Writing Rules

Articles to be included in the Kocatepe Medical Journal must have the following rules;

1. Manuscripts submitted for publication to the journal should be based on a well-defined problematic and the titles should be compatible with this problematic. The resources used should be rich and sufficient to reflect the scope of the study.

2. The journal accepts Turkish and English articles.

3. Spelling and punctuation are based on the latest edition of the TDK Spelling Guide. Submitted manuscripts should be clear and understandable in terms of language and expression in accordance with scientific criteria.

4. If deemed necessary in terms of spelling rules, corrections can be made by the editorial board.

5. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles with the ethical rules. Similarity rate to other scientific publications should not exceed 25%. However, the editor reserves the right to request an ethics committee document from the authors when necessary.

6. No fee or compensation is paid for published articles.

7. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles with scientific rules. The following explanations should be taken into consideration in this regard:

a) All authors should have scientific contributions in the submitted articles.
b) Name determined as author; plan or do the study, write or revise the manuscript, and all authors must accept the final version of the article.

8. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the articles with the ethical rules. The following explanations should be taken into consideration in this regard:

a) The journal searches for compliance with the Helsinki Declaration principles (http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/ index.html) in all studies that include "Human" element. In such studies, authors should open a subtitle named "Ethics Committee Approval" in the "Materials and Methods" section of the manuscript, and write the institution, date and number from which the ethics committee approval was obtained. Authors must state that they have obtained "informed consent" from the volunteers who participated in the study.
b) If the "Animal" is used in the study, the authors should open a subtitle titled "Ethics Committee Approval" in the "Materials and Methods" section of the article, and submit to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (www.nap.edu/catalog/5140.html. ) and in line with their principles, they must declare that they protect animal rights in their work and write the institution, date and number from which the approval of the ethics committee was obtained.
c) In case reports, "informed consent" should be obtained from the volunteers and the identity of the volunteer should be kept anonymous. In the Materials and Methods section, it must be declared that "informed consent" has been obtained from the volunteer.
d) If there is an institution that provides financial support for the direct / direct commercial connection or study in the article, the authors must report this (if not) on the presentation page.

9. Compliance of the articles with the biostatistical rules is the responsibility of the authors. The "p" values should be given explicitly in the articles (such as p = 0.025; p = 0.524)

10. According to the 1976 Copyright Act, all publishing rights of the articles accepted for publication belong to the institution that publishes the journal. The opinions and suggestions in the articles are the responsibility of the authors.

11. Author Approval Form should be sent with the article. The "Author Approval Form" on the journal website must be submitted with the manuscript after it is filled and signed by all authors.

12. Guidelines Checklist must be filled and submitted with article to the system.

13. After the article is accepted, the Copyright Transfer Form should be sent. After the "Copyright Transfer Form" on the journal website is filled and signed by all authors, it should be sent with the accepted article or the corrected article in line with the suggestions of the reviewers.

14. Articles are accepted electronically to speed up the process. The articles should be prepared so that they can be seen in the word program.

15. Articles Submitted:

a) All manuscripts should be written in A4 size, and the margins of the page should be 2.5 cm from the top, bottom and sides. References should be listed according to the order of citation made within the article. In principle, our journal recommends referencing Turkish publications in the articles. The entire text, including references, tables and figure descriptions, should be typed with 1.5 line spacing, justified, without hyphenation and using 12 point font. Whenever possible, the "Cambria" typeface should be used for texts, symbols and other special characters. The formatting features of your word processing program must be used to show Bold, Italic, Greek Alphabet, Math, Subscript and Superscript characters. Explanations of the abbreviations should be given where they are first used, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. In order for the articles to be processed immediately, they must fully comply with the specified spelling rules. Editorial and Editorial Advisory Board have the right for articles that do not comply with the terms of publication to send back to its author for correction, to edit it formally or to reject.
b) Footnote explanations should be arranged in Cambria, 9 font size, with single line spacing. The names of the figures should be below the figure and the names of the tables above the table; If quoted, the source should be shown below the figure and table. Rows and column lines should not be used in tables.
c) Tables, figures and pictures should be submitted in separate files. Figures and pictures should be at least 300 dpi in JPEG format. Figures and pictures pasted into Word are not accepted.
d) All figures and tables in the text should be referred. Tables and Figures (Drawing and Photographs) should be indicated with a number (1, 2, 3) in parentheses at the end of the sentence. The legends of the figures and tables should be written on a separate page after the references at the end of the text.

e) Research articles and Short Communications should be prepared in the following order:
• Title page
• Turkish and English Abstract (Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion should be divided into parts.)
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Acknowledgements
• References

f) Research articles:
- Abstract should be 150-300 words.
- The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should not exceed 5000 words.
- In the Materials and Methods section, there should be a subtitle in the form of Ethics Committee Approval and the name, number and date of the board from which the approval was obtained should be specified.
- Acknowledgments, if any, to the organization or person who contributed to the research should be included in the discussion and resources.
- References should not exceed 50.

