Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 10/20/23

Year: 2023

The Journal of Psychometric Research is a semi-annual publication, issued in February and August by the Department of Psychology at Atatürk University's Faculty of Letters. It is a scientifically peer-reviewed journal exclusively published in a digital format. The Journal of Psychometric Research disseminates original research articles of scientific merit, in both Turkish and English languages, on a national and international scale. Committed to fostering knowledge accessibility, it provides free and open access to all researchers interested in the field. By enhancing the international visibility and accessibility of the high-quality information generated through its scientific publishing, the Journal of Psychometric Research aims to make significant contributions to the body of knowledge within this context, both nationally and internationally.

Journal of Psychometric Research publishes original research articles that will contribute to the literature on psychometrics. The target audience of the journal consists of academicians, researchers, professionals, students and related professional and academic institutions and organisations.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Manuscript submissions should be conducted online. Each submission should include a cover letter stating that the manuscript is intended for publication, a Microsoft Word file (version 2003 or later) of the manuscript, and a Copyright Agreement Form signed by all authors. The author initiating the submission via the website will act as the point of contact throughout the review and publication process. Manuscripts should be prepared using the MS Office Word program, saved in either .doc or .docx format. The manuscript template is available for download at the following link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/26347

The manuscript should be prepared in the following order, taking care not to include any personal information about the author(s):
a-The first page (excluding keywords) should include the Turkish title of the article, an abstract of 150–300 words, and 3-6 keywords under the abstract.
b-The second page (excluding keywords) should include the title of the article in English, an abstract of 150–300 words in English, and 3-6 keywords under the abstract.
c- The third page should include the introduction of the article, followed by the method, findings, and discussion sections.
d- Apart from these, the author(s) may create headings and subheadings as they deem appropriate in the flow of the text. The numbering or letter system should not be used in titling, instead the APA 7 version should be used.
e. The places where figures and tables should be placed in the main text should be marked by indicating the figure and table numbers (such as "Figure 1. should be placed here"). Tables should be prepared according to the APA 7 format.
f. The bibliography section should start on a separate page after the main text. The bibliography should be organized according to APA 7 format and checked carefully. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author. Each reference mentioned in the bibliography should be included in the main text, and each citation mentioned in the main text should be included in the bibliography.
g. After the bibliography, figures and tables, each on a separate page, should be listed with their titles and explanations, if any.
h. No automatic text editing feature of the Word program should be used in the draft manuscript, except for "spell check", especially automatic numbering.
i. When submitting the manuscript, the cover page must also be filled in and uploaded separately. The title of the article, name(s), title(s), institutional information, telephone, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of the author(s) should be added to the cover page.
j.After the editorial editing of the article, the pre-publication approval copy of the article is shared with the contacted author and requested to be checked and reported if there are typographical errors within the specified period. This copy, which is checked by the author(s), is published after the final approval of the editorial team after correcting any typographical errors.

Reference Style and Format
The Journal of Psychometric Research follows the current edition of the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style for in-text citation and referencing.
- http://www.apastyle.org/

The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the references. All references must be cited in the text.References should be shown as in the examples below.

Citing References in the Text
References should be indicated by writing the surname of the authors and the date of publication in brackets in the text. If more than one reference is to be cited, the (;) sign should be used between the references.References should be listed alphabetically.

More than one source;
(Demir et al., 2014; Kaya, 2020)

Single-authored source;

(Odaci, 2009)

Source with two authors;
(Odacı and Kınık, 2019)

Source with three or more authors;
(Kaya et al., 2022)

Referencing in the References Section
All references used should be given in a separate section at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors, without numbering. Examples of writing references are given below.

a) Book reference if the article submitted to our journal is written in Turkish:
Volkan, V. D. (2021). Life after loss "Complicated grief and treatment" (7th edition). Ankara: Pusula Publishing House.
Bauman, Z. and May, T. (2004). Thinking sociologically. New Jersey: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

b) Book Translated into Turkish
Bauman, Z. (2021). Iskarta hayatlar (O. Yener, Trans.). Istanbul: Tellekt Publications.

c) Edited Book
Çukur, C. Ş. and Sayılan, G. (Ed.). (2006). Applied social psychology. Ankara: Nobel Publishing.

