Aim & Scope

The aim of the “Journal of Sports Sciences Research (JSSR)” is to publish original research articles and reviews that involve an integrative and comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in sports sciences (Sport Education, Sport Management Education etc...). The incessant change and the rapid pace of developments characterizing the contemporary age require that researchers adopt a more holistic and inclusionary perspective towards sports sciences as a discipline. This is all the more significant because a number of various academic disciplines and sectors contribute to the making of the sports industry and science. In this context, JSSR aims to provide a quality research outlet for scientific papers.

JSSR is an international biannual journal first published in 2016 (Three times a year after 1 January 2023). All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review process. JSSR publishes papers in Turkish and English languages. Original research and review articles as well as book reviews in the following areas are highly welcome: Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Sports Management, Recreation, Coaching-Movement and Training Sciences, Psycho-social Areas in Sports and Sports-Health Sciences among others (About Sport Education).

A part of TUBITAK’s DERGIPARK initiative, JSSR is indexed by the following databases: HW Wilson Education Index, EBSCO SPORTDiscuss Fulltext, TrDİZİN. JSSR is also indexed in Manisa Celal Bayar University Library Catalogue. 

Period Months
February June October
Last Update Time: 6/14/24, 4:00:41 PM

26355     18836     18837         8748

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