Aim & Scope

Our journal aims to present academic studies in scientific publication activities, especially in the field of smart systems and applications integrated with these systems. 

Some of the fields accepted to the journal, including but not limited to the following topics:

-Smart Environment

- Smart Education

- Smart Economy

- Smart Industry

- Smart Energy

- Smart House

- Smart Finance

- Smart Port

- Smart Logistics

- Smart Mobility

- Smart Accounting and Banking

- Smart Marketing

- Smart Health

- Smart Systems Security

- Smart Social Work

- Smart City

- Smart Tourism

- Smart Transportation

- Smart Citizen and Participation

- Smart Life

- Smart Management

-Augmented/Virtual Reality

-Brain-Machine Interface

-Big Data and Security
-Geographic Information Systems

-Natural Language Processing

-Emotion Analysis

- Barrier-Free Life and Digitalization

-Financial Systems and Security

-Image/Video Processing

-Human Computer Interaction

-Mobile and Web Forensics

-Internet of Things

-Pattern Recognition

-Infiltration Detection and Prevention Systems

-Cyber Security Economics and Law

- Cyber Warfare

- Cyber Crime and Sociology


-Signal Processing

-Medical Systems and Safety

-Expert Systems

-Data Mining

- Artificial Intelligence, Social Effects and Ethical Issues

Our journal accepts articles in Turkish and English.

Period Months
June December