d) Turkish Book with Multiple Authors
Karaaslan, F. & Gençoğlu, A. Y. (2019). Living together with Syrian migrants. Ankara: Tezkire Publishing.

e) Book Reference if the article submitted to our journal is written in English:
Volkan, V. D. (2021). Life after loss "Complicated grief and its treatment" (7th ed.) [Life after loss "Complicated grief and its treatment"]. Ankara, Turkey: Pusula Yayınevi.
Bauman, Z., & May, T. (2004).Thinking sociologically.New Jersey: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.f)

If the article submitted to our journal is written in Turkish, the chapter in the book:
Kerstin, A. (2012). Introduction to social psychology. In J. A. Gruman, F. W. Schneider, and L. M. Coutts (Eds.), Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems (pp. 10-23).California, USA: SAGE Publications Inc.
Çoksan, S. (2019). The application of social psychology to intergroup conflict. In C. Ş. Çukur & G. Sayılan (Eds.), Applied social psychology (pp. 300-310).Ankara: Nobel Publications.

g) Chapter in a Book if the Article Submitted to Our Journal is Written in English:
Kerstin, A. (2012). Introduction to social psychology. In J.A. Gruman, F.W. Schneider, & L.M. Coutts (Eds.), In Applied social psychology: Understanding and addressing social and practical problems (pp. 10-23). California, USA: SAGE Publications Inc.
Çoksan, S. (2019). The application of social psychology to the field of intergroup conflict]. In C. Ş. Çukur & G. Sayılan (Eds.), Applied social psychology (pp. 300-310). Ankara, Turkey: Nobel Publications.

h) Publication in which the Publisher and Author are Institutions:
Turkish History Institution. (1974). Basic principles of Kemalism. Ankara: Author.

a) Article Reference if the article submitted to our journal is written in Turkish:
Brody, G. H., Kogan, S. M., & Chen, Y. (2012).Perceived discrimination and longitudinal increases in adolescent substance use:Gender differences and mediational pathways. American Journal of Public Health, 102(5), 155-172. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/09579265990100021205b)

b) Article Reference if the article submitted to our journal is written in English:
Cömertler, N., & Kar, M. (2007).Socio-economic determinants of crime rate in Turkey:A cross-sectional analysis [Socio-economic determinants of crime rate in Turkey: Cross-section analysis].Journal of Ankara University Faculty of Political Sciences, 62(2). 80-97.

c) Article with more than seven authors:
Reimer, J., Lorenzen, J., Baetz, B., Fischer, B., Rehm, J., Backmund, M. ... Haasen, C. (2007). Injection drug use, multiple hepatitis virus infections, and migration: A German study. Substance Use & Misuse, 42(9), 1353-1365. http://dx.doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa15011589

d) Online Acquired Article without DOI:
William, P. (1958). A general typology of migration. American Sociological Review, 23(3), 256-266. Retrieved from: http://www.makale.org.tr/

e) Article with DOI
Devran, Y. and Özcan, Ö. F. (2016). The Syrian problem from the language of discourses. Marmara Journal of Communication, 25, 35-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.17829/midr.20162520716

f) Article Published in Advance Online
Devran, Y. Özcan, Ö.F. (2016). Citing advance online publication: Syria problem from the language of discourses. Marmara Journal of Communication.Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.17829/midr.20162520716

g) Popular Magazine ArticleAhçı, C. (2011, January).The texture of mediocrity.Keskin Fikir, 87, 22-33.

Thesis, Presentation, Paper
a) Turkish Theses
Yeşil, B. (2018). Culture and geography: Cultural diversity in Artvin. (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

b)Master's or Doctoral Thesis in Commercial Database
Brody, D. (2003). Social identity and intergroup conflict. (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. (UMI No. 9943000)

c) Master's/Doctoral Thesis in English in the Institutional Database
Bahçeci-Ay, B. (2011). Immigrant acculturation, gender, and health behaviour. (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from: Retrieved from http://library.doktoratezleri.edu.tr/

d) Master's/Doctoral Thesis in English on the Web
Mersel, Y. A. (1995). Immigrant acculturation, gender, and health behaviour (Doctoral dissertation, University of Social Sciences, Ankara). Retrieved from http://tez.asbu.edu.tr/~mersel/yayinlar/phd/ickapak.html

e) Master's/Doctoral Thesis in Dissertations Abstracts International
Flughafen, L. G. (2015). Immigrant acculturation, gender, and health behaviour (Doctoral dissertation. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B. Social Science, 55(18), 5488.

