e-ISSN: 2718-0999
Founded: 2020
Publisher: Abdulkadir KESKİN
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JOURNAL OF STATISTICS AND APPLIED SCIENCES (JSAS): The Journal of Statistics and Applied Sciences is to publish clear and accessible articles on methods developed for real-life problems and have a broad scientific impact. The journal publishes original research articles. In general, original research reports should present one or two difficulties in a field, including relevant data, offer a new method of solving the problems, and show that the proposed method answers questions previously not correctly or best answered with the appropriate existing methods. It is published in two issues, June and December. The author accepts that all publication/copyright rights of the articles accepted for publication belong to the journal. The language, ethical, legal, and scientific responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author. Articles cannot be used without reference. All Rights Reserved. No application or evaluation fee is charged for studies submitted to the Journal of Statistics and Applied Sciences. Only publications submitted through the DergiPark system are evaluated.

Crossref membership of the journal has been approved. The June number and subsequent numbers will be assigned a doi number. 22833

Note: The process of accepting publications for the June 2024 Journal of Statistics and Applied Sciences issue continues.

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2024 - Issue: 9






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