Plagiarism Policy

The Journal of Clinical Psychology Research (JCPR) employs iThenticate - a plagiarism detection software - to identify instances of plagiarism in academic research. The software includes an extensive academic database that is specifically tailored for evaluating academic publications. Every document submitted to iThenticate undergoes comparison with a vast database, consisting of more than 90,000 newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and books, along with over 17 billion web pages and archives. In addition, the software controls databases containing more than 30 million contents from over 70,000 scientific journals, and over 86 million articles from more than 150 publishers. These publishers include major organizations such as CrossRef, Gale, Emerald, ABC-CLIO, SAGE Reference, Oxford University Press, IEEE, Elsevier, Nature Publishing, Ovid, Taylor & Francis, PubMed, Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Wiley, and EBSCOhost.

It is understood that authors who submit their work to the JCPR have not committed any ethical violations. If an author is found to have plagiarized content using the iThenticate software, their work will not be published in our journal. Additionally, a report will be sent to the author(s) and, if deemed necessary, the relevant institutions and organizations.

Last Update Time: 10/25/24, 4:37:17 AM