Aim & Scope

Mediterranean Journal of GWS - a periodical which includes interdisciplinary conceptual, empirical and methodological discussions - aims at developing dialogs among researchers from various disciplines and producing and popularizing current discussions in the field and making them accessible. 

Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies (KTC) is published biannually in May and November as a peer-reviewed international electronic journal. It welcomes empirical studies and compilations prepared from the perspective of women and gender among all disciplines relating to women and gender issues particularly sociology, psychology, anthropology, communications, history, economics, education, business administration, law, health sciences and political science.

Period Months
May November

Dergide yayımlanan tüm çalışmalar, kamu ve tüzel kişilerce, gerekli atıflar verilmek koşuluyla kullanıma açık olup dergide yayımlanmış çalışmaların tüm sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir.