1. KAYTEK is a refereed journal published twice a year, June and December. Studies which will be published in the Journal of KAYTEK must be related to “Public Administration and Technology”.
2. Manuscripts should be written in Turkish or English. Studities submitted in English Language are subject to approval of Language Editor.
3. Copyrights of the articles appearing in the KAYTEK Journal belong to the Kamu Bilişimcileri Derneği.
4. Articles submitted should be original contributions and should not be published elsewhere or should not be under consideration for any publication at the same time.
5. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will first be viewed by the Editorial Board then forwarded to the referees. In line with the evaluation of the referees, Editorial Board will make the final decision, either in favor or against publication, or return the manuscript back to the author for any revision required by the referees. Author(s) will be informed of the publication decision.
6. Authors should include a separate title page with their name, institutional affiliation, full address and other detailed contact information. The title of the article alone should appear on the top of the first page of the manuscript.
7. Complete manuscripts should be submitted to the editor, as an MS Word or Open Office document, electronically via e-mail attachment to ………………………. e-mail address.
8. Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the journal style. The editors will not undertake retyping of manuscripts before publication.
9. After the manuscript title, a concise (150-250 words) abstract, including the aim and significance of the manuscript, the methodology followed, the main findings both in Turkish and English is required. Maximum of five keywords should be stated following the abstracts. Shortly, the manuscript should be submitted in the following order: manuscript title, abstract, keywords, body text, notes and references.
10. Manuscript should not exceed 8,000 words, typed on A4 page with 1.5-line spacing, leaving margins 3.5 cm at the left, 3 cm at the right, 4.5 cm at the top and 3 cm at the bottom of the page.
11. All material should be 12-point, Times New Roman type. Article title and principal subheads should be 14-point Times New Roman type, bold and set on a line separate from the text. Secondary subheads should be 12-point Times New Roman, bold and set on a line separate from the text. Sub-subheads 12-point Times New Roman type, bold and italic, run-in at the beginning of the paragraph, and followed by a period.
12. All diagrams, charts and graphs should be referred as figures and consecutively numbered. Tables should be kept to a minimum and contain only essential data. Each figure and table must be given an Arabic numeral, followed by a heading, and be referred to in the text.
13. To cite the works you used in developing your article, use the author-date system. For each work to which you refer, give the author’s last (family) name, date of publication of the work cited, a page number(s) if needed.
14. Every reference cited in the text should be in parentheses. Reference in parentheses should be at the following order: Surname(s) of author (s), publication year and page number(s). Examples are as follows: stated (Ergun, 2004). indicated (Leblebici, 2004: 210-215).
......Babaoğlu (2017a: 15-20) ileri sürmektedir.
.......(Yıldız vd., 2012: 126-153).
......(Babaoglu ve Demircioğlu, 2011: 399-432).
15. Please use footnotes to elaborate or comment on material in the text.
16. Authors who submit articles to our journal can use the similarity rate service provided by Dergipark free of charge.
17. List of references (the bibliography) that follows the endnotes should be given in alphabetical order. Only works actually cited in the text should be included in the references.
18. Only reference cited in the text should be included in the reference section. The references should be listed in an alphabetical order in a separate page. Page numbers of articles in periodicals or edited books should be indicated. The examples given below should be followed strictly:
Books: Mıhçıoğlu, C. (1988) Türkiye’de Çağdaş Kamu Yönetimi Öğretiminin Başlangıç Yılları, Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi SBF.
Periodicals: Yıldız, M.; Babaoğlu, C. & Şahin, B. (2016) “Kamu Politikasını Türk İdare Tarihi Üzerinden Çalışmak”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi IIBF Dergisi, 34(2), pp. 133-158.
Edited Books: Allison, G. (2006) “Emergence of Schools of Public Policy: Reflections by a Founding Dean”, in. The Oxford Handbook of Public Policy, (Ed.) Robert E. Goodin, Michael Moran, and Martin Rein, Oxford: OUP Oxford. pp. 58-79.
E-Sources: Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası (2014), Kredi Kartı İşlemlerinde Uygulanacak Azami Faiz Oranları,, Access Date: 13.08.2017.