f) Symposium Contribution
Lo, C. C., Cheng, T. C. (2014, May). Immigrant acculturation, gender, and health behaviour.In W. B. Zaugma (Chair), Social identity and intergroup conflict.Symposium conducted at American Psychological Association meeting, Orlando, FL.

g) Abstracts of Conference Proceedings Accessed Online
Lo, C. C., Cheng, T. C. (2014, March). Factors affecting developmental characteristics in children [Abstract]. Paper presented at child health conference, Ankara University, Ankara. Retrieved from: http://ab2015.ankara.edu.tr /index.php?menu=5&submenu=29

h) Regularly Published Online Proceedings
Lo, C. C., Cheng, T. C. (2008). News media and refugees; representation of Syrian refugees in Turkish print media. Journal of Communication Theory and Research, 105, 230-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0805417202

i) Papers Published in Book Form
Bauman, Z. (2003). Coding in qualitative methods. In S. Akıncı et al. (Eds.), Qualitative Research in Psychology: Vol. 394. Worldwide Technics and Methods in Qualitative Research and Practice (pp. 20-40). Berlin, Paris: Springer. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03919-1

j) Congress Proceedings
Çatlı, S., Enişte A. and Alkaç T. (2001, July). Evaluating psychology education as a protective factor on psychology students. Paper presented at X. National Psychology Congress, Atatürk University, Erzurum.

Other Sources
a) Newspaper Article
Peker, P. (2020, 13 October). 'Forget' flowers. Cumhuriyet, p. 9.

b) Online Newspaper Article
Kök, B. (2021, 26 July). Golden rules in social entrepreneurship. Milliyet. Retrieved from: http://www.milliyet.com.tr

c) Web Page/Blog Post
Brodway, D. (2017, July 08). Zygmunt Bauman: New era of classic sociology [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://www.dbrodway.net/blog/page/27/

d) Online Encyclopaedia/Dictionary
Urban aesthetics. (2004, 08 December). Wikipedia. Retrieved from: http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_estetiği
Bordeux, C. (2018). Rules of Economy. In E. N. Malta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rules-economy/

All authors submitting articles to the journal are expected to comply with universal ethical principles in their studies. These principles should be shaped within the framework of accuracy in scientific method, accuracy of data and analysis, institutional integrity, impartiality, and social responsibility.

Correction requests submitted by the authors are examined by the Editorial Board, and corrections are implemented based on the decision of the Editorial Board. In case of a correction in the published text, readers are informed by publishing the Erratum text in the issue following the correction. The corrected article is also updated on the journal web page and in the indexes where the journal is scanned.

The Journal of Psychometric Research is extremely sensitive about plagiarism. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are subjected to a spelling check (iThenticate by CrossCheck) to detect similarity at any point during the peer review process or in preparation for publication. Even if the sentences and phrases are the author's own, the text should not have any unacceptable similarity with previously published data.

When discussing the previous work of others (or your own work), you should ensure that the material used is correctly cited in all cases.

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1. have made a significant contribution to the concept/design of the study; or to the collection, analysis and interpretation of data for the study; AND
2. have drafted manuscripts or critically analysed significant intellectual content; AND
3. To have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript before publication; AND
4. agree to take responsibility for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions about the validity and accuracy of any part of the work have been properly investigated and resolved.

In addition to taking responsibility for the parts of the work to which they have contributed, an author should be able to identify which parts of the work the other authors are responsible for. Furthermore, authors should have confidence in the integrity of each other's contributions.

Each person named as an author must fulfill the four criteria for authorship, and each person who fulfills these four criteria should be identified as an author. Those who do not fulfil all four criteria should be acknowledged on the title page of the article.

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The Journal of Psychometric Research is an open access scientific journal whose publication model is based on the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) declaration.

Journal of Psychometric Research is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0).