Writing Rules

1. Since our journal receives the articles from the "Dergipark Article Tracking System" and the "Blind Refereeing System" is applied, article authors will never write their identity information in the article. In the system, who the article belongs to and who sent the article can be seen by the editor.
In system entries and the provided sample template, article titles must be in title case, with only the initial letters capitalized.

Click for Sample Word Template. After editing your article according to this format, upload it to the system.

2. Turkish and English “Abstract” consisting of 150-300 words in each article; There should be 5 "Keywords" in Turkish and English. No footnotes should be used in the abstract and conclusion sections of the articles. Between the main title of the article and the abstract, even if it is related to the article, there should be no aphorisms etc. should not be written. Manuscripts should not exceed 12000 (twelve thousand) words, including the Abstract and Bibliography sections.

3. The page size for the articles prepared for publication in the journal should be A4 (21 cm x 29.7 cm) in Microsoft Office Word. Page margins; 4 cm from the top, 4 cm from the bottom, 3 cm from the left, 3 cm from the right. Pages should not be numbered. In addition, headers and footers should not be added to the article.

4. Manuscripts should be written in “Cambria” font, “11 pt”, and line spacing should be “Full: 16 pt”. Footnotes should be set in “Cambria” font, “9 points”, “Single” line spacing and hanging “0.50” cm. (After the footnotes are set as hanging 0.50 cm, the footnote texts should be aligned/hanging by using the “Tab” key after each footnote number). Abstract and Keywords in Turkish and English in the article should be “10 point” and “italic” in “Cambria” writing style. A 1.25 cm indent should be left at the beginning of the paragraph.

5. The main title of the article is “Cambria” in 12 pt and bold; other titles should be 11 points and bold. In the article, the main title in Turkish, the abstract, the English title and the abstract should be centered, and the other headings should be written in line with the paragraph, that is, with a 1.25 cm indent from the left. Automatic numbering should not be used in titles or within the article.

ISNAD CITATION SYSTEM has been started to be used in the Kafkas University Faculty of Divinity Review as of 15.08.2019. Articles to be sent as of this date must be arranged according to the Isnad Citation System.