g) Short Communications:
- Abstract should be 100-250 words.
- The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should not exceed 2000 words.
- In the Materials and Methods section, there should be a subtitle as Ethics Committee Approval, and the name, number and date of the board from which the approval was obtained should be specified.
- Acknowledgments, if any, to the organization or person who contributed to the research should be included in the discussion and resources.
- References should be no more than 25.

h) Case reports should be prepared in the following order:
• Title page
• Turkish and English Abstract
• Introduction
• Case Report
• Discussion
• Acknowledgements
• References

- The maximum number of authors should be 5.
- Abstract and Abstract should be 100-250 words. The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should not exceed 2500 words.
- In case presentations, "Informed constent" should be obtained from the patients and the identity of the patient should be kept secret. In the Materials and Methods section, it must be declared that "informed consent" has been obtained from the volunteer.
- Acknowledgments, if any, to the organization or person who contributed to the research should be included in the discussion and resources.
- References should be a maximum of 15.

i) Review articles:
- Title page must be found.
- The maximum number of authors should be 4 people.
- Abstract should be 250-400 words.
- The entire text (including Turkish and English abstracts, excluding references) should not exceed 5000 words.
- References should be at most 80.

j) Letter to the editor:
- Title page must be found.
- The entire text (excluding references) should not exceed 750 words.
- References should be a maximum of 10.

k) Title page should contain the following content: (Title page should include Research articles, Short Communications, Case reports, Review articles and letter to the Editor.)
- Turkish title
- English title
- Author names (Corresponding author must be specified)
- Academic titles of the authors
- ORCID numbers of the authors
- Authors' institution addresses
- Authors' e-mail addresses
- Authors' phone numbers

l) Abstract
All manuscripts should include a Turkish and an English Abstract. Turkish and English abstracts should be 150-300 words for research articles, 100-250 words for short papers, 100-250 words for case reports, 250-400 words for review articles. There should be "Keywords" consisting of at least three to five words in Turkish and English just below the abstract. "Keywords" should be selected from Turkey Science Terms (http://www.bilimterimleri.com). Turkey Science Terms; It is a keyword index containing the Turkish equivalents of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms.

m) References:
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. The number of books, book chapters or web addressed references should not exceed five (all) in total. The references used should be indicated with numbers in parentheses at the end of the sentences. The "References Section" of the article should be at the end of the article and the references should be listed in order of transition in the article. References should include the surnames and initials of the authors, the title of the article, the name of the journal, the year of publication, start and end pages. For articles with more than six authors, after the first three authors, 'et al.' or 'et al.' statement should be used. Abbreviations must comply with Index Medicus.

The reference writing style for the articles published in the journal:

- Ertekin T, Ekinci N, Karaca O, Nisari M, Canoz O, Ulger H. Effect of angiostatin on 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced colon cancer in mice. Toxicol Ind Health. 2013; 29 (6): 490-7.
* Names of journals published in Turkey (except those indexed in PubMed) must be written in full.

The reference writing style for the book:
- Dieffenbach CW, Dveksler GS (Edited by). PCR Primer. 2nd Edition, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2003: 107-108.
- Dilek ON (Editör). Karaciğer. 1nci Baskı, Ankara: Uyum Ajans, 2003:689-719.

The reference writing style for the chapters in the books:
- Dieffenbach CW, Dveksler GS (Edited by). PCR Primer. In: Roux KH. Optimization and Troubleshooting in PCR. 2nd Edition, New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2003: 35-41.
- Dilek ON (Editör). Karaciğer. In: Gökçe Ö, Arıkan Y. Alveolar hidatik kist. 1nci Baskı, Ankara: Uyum Ajans, 2003:591-5.

The reference style for online writing:
Official websites of non-commercial national and international scientific boards and organizations can be cited as a reference by indicating the date of access.
- Kavuncu V, Evcik D. Physiotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/474880?src=search, Access date: 20.05.2004

Writing format in the references section of theses:
- Şahin DA. Effects of cyclosporine a and FK-506 on ischemia-reperfusion injury seen after hemorrhagic shock. Master thesis. Istanbul: Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, 1999.
- Arıkan Terzi ES. Investigation of the relationship of RORA, ROBO1, CFH and HTRA1 gene polymorphisms with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Doctoral Thesis. Afyonkarahisar: Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Medical Genetics, 2014.

16. Article Evaluation Stages are as follows:
- All manuscripts are evaluated by the editor, assistant editors and at least three consultants / reviewers.
- Before the articles are sent to the reviewers, their compliance with the journal writing rules is examined by the scientific secretariat.
- The reviewers are asked to declare within seven days whether they agree to evaluate the article.
- The reviewer must complete the evaluation within thirty days.
- The withdrawal request of the articles that are in the process of execution and decision stage without a reasonable reason is included in the scope of "rejection".

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