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Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 14, 627 - 643, 07.07.2017


Bu çalışmanın
amacı, çalışanlar ile yöneticiler arasında bireysel olarak müzakere yolu ile
elde edilebilecek, karşılıklı fayda sağlamaya yönelik olan kişiye özgü
(idiosinkratik) anlaşmalar konusunu kuramsal açıdan incelemektir. Bu amaçla
öncelikle kişiye özgü (idiosinkratik) kavramı ele alınmış ve önemine
değinilmiş, sonrasında ise kişiye özgü anlaşmalar konusu ile ilgili ulusal ve
uluslararası literatürde yapılan çalışmalara yer verilmiştir. Son olarak da
sonuç ve öneriler ile çalışma sonlandırılmıştır.

incelendiğinde günümüzde henüz çalışmalarına çok rastlanmayan bu kavramın adından
ilerleyen dönemlerde örgütsel davranış ve ilgili alanlarda sıkça söz edilmesi


  • ANAND, S., P. VIDYARTHI, R.C. LIDEN ve D.M. ROUSSEAU (2010), Good Citizens In Poor-Quality Relationships: Idıosyncratic Deals As A Substitute For Relationship Quality, Academy of Management Journal, 53(5): 970–988.
  • BAL, P.M., S.B.D. JONG, P.G.W. JANSEN ve A.B. BAKKER, Motivating Employees to Work Beyond Retirement: A Multi-Level Study of the Role of I-Deals and Unit Climate, Journal of Management Studies, 49(2):306-331.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, E. (2013), Kişiye Has (İdiosinkratik) Anlaşmalar Ve İşe Tutkunluk Arasındaki İlişki, 1.Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Sakarya Üniversitesi :295-300.
  • GUERRERO, S., K. BENTEIN ve M.E. LAPALME (2014), Idiosyncratic Deals and High Performers’ Organizational Commitment, Journal of Business Psychology , 29:323–334.
  • HO, V.T. ve D.T KONG (2015) Exploring the Signaling Function of Idiosyncratic Deals and Their Interaction, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 131: 149–161
  • HORNUNG, S., D. M. ROUSSEAU ve J. GLASER (2008), Why Supervisors Make .Idiosyncratic Deals: Antecedents and Outcomes of I-deals from a Managerial Perspective, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(8): 738 – 764.
  • HORNUNG, S., D. M. ROUSSEAU ve J. GLASER (2008), Creating Flexible Work Arrangements Through Idiosyncratic Deals, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93( 3): 655–664.
  • HORNUNG, S., D.M. ROUSSEAU, J. GLASER, P. ANGERER ve M. WEIGL (2010) Beyond Top-Down And Bottom-Up Work Redesign: Customizing Job Content Through İdiosyncratic Deals, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31:187–215.
  • HORNUNG, S., D.M. ROUSSEAU, M. WEIGL, A. MULLER ve J. GLASER (2013), Redesigning Work Through İdiosyncratic Deals, Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(4): 608-626.
  • HORNUNG, S., J. GLASER ve D. M. ROUSSEAU (2009), Interdependence as an I(-)Deal: Enhancing Job Autonomy and Distributive Justice via Individual Negotiation, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 24(2): 108-129.
  • HOURNUNG, S., J.GLASER, D.M. ROUSSEAU, P. ANGERER ve M. WEIGL(2011), Employee-Orıented Leadershıp And Qualıty Of Workıng Lıfe: Medıatıng Roles Of Idıosyncratıc Deals, Psychological Reports, 108(1): 59-74.
  • MICHAELS, E., H. HANDFIELD JONES ve B. EXELROD (2001), The War for Talent, Harvard Business School Press, Boston. NG, T.W.H. ve D.C FELDMAN (2010), Idiosyncratic Deals and Organizational Commitment, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76: 419–427.
  • ROFCANIN, Y. ve M. AFACAN FINDIKLI (2014), Kişiye Özgü Anlaşmalar Ve Çalışan Çıktıları: Pozitif Duyguların Aracı Rolü, 2.Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Melikşah Üniversitesi : 35-38. ROSEN, C.C., D.J. SLATER, C-H. CHANG ve R.E. JOHNSON (2013), Let’s Make a Deal: Development and Validation of the Ex Post I-Deals Scale, Journal of Management, 39(3):709-742.
  • ROSEN, C.C., D.J. SLATER, T. KING ve A.KING (2008), Measuring Idiosyncratic Work Arrangements: Development and Validation of the Ex-Post I-deals Scale, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1-5.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M. (2001), The Idiosyncratic Deal: Flexibility versus Fairness?, Organizational Dynamics, 29(4): 260-273.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M., V.T. HO ve J. GREENBERG (2006) I-Deals: Idiosyncratic Terms in Employment Relationships, Academy of Management Review, 31(4): 977–994.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M. (2005), I-Deals: Idiosyncratic Deals Employees Bargain for Themselves, M.E. Sharpe, UK.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M., S. HORNUNG ve T.G. KIM (2009), Idiosyncratic Deals: Testing Propositions on Timing, Content, and the Employment Relationship, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74:338–348.
  • SIGHN, S. (2014), Idiosyncratic Deals to Employee Outcomes: Mediating Role of Social Exchange Relationships and Social Comparison and Moderating Role of Unit Climate, ETD Collection for University of Texas.
  • TDK, (2009), Veteriner Hekimliği Terimleri Sözlüğü, TDK Yayınları, Ankara. VIDYARTHI, P.R., A. Chaudhry, S. ANAND ve R.C. LIDEN (2014), Flexibility I-Deals: How Much Is Ideal?, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(3): 246 – 265.
Year 2016, Volume: 7 Issue: 14, 627 - 643, 07.07.2017



