Research Article
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Year 2019, , 914 - 939, 27.07.2019


Nowadays, it is thought that consumers get some emotional benefits such as success, entertainment and enjoyment from economic, diversity and functional characteristics.Within the scope of the research carried out in this direction, hedonic results caused by the factors such as easy, fast access of the product for the rational benefit, the appropriateness of the price, the last trend, the satisfaction of the guarantee scope, the sufficiency of the product variety, the ease of payment and the quality of the customer services were examined. In this context, 306 female and male consumers were interviewed face to face in Isparta province. At the end of the research, although there are differences between the evaluation criteria and demographic variables in terms of consumption rates of individuals, it is estimated that rational consumption processes in general can achieve a hedonic satisfaction.


  • Addis M and Holbrook M B (2001) On The Conceptual Link Between Mass Customisation and Experiential Consumption: An Explosion of Subjectivity. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1, (1), 50–66. Ahmed K A (2015) Utilitarian And Hedonic Motives of University Students In Their Online Shopping- A Gender Based Examination. Sona Global Management Review, 9, (4), 75-91. Alba J W and Williams E F (2013) Pleasure Principles: A Review of Research On Hedonic Consumption,Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23, (1), 2–18. Alex N J and Joseph A (2012) Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Values: The Relative Importance of Real and Ideal Self to Brand Personality and Its Influence on Emotional Brand Attachment. Vilakshan: The XIMB, Journal of Management, 9, (2), 77-90. Arnold M J and Reynolds K E (2003) Hedonic Shopping Motivations. Journal of Retailing, 79, (2), 77–95. Babacan M (2001) Hedonik Tüketim ve Özel Günler Alısverislerine Yansıması. 6. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildirler Kitabı, Erzurum: 97–106. Babin B J, Darden W and Griffin R M (1994) Work and/or Fun: Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value,Journal of Consumer Research, 30, 644-656. Baek E and Choo H J (2015) Effects of Peer Consumption on Hedonic Purchase Decisions, Social Behavior and Personality, 43(7), 1085–1100. Batı U (2013) Markethink ya da Farkethink, Deneyimsel Pazarlama ve Duygusal Markalama 2. Baskı, İyi Yayınlar, İstanbul. Batra R and Ahtola O (1991) Measuring The Hedonic and Utilitarian Sources of Consumer Attitudes. Marketing Letters, 2, (2), 159-170. Bei L and Chen M (2015) The Effects of Hedonic and Utilitarian Bidding Values On E-Auction Behavior. Electronic Commerce Research, 15, (4), 483 – 507. Ben-Ur J,Mai,E and Yang J (2015) Hedonic Consumption in Virtual Reality. Journal of Internet Commerce, 14, 406–423. Beycioğlu K ve Arslan B (2012). Öğretmen ve Yöneticilerin Öğretmen Liderliğine İlişkin Görüşleri: Bir Karma Yöntem Çalışması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 18, (2), 191-223. Botti S and Mcgill A L (2011) The Locus of Choice: Personal Causality and Satisfaction With Hedonic and Utilitarian Decisions. Journal of Consumer Research. 37, 1065-1078. Can P ve Çetin İ (2016) Sosyal Medya Pazarlamasından Elde Edilen Faydaların Tüketici Marka Bağlılığına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 30, (4), 885-906. Cardoso P R and Pinto S C (2010) Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Motivations Among Portuguese Young Adult Consumers,International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38, (7), 538-558. Chaudhuri A and Holbrook M B (2001) The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty,Journal of Marketing, 65, 81–93. Chen C Y, Lee L and Yap A J (2017) Control Deprivation Motivates Acquisition of Utilitarian Products, Journal of Consumer Research, 43, 1031-1046. Chen C and Ann B (2016) Efficiencies vs. Importance-performance Analysis For The Leading Smartphone Brands of Apple, Samsung and HTC, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27, (3), 227-249. Çakmak A Ç ve Çakır M (2012) 12-18 Yaş Arası Gençlerin Hedonik Tüketim Davranışlarının İncelenmesi: Kocaeli Şehir Merkezinde Bir Araştırma. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1, (4), 171-189. Çokluk Ö, Yılmaz K ve Oğuz E (2011) Nitel Bir Görüşme Yöntemi: Odak Grup Görüşmesi, Kurumsal Eğitimbilim, 4, (1), 95-107. Dhar R and Wertenbroch K (2000) Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods, Journal of Marketing Research, 37, (1), 60-71. Drolet A, Williams P and Lau-Gesk L (2007) Age-related Differences in Responses to Affective vs. Rational Ads for Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Products. Marketing Letters, 18, (4), 211–221. Elden M ve Bakır U (2010) Reklam Çekicilikleri, Yayınları, İstanbul. Gregory-Smith D, Smith A and Winklhofer H (2013) Emotions and Dissonance in ‘Ethical’ Consumption Choices,Journal of Marketing Management, 29, (11/12), 1201–1223. Hae-Sook K (2005) The Types of Clothing Shopping Value and the Classification of Consumer Group by Shopping Values. Journal of Fashion Business, 9, (6), 126-140. Hahn L, Hoelzl E and Pollai M (2013) The Effect of Payment Type on Product-related Emotions: Evidence From an Experimental Study, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, (1), 21–28. Hornik J, Ofir C and Rachamim M (2017) Advertising Appeals, Moderators and Impact on Persuasion - A Quantitative Assessment Creates a Hierarchy of Appeals. Journal of Advertising Research, 57, (3), 305-318. Hill, D (2007) CMOs, Win Big by Letting Emotions Drive Advertising, advertising/120017/#emotions, erişim tarihi: 20. 10. 2018. Hirschman E C and Holbrook M B (1982) Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and Propositions, Journal of Marketing, 46, (3), 92–101. Keshari P and Jain S (2014) Consumer Response to Advertising Appeals: A Gender Based Study,Journal of Marketing & Communication, 9, (3), 37-43. Khan U and Dhar R (2010) Price-Framing Effects On The Purchase of Hedonic And Utilitarian Bundles, Journal of Marketing Research, 47, (6), 1090–1099. Kim J W, Magnusen M and Lee H (2017) Existence of Mixed Emotions During Consumption of a Sporting Event: A Real-Time Measure Approach, Journal of Sport Management, 31, 360-373. Kim H (2006) Using Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Motivations to Profile Inner City Consumers,Journal of Shopping Center Research, 13, (1), 57-79. Kivetz R and Simonson I (2002) Earning The Right To Indulge: Effort As A Determinant of Customer Preferences Toward Frequency Program Rewards. Journal of Marketing Research. 39, (2), 155-170. Kivetz R and Zheng Y (2016) The Effects of Promotions on Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Purchases,Journal of Consumer Psychology ,27, (1), 59-68. Krueger R A (1994) Focus Groups: A Practical Guide For Applied Research, London, SAGE. Lu J, Liu Z and Fang Z (2016) Hedonic Products For You, Utilitarian Products For Me, Judgment and Decision Making, 11, (4), 332–341. Odabası Y (2006) Tüketim Kültürü. Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Odabası Y (2013) Tüketim Kültürü, 4. Baskı, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Odabaşı Y ve Barış G (2007) Tüketici Davranışı. 