apa.org/). All the resources cited in the main text should be listed in the references. For double-checking of the refereed resources, Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) information on each reference should be also described. The references should be written in Times New Roman, 11 pt. Do NOT use any reference formatting software (e.g., End Notes).

Appendices. All the appendices should be presented after the references. Please use an identifying capital letter for each Appendix (Appendix A, Appendix B). Please refer to each Appendix in the manuscript.

Submission Preparation Checklist. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Author guidelines has been used for preparation of the manuscripts.
  2. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  3. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  4. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  5. Tables and figures are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  6. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines

  7. Authors’ names and affiliations do not appear anywhere on the manuscript for ensure scientific integrity
  8. Copyright form has been provided with the manuscript
  9. A Cover Letter has been provided with the manuscript (Please see Author Guidelines for preparation of cover letter)
  10. A Title page has been provided with the manuscript
  11. Ethics Comittee Permission Letter has been provided with the manuscript
  12. A valid ORCID ID number must be provided for all authors.


All authors must provide a valid ORCID number during application process. If author(s) have a valid ORCID number, they are required to enter into "Edit Profile, ORCID ID section". ORCID iDs can only be assigned by the ORCID Registry. You must conform to their standards for expressing ORCID iDs, and include the full URI.


Original Research/ Empirical Research

Case Study (including Assessment Study and Usability/Feasibility Study)

Systematic/Integrative Review Paper (including Meta-Analysis)

Method Paper (including Developmental Research)

Discussion Paper

Perspectives. They are brief, accessible pieces covering a wide variety of timely topics of relevance to technology-mediated learning and teaching. It includes proposals. Perspective articles are limited to 1000 to 1200 words and usually include one figure or table. There is a maximum of 5 references.

Letters to the Editor, up to 300 words and 3 references. JOLTIDA welcomes letters to the editor on items published in JOLTIDA in the preceding six months. Letters may address statistics, facts, research, or theories of the previously published articles in JOLTIDA; however, it should not include critiques of original research or personal attacks on an author rather than constructive criticism of the author’s ideas/study findings. Authors of the original article may be invited to provide thoughtful responses to one or more letters by Editor-in-Chief of JOLTIDA, Dr. Mehmet Akif Ocak.

Other Types of Submissions. JOLTIDA also welcomes submissions of narratives, reflections, viewpoints, commentaries, photo/graphic essays, and other forms of writing. Contact Editor-in-Chief of JOLTIDA, Dr. Mehmet Akif Ocak, at joltida.info@gmail.com  to discuss formats not discussed in these guidelines.


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Last Update Time: 6/11/24, 4:39:40 PM

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age 2023. © 2023. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. 19195

Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age. All rights reserved, 2023. ISSN:2458-8350