Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 12/21/21

Year: 2021
Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği
Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği
Hemşirelik, Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği
Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği
Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği

To contribute to the field of Public Health Nursing literature and practice by publishing clinical and experimental studies, reviews, case reports or letters to the editor prepared in accordance with ethical rules.

Journal of Public Health Nursing is an open-access scientific journal that is published in line with the principles of double-blind review process. It is a publication of Public Health Nursing Association. The journal is published three times a year; in April, August and December. It is published in Turkish and English and it includes scientific research, reviews, case reports and letters to the editor that are related to the fields of Public Health Nursing. 

Articles should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE-Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals/ Updated in 2017- http://www.icmje.org/icmje-recommendations.pdf).
Ø Observational studies should comply with the guidelines of STROBE, (Access link: https://www.strobe-statement.org/index.php?id=strobe-home)
Ø Randomised controlled trials should comply with the guidelines of CONSORT, (Access link: http://www.consort-statement.org/)
Ø Systematic review and meta-analysis studies should comply with the guidelines of PRISMA, (Access link: http://prisma-statement.org/)
Ø Non-randomised controlled trials related to behaviour and public health should comply with the guidelines of TREND, (Access link: https://www.cdc.gov/trendstatement/index.html )

Articles should be uploaded to the system together with the Copyright Agreement Form.

Articles should be written in Word software with Times New Roman character, 12 font size and double line spacing.
Page margins should be 2.5 cm on each side.
Articles should be written in Turkish or in English.
Applications for article submitting should include the following:
1. Cover letter
2. Title Page: Title page should include name of the article, name and surname of the authors, their titles and the institutions they work with, name, surname and contact information of the responsible author, short title of the article, acknowledgment section and the authors’ contribution rates.

3. Abstract and Keywords: All articles other than the Letter to the Editor articles must have Turkish and English abstracts. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. Abstracts of the research articles should be organized under subheadings of "Aim", "Materials and Method", "Findings" and "Conclusion and suggestions". There should also be an English title in English abstracts of Turkish articles. A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 keywords must be selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database.
4. Main text
Research articles should be organized under the subheadings of "Introduction", "Material and Methods", "Results", "Discussion" and "Conclusion and Suggestions".
Tables should be presented one per page after the references in the main text file. Explanations of abbreviations used in the table should be stated at the bottom of the table. Location of the table should be specified in the text. Reference should be made to the tables in the text.
All abbreviations should be shown in parentheses where they are used for the first time.
References should be written in APA format. References should be current and relevant. Resources older than 10 years should not be used. Number of references should be 30 at most. It is recommended to use Mendeley program in source writing.
Following issues should be taken into consideration while writing the article. Key frame in article writing is given below. The international guides mentioned above should be taken into consideration according to the type of the research while writing the article report.
Title of the Article: The title should give an idea of the whole research. It shouldn't be too short or too long. It should not exceed 15 words. It should include the group and variables in which a study was conducted, and give an idea of the research type. The title is a label, not a sentence. For this reason, there should be no predicates (such as investigation, research, or evaluation) in the title. Abbreviation should not be used in the title.
Aim of the Research: The statement of aim of the research should be written to include intent of the researcher, place of the research, target group and variables of the research. The aim should be appropriate to the title and research problem.
Introduction: Information about the subject of the research should be given. Main concepts should be explained. It should be arranged to answer questions like: "What kind of research have been done about the subject so far?" and "What are the unknowns?". It should explain what the research problem/question is. The benefits of the research should be explained.

Material and Methods:
The type of Research; Type of the research should be clearly stated. Interventions in experimental designs should be explained in detail.
Research Questions/Hypotheses; Descriptive research should include research question/s, and experimental research should definitely include hypothesis/hypotheses.
Variables of Research; Dependent and independent variables of the research should be specified. How control variables (external variables) are brought under control should be explained.
Time and Location of Research; Where and at what time interval the research was conducted should be specified.
The Type of Population and Sample; Population of the research should be specified. If the sample is to be made, the method used in calculating the sample size and sample selection method/s should be specified in detail.
Data Collection and Tools; The method (Self-report, Observation, in-vivo and in-vitro measurement) by which the data will be collected should be explained in detail. The data collection tools to be used should be explained in detail.
If a questionnaire is used; if the research team prepared the questionnaire, it should be stated which literature it referred to while preparing. If a questionnaire prepared by another person has been used, who prepared this questionnaire should be explained and permission to use the questionnaire should be stated.
If a scale is used; Who and when did they develop the scale, who adapted it if it is a Turkish adapted scale, what does the scale measure, its rating, number of items, sub-factors, minimum and maximum scores, and internal consistency coefficient should be specified. Written consent that has been obtained from the person who developed/adapted the scale should be specified.
If any device/tool is used; Along with the brand and model, when and how its/their calibration was done should be explained.
In vitro measurements; On which devices the measurements are made and which kits are used should be explained.
Ethical Aspect of the Research/ Ethical Direction; Ethics committee approval, informed written consent from the participants, institutional consents and scale usage consents should be specified in this section.
Data Evaluation; Statistical methods to be used in the evaluation of the data and in which program the data will be evaluated should be specified.

Halk Sağlığı Hemşireliği Dergisinde makale gönderimi ve makale işlemleri ücretsiz olarak yürütülmektedir. Yazarlardan kesinlikle ücret talep edilmez.