7. Baskı, MediaCat Yayınları, İstanbul. Okada E M (2005) Justification Effects On Consumer Choice Of Hedonic And Utilitarian Goods,Journal of Marketing Research, 42, (1), 43–53. Özdemir Ş ve Yaman F (2007) Hedonik Alışverişin Cinsiyete Göre Farklılaşması Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 2, (2), 81-91. Öz M ve Mucuk S (2015) Tüketici Satın Alma Davranışı Kapsamında Hedonik (Hazcı) Tüketimin Plansız Alışveriş Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 1, (2), 37-60. Proksch M, Orth U R and Cornwell T B (2015) Competence Enhancement and Anticipated Emotion as Motivational Drivers of Brand Attachment,Psychology & Marketing, 32, (9), 934–949. Resnik A and Stern B (1977) An Analysis of Information Content in Television Advertising, Journal of Marketing, 41, (1), 50-53. Stock R M, Oliveira P and Hippel E (2015) Impacts of Hedonic and Utilitarian User Motives on the Innovativeness of User-Developed Solutions, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32, (3), 389-403. Thomson M , MacInnis D J and Park C W (2005) The Ties That Bind: Measuring the Strength of Consumers’ Emotional Attachments to Brands, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15, (1), 77-91. Tosun N (2017). Marka Yönetimi, 3. Baskı, Beta Basım, İstanbul. Uztuğ F (2008) Markan Kadar Konuş, 4. Baskı, Mediacat Yayınları, İstanbul. Vilnai-Yavetz I and Gilboa S (2016) Relating Hedonism and Business Context to Customer Appearance,Services Marketing Quarterly, 37, (3), 141-155. Voss K E, Spangenberg E R and Grohmann B (2003) Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude, Journal of Marketing Research, 40, (3), 310-320. Yang D, Jin L and Sheng S (2017) The Effect of Knowledge Breadth and Depth On New Product Performance, International Journal of Market Research, 59, (4), 517-536. Yıldırım A ve Şimşek H (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 5. Baskı, Seçkin Yayın Evi, Ankara. Zheng Y and Kivetz R (2009) The Differential Promotion Effectiveness On Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Products, Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 565-565.


Year 2019, , 914 - 939, 27.07.2019


Günümüzde tüketicilerin ekonomik oluşa,
çeşitliliğe, işlevsel özelliklere göre yaptıkları alışverişten, başarı,
eğlence, keyif alma gibi birtakım duygusal faydalar da elde ettikleri düşünülmektedir.
Bu doğrultuda gerçekleştirilen araştırma kapsamında rasyonel faydaya yönelik
ürünün kolay, hızlı erişebiliyor olması, fiyatının uygunluğu, son trendi
yakalamış olması, garanti kapsamının tatmin edici olması, ürün çeşitliliğinin
yeterliliği, ödeme kolaylığı ve müşteri hizmetlerinin kalitesi gibi unsurların
bireylerin tüketim süreçlerinde meydana getirdiği hedonik sonuçlar
irdelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda Isparta ilinde 306 kadın ve erkek tüketiciyle yüz
yüze anket uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda bireylerin
tüketim oranları özelinde değerlendirme kriterleri ve demografik değişkenler
arasında farklılıklar meydana gelmiş olsa da genel anlamda rasyonel tüketim
süreçleri sonucunda hedonik bir tatmin elde edebileceği tahmin edilmektedir.


  • Addis M and Holbrook M B (2001) On The Conceptual Link Between Mass Customisation and Experiential Consumption: An Explosion of Subjectivity. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1, (1), 50–66. Ahmed K A (2015) Utilitarian And Hedonic Motives of University Students In Their Online Shopping- A Gender Based Examination. Sona Global Management Review, 9, (4), 75-91. Alba J W and Williams E F (2013) Pleasure Principles: A Review of Research On Hedonic Consumption,Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23, (1), 2–18. Alex N J and Joseph A (2012) Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Values: The Relative Importance of Real and Ideal Self to Brand Personality and Its Influence on Emotional Brand Attachment. Vilakshan: The XIMB, Journal of Management, 9, (2), 77-90. Arnold M J and Reynolds K E (2003) Hedonic Shopping Motivations. Journal of Retailing, 79, (2), 77–95. Babacan M (2001) Hedonik Tüketim ve Özel Günler Alısverislerine Yansıması. 6. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildirler Kitabı, Erzurum: 97–106. Babin B J, Darden W and Griffin R M (1994) Work and/or Fun: Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Value,Journal of Consumer Research, 30, 644-656. Baek E and Choo H J (2015) Effects of Peer Consumption on Hedonic Purchase Decisions, Social Behavior and Personality, 43(7), 1085–1100. Batı U (2013) Markethink ya da Farkethink, Deneyimsel Pazarlama ve Duygusal Markalama 2. Baskı, İyi Yayınlar, İstanbul. Batra R and Ahtola O (1991) Measuring The Hedonic and Utilitarian Sources of Consumer Attitudes. Marketing Letters, 2, (2), 159-170. Bei L and Chen M (2015) The Effects of Hedonic and Utilitarian Bidding Values On E-Auction Behavior. Electronic Commerce Research, 15, (4), 483 – 507. Ben-Ur J,Mai,E and Yang J (2015) Hedonic Consumption in Virtual Reality. Journal of Internet Commerce, 14, 406–423. Beycioğlu K ve Arslan B (2012). Öğretmen ve Yöneticilerin Öğretmen Liderliğine İlişkin Görüşleri: Bir Karma Yöntem Çalışması. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 18, (2), 191-223. Botti S and Mcgill A L (2011) The Locus of Choice: Personal Causality and Satisfaction With Hedonic and Utilitarian Decisions. Journal of Consumer Research. 37, 1065-1078. Can P ve Çetin İ (2016) Sosyal Medya Pazarlamasından Elde Edilen Faydaların Tüketici Marka Bağlılığına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 30, (4), 885-906. Cardoso P R and Pinto S C (2010) Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Motivations Among Portuguese Young Adult Consumers,International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 38, (7), 538-558. Chaudhuri A and Holbrook M B (2001) The Chain of Effects From Brand Trust and Brand Affect to Brand Performance: The Role of Brand Loyalty,Journal of Marketing, 65, 81–93. Chen C Y, Lee L and Yap A J (2017) Control Deprivation Motivates Acquisition of Utilitarian Products, Journal of Consumer Research, 43, 1031-1046. Chen C and Ann B (2016) Efficiencies vs. Importance-performance Analysis For The Leading Smartphone Brands of Apple, Samsung and HTC, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27, (3), 227-249. Çakmak A Ç ve Çakır M (2012) 12-18 Yaş Arası Gençlerin Hedonik Tüketim Davranışlarının İncelenmesi: Kocaeli Şehir Merkezinde Bir Araştırma. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 1, (4), 171-189. Çokluk Ö, Yılmaz K ve Oğuz E (2011) Nitel Bir Görüşme Yöntemi: Odak Grup Görüşmesi, Kurumsal Eğitimbilim, 4, (1), 95-107. Dhar R and Wertenbroch K (2000) Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian Goods, Journal of Marketing Research, 37, (1), 60-71. Drolet A, Williams P and Lau-Gesk L (2007) Age-related Differences in Responses to Affective vs. Rational Ads for Hedonic vs. Utilitarian Products. Marketing Letters, 18, (4), 211–221. Elden M ve Bakır U (2010) Reklam Çekicilikleri, Yayınları, İstanbul. Gregory-Smith D, Smith A and Winklhofer H (2013) Emotions and Dissonance in ‘Ethical’ Consumption Choices,Journal of Marketing Management, 29, (11/12), 1201–1223. Hae-Sook K (2005) The Types of Clothing Shopping Value and the Classification of Consumer Group by Shopping Values. Journal of Fashion Business, 9, (6), 126-140. Hahn L, Hoelzl E and Pollai M (2013) The Effect of Payment Type on Product-related Emotions: Evidence From an Experimental Study, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37, (1), 21–28. Hornik J, Ofir C and Rachamim M (2017) Advertising Appeals, Moderators and Impact on Persuasion - A Quantitative Assessment Creates a Hierarchy of Appeals. Journal of Advertising Research, 57, (3), 305-318. Hill, D (2007) CMOs, Win Big by Letting Emotions Drive Advertising, advertising/120017/#emotions, erişim tarihi: 20. 10. 