Aim & Scope

The aim of "Journal of Samsun Health Sciences"  is to share the results produced from health studies with researchers, experts, policy makers and other stakeholders and to contribute the production of scientific knowledge in local, national and international dimensions. Our international, peer-reviewed, scientific journal is indexed in Journal Factor and InfoBase Index, Index Copernicus. 

Our journal is a multidisciplinary refereed scientific publication. Our journal, which has been published since 2015, is a refereed journal and is published as three times a yearWhile our journal has been published in print with the issn number "2458-8857" since 2015, it has been published online only with the e-issn number "2791-9722" as of December 2021. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. No fee is requested from the authors during the publishing process. The articles to be submitted to the journal go through the referee evaluation process. After a rapid, qualified, double-blind review, the health sciences literature is introduced. Original articles, reviews and case reports submitted to our journal from medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery and all other health disciplines are accepted. Orginal articles with a high level of evidence have priority for publication in our journal. In our journal all articles are published as open access.

Period Months
April August December


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