  • ANAND, S., P. VIDYARTHI, R.C. LIDEN ve D.M. ROUSSEAU (2010), Good Citizens In Poor-Quality Relationships: Idıosyncratic Deals As A Substitute For Relationship Quality, Academy of Management Journal, 53(5): 970–988.
  • BAL, P.M., S.B.D. JONG, P.G.W. JANSEN ve A.B. BAKKER, Motivating Employees to Work Beyond Retirement: A Multi-Level Study of the Role of I-Deals and Unit Climate, Journal of Management Studies, 49(2):306-331.
  • ÇALIŞKAN, E. (2013), Kişiye Has (İdiosinkratik) Anlaşmalar Ve İşe Tutkunluk Arasındaki İlişki, 1.Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Sakarya Üniversitesi :295-300.
  • GUERRERO, S., K. BENTEIN ve M.E. LAPALME (2014), Idiosyncratic Deals and High Performers’ Organizational Commitment, Journal of Business Psychology , 29:323–334.
  • HO, V.T. ve D.T KONG (2015) Exploring the Signaling Function of Idiosyncratic Deals and Their Interaction, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 131: 149–161
  • HORNUNG, S., D. M. ROUSSEAU ve J. GLASER (2008), Why Supervisors Make .Idiosyncratic Deals: Antecedents and Outcomes of I-deals from a Managerial Perspective, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(8): 738 – 764.
  • HORNUNG, S., D. M. ROUSSEAU ve J. GLASER (2008), Creating Flexible Work Arrangements Through Idiosyncratic Deals, Journal of Applied Psychology, 93( 3): 655–664.
  • HORNUNG, S., D.M. ROUSSEAU, J. GLASER, P. ANGERER ve M. WEIGL (2010) Beyond Top-Down And Bottom-Up Work Redesign: Customizing Job Content Through İdiosyncratic Deals, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31:187–215.
  • HORNUNG, S., D.M. ROUSSEAU, M. WEIGL, A. MULLER ve J. GLASER (2013), Redesigning Work Through İdiosyncratic Deals, Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 23(4): 608-626.
  • HORNUNG, S., J. GLASER ve D. M. ROUSSEAU (2009), Interdependence as an I(-)Deal: Enhancing Job Autonomy and Distributive Justice via Individual Negotiation, Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, 24(2): 108-129.
  • HOURNUNG, S., J.GLASER, D.M. ROUSSEAU, P. ANGERER ve M. WEIGL(2011), Employee-Orıented Leadershıp And Qualıty Of Workıng Lıfe: Medıatıng Roles Of Idıosyncratıc Deals, Psychological Reports, 108(1): 59-74.
  • MICHAELS, E., H. HANDFIELD JONES ve B. EXELROD (2001), The War for Talent, Harvard Business School Press, Boston. NG, T.W.H. ve D.C FELDMAN (2010), Idiosyncratic Deals and Organizational Commitment, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76: 419–427.
  • ROFCANIN, Y. ve M. AFACAN FINDIKLI (2014), Kişiye Özgü Anlaşmalar Ve Çalışan Çıktıları: Pozitif Duyguların Aracı Rolü, 2.Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Melikşah Üniversitesi : 35-38. ROSEN, C.C., D.J. SLATER, C-H. CHANG ve R.E. JOHNSON (2013), Let’s Make a Deal: Development and Validation of the Ex Post I-Deals Scale, Journal of Management, 39(3):709-742.
  • ROSEN, C.C., D.J. SLATER, T. KING ve A.KING (2008), Measuring Idiosyncratic Work Arrangements: Development and Validation of the Ex-Post I-deals Scale, Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 1-5.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M. (2001), The Idiosyncratic Deal: Flexibility versus Fairness?, Organizational Dynamics, 29(4): 260-273.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M., V.T. HO ve J. GREENBERG (2006) I-Deals: Idiosyncratic Terms in Employment Relationships, Academy of Management Review, 31(4): 977–994.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M. (2005), I-Deals: Idiosyncratic Deals Employees Bargain for Themselves, M.E. Sharpe, UK.
  • ROUSSEAU, D.M., S. HORNUNG ve T.G. KIM (2009), Idiosyncratic Deals: Testing Propositions on Timing, Content, and the Employment Relationship, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74:338–348.
  • SIGHN, S. (2014), Idiosyncratic Deals to Employee Outcomes: Mediating Role of Social Exchange Relationships and Social Comparison and Moderating Role of Unit Climate, ETD Collection for University of Texas.
  • TDK, (2009), Veteriner Hekimliği Terimleri Sözlüğü, TDK Yayınları, Ankara. VIDYARTHI, P.R., A. Chaudhry, S. ANAND ve R.C. LIDEN (2014), Flexibility I-Deals: How Much Is Ideal?, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(3): 246 – 265.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yaren Zengin This is me

Canan Çetin

Publication Date July 7, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 7 Issue: 14


APA Zengin, Y., & Çetin, C. (2017). KİŞİYE ÖZGÜ (İDİOSİNKRATİK) ANLAŞMALAR ÜZERİNE BİR LİTERATÜR İNCELEMESİ. Kafkas Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(14), 627-643.

KAUJEASF is the corporate journal of Kafkas University, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal Publishing.

2025 June issue article acceptance and evaluations are ongoing.