2018. Hirschman E C and Holbrook M B (1982) Hedonic Consumption: Emerging Concepts, Methods and Propositions, Journal of Marketing, 46, (3), 92–101. Keshari P and Jain S (2014) Consumer Response to Advertising Appeals: A Gender Based Study,Journal of Marketing & Communication, 9, (3), 37-43. Khan U and Dhar R (2010) Price-Framing Effects On The Purchase of Hedonic And Utilitarian Bundles, Journal of Marketing Research, 47, (6), 1090–1099. Kim J W, Magnusen M and Lee H (2017) Existence of Mixed Emotions During Consumption of a Sporting Event: A Real-Time Measure Approach, Journal of Sport Management, 31, 360-373. Kim H (2006) Using Hedonic and Utilitarian Shopping Motivations to Profile Inner City Consumers,Journal of Shopping Center Research, 13, (1), 57-79. Kivetz R and Simonson I (2002) Earning The Right To Indulge: Effort As A Determinant of Customer Preferences Toward Frequency Program Rewards. Journal of Marketing Research. 39, (2), 155-170. Kivetz R and Zheng Y (2016) The Effects of Promotions on Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Purchases,Journal of Consumer Psychology ,27, (1), 59-68. Krueger R A (1994) Focus Groups: A Practical Guide For Applied Research, London, SAGE. Lu J, Liu Z and Fang Z (2016) Hedonic Products For You, Utilitarian Products For Me, Judgment and Decision Making, 11, (4), 332–341. Odabası Y (2006) Tüketim Kültürü. Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Odabası Y (2013) Tüketim Kültürü, 4. Baskı, Sistem Yayıncılık, İstanbul. Odabaşı Y ve Barış G (2007) Tüketici Davranışı. 7. Baskı, MediaCat Yayınları, İstanbul. Okada E M (2005) Justification Effects On Consumer Choice Of Hedonic And Utilitarian Goods,Journal of Marketing Research, 42, (1), 43–53. Özdemir Ş ve Yaman F (2007) Hedonik Alışverişin Cinsiyete Göre Farklılaşması Üzerine Bir Araştırma, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İİBF Dergisi, 2, (2), 81-91. Öz M ve Mucuk S (2015) Tüketici Satın Alma Davranışı Kapsamında Hedonik (Hazcı) Tüketimin Plansız Alışveriş Üzerine Etkilerinin İncelenmesi. Pazarlama Teorisi ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 1, (2), 37-60. Proksch M, Orth U R and Cornwell T B (2015) Competence Enhancement and Anticipated Emotion as Motivational Drivers of Brand Attachment,Psychology & Marketing, 32, (9), 934–949. Resnik A and Stern B (1977) An Analysis of Information Content in Television Advertising, Journal of Marketing, 41, (1), 50-53. Stock R M, Oliveira P and Hippel E (2015) Impacts of Hedonic and Utilitarian User Motives on the Innovativeness of User-Developed Solutions, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32, (3), 389-403. Thomson M , MacInnis D J and Park C W (2005) The Ties That Bind: Measuring the Strength of Consumers’ Emotional Attachments to Brands, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 15, (1), 77-91. Tosun N (2017). Marka Yönetimi, 3. Baskı, Beta Basım, İstanbul. Uztuğ F (2008) Markan Kadar Konuş, 4. Baskı, Mediacat Yayınları, İstanbul. Vilnai-Yavetz I and Gilboa S (2016) Relating Hedonism and Business Context to Customer Appearance,Services Marketing Quarterly, 37, (3), 141-155. Voss K E, Spangenberg E R and Grohmann B (2003) Measuring the Hedonic and Utilitarian Dimensions of Consumer Attitude, Journal of Marketing Research, 40, (3), 310-320. Yang D, Jin L and Sheng S (2017) The Effect of Knowledge Breadth and Depth On New Product Performance, International Journal of Market Research, 59, (4), 517-536. Yıldırım A ve Şimşek H (2006). Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, 5. Baskı, Seçkin Yayın Evi, Ankara. Zheng Y and Kivetz R (2009) The Differential Promotion Effectiveness On Hedonic Versus Utilitarian Products, Advances in Consumer Research, 36, 565-565.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Yelda Ülker 0000-0001-8105-2686

Mevlüt Sedat Dönmez This is me 0000-0002-8437-7416

Nurhan Tosun 0000-0003-0234-9647

Publication Date July 27, 2019
Submission Date March 19, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Ülker, Y., Dönmez, M. S., & Tosun, N. (2019). RASYONEL FAYDANIN SAĞLADIĞI DUYGUSAL TATMİN. Selçuk İletişim, 12(2), 914-939.