The title should be written in 14 pt. and the first letters of the words should be capitalized (words such as "and, with, etc." should be written in lowercase)
First Author1* , Second Author2 , Third Author3
1Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Letters, Kırklareli University, Kırklareli, Turkey
2Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kırklareli University, Kırklareli, Turkey
3Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey
Received: 00.00.0000, Accepted: 00.00.0000, Published: 00.00.0000
Ensure that the abstract is between 150 and 250 words. The abstract should not include undefined abbreviations. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman in 11-point font size. Single-line spacing should be used. The abstract should be written using the justified option and aligned between the spaces on the page edge. The abstract should be presented as a single paragraph without paragraph indentation. 3 to 5 keywords should be used. The first letters of keywords should be capitalized and semicolons should be used between keywords.
Keywords: Keyword 1; Keyword 2...
The title Should Be Centred and Written in 14 Font, The First Letters Should Be Capitalized (Do not Capitalize "of, not, a, the, and, or")
Özün 150 ile 250 kelime arasında olmasını sağlayınız. Öz tanımlanmamış kısaltmaları içermemelidir. Öz, Times New Roman karakteri ile 11 punto büyüklüğünde yazılmalıdır. Tek satır aralığı kullanılmalıdır. Öz iki yana yaslı seçeneği kullanılarak yazılmalı ve sayfa kenarındaki boşluklar arasına hizalanmalıdır. Özde paragraf girintisi kullanılmadan tek paragraf halinde sunulmalıdır. 3 ile 5 arasında anahtar kelime kullanılmalıdır. Anahtar kelimelerin ilk harfleri büyük yazılmalı ve anahtar kelimeler arasında noktalı virgül kullanılmalıdır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Anahtar kelime 1; Anahtar kelime 2…
The introduction presents the basis of the study, sets out the topic and purpose, and gives a general summary of the paper. In this section, you are advised to conduct a thorough literature search and information about this literature review and the topic of the study is provided.
Manuscripts can be submitted in English or Turkish. Section (first degree) headings should be written in Times New Roman-Bold font, 12-point size, with all letters capitalized. Each section should be numbered consecutively. Additional sections can be added when necessary. In addition, section headings can be renamed optionally. All section headings must be followed by at least two lines of text. Otherwise, the title and content should be moved to the next page.
Throughout the entire manuscript, the main text should be written in Times New Roman font, 11-point font size and 1.5 line spacing. The main text paragraph should be aligned on both sides of the page. The main text should not be indented. One line space should be left before each new section.
Additional sections may be added depending on the content of the text. In all subsection headings, only the first letter should be capitalized. There can be a maximum of third-order subsection headings and the decimal system should be used for numbering. One line space should be left before each new section.
2.1. Second order subsection heading
The title of the second-degree sub-section should be written in Times New Roman italic and bold in 12-point font size. In numbering the second-degree sub-section headings, a period should be placed between two numbers. Each second-degree sub-section heading should be numbered consecutively, e.g. 2.1., 2.2. etc.
2.1.1. Third-degree subsection heading
If necessary, a third-degree sub-section heading may be used. The third-degree sub-section heading should be written in Times New Roman italic font size 12. In the numbering of third-degree sub-section headings, a period should be placed between each number. Each third-degree sub-section heading should be numbered consecutively, e.g. 2.1.1, 2.1.2, etc.
In this section, findings and conclusions should be presented clearly and appropriately. Explanations should be clear. Also, the section title can be renamed if necessary.
3.1. Second order subsection heading
Equations should be written in Cambria Math font in 11-point size as follows:
Each parameter in the equations must be explained. Each equation should be numbered consecutively, e.g. (1), (2), (3), etc. Equations should be left-aligned and equation numbers should be right-aligned. Reference to any equation in the text should be "... Equation 1...".
Figures used in the text should be centered. Figures should be of an appropriate size and should not contain unnecessary spaces. Each figure should be titled and numbered. Each figure should be cited in the main text. Figure numbers should start from 1 and continue consecutively. Figure numbers should be written in Times New Roman-Bold in 10-point font size and a colon should be used after the figure numbers, for example, "Figure 1:". Figure captions should be typed in Times New Roman font, 10-point font size, centered and ended with a period, e.g. "Figure 1: EDX spectrum of an unknown sample." For multiple figures, each figure must be labelled (e.g. (a), (b), (c), etc.). Labels can be placed inside the figure or below the figure (see Figure 2). For multi-line figure captions, the caption must be justified and aligned on all lines (see Figure 2). In addition, figure captions with more than one line should be single-spaced and followed by a 6-point space.
Figure 1: EDX spectrum of an unknown sample.
Figure 2: For figure captions with more than one line, care should be taken to ensure that all lines of the caption are justified and aligned. For figure captions with more than one line, care should be taken to ensure that all lines of the caption are justified and aligned.
3.2. Second-degree subsection heading
There should be a short descriptive title for each chart. Table titles should be placed above the table and centered. Table numbers should start from 1 and continue consecutively. Table numbers should be written in Times New Roman-Bold in 10-point font size and a colon should be used after the table numbers, for example, "Table 1:". Table titles and contents should be typed in Times New Roman, 10-point font size, centered and ended with a period, e.g. "Table 1: Comparison of the results of this study with other reported methods for the reduction of 4-NP to 4-AP.". Where necessary, the font size of the chart content may be reduced to a maximum of 8 points in Times New Roman. For chart titles with more than one line, the title should be justified and aligned on all lines (see Table 2). In addition, the titles of tables with more than one line should be single-spaced and followed by a 6-point space. In the main text, each chart should be cited. Tables should be single-spaced. If necessary, the contents of a schedule can be aligned so that it is left-aligned (see Schedule 1) or centered (see Schedule 2). However, only one of the chart content alignment options should be used in the same chart.
Table 1: Comparison of the results obtained in the study with the literature.
Table 2: It should be emphasized that all lines of chart titles containing more than one line should be justified and aligned.
The conclusion should explain the purpose and importance of the article. In this section, the main conclusions of the paper are restated. Suggestions for future work can be given.
There is no conflict of interest between the authors.
In this section, supporting organizations and institutions, if any, can be indicated. If the project was funded by an institution or organization, the funders should be indicated with the fund or project number.
Note: Kırklareli University....... journal does not accept any responsibility for unspecified funding.
Authors' contributions (e.g. conceptualization, formal analysis, research, verification, manuscript - original draft, manuscript - revision and editing, etc.) should be clearly indicated. The following abbreviations should be used: F.A. - First Author, S.A. - Second Author, T.A. - Third Author, etc.
F.A.: Conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, research, sources, writing - original drafting.
S.A.: Method, software, validation, research, sources, writing - revising and editing.
T.A.: Software, validation, writing - original drafting.
APA 6th version rules should be used for citations in the article. Different reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, etc. may be preferred. In this case, select APA 6th edition as the style editor. For more information about APA 6th edition rules, please check
The references section should be in Times New Roman font, 10-point font size and single-spaced. The References section should be justified and aligned.
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