Writing Rules

Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women's Studies is dedicated to publishing unique interdisciplinary studies designed with women, gender and feminist perspectives. The content of the journal is created as the publications that complete the editorial process are published in full-text on-line on the internet which is subject to the General Public License.

The work to be submitted to the Mediterranean journal of Gender and Women's Studies should not have been published in any other media/elsewhere. In order for the submitted full texts to be taken into the evaluation process, it is necessary to include titles, English / Turkish abstracts, and references. The full text of the works and texts should consist of a maximum of 10,000 words, including abstracts, tables / figures, references and text content. It would be appropriate for the work to be monitored in the following order:

Title, Author Information (Name, Surname, the Organization where s/he works for, Contact Information), Abstract, Key Words, English Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Main Text, Method, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Writer's Note.

Articles must be prepared in Microsoft Word format. It is necessary to leave margins of 3 cm from the left, 2.5 cm from the top, and 2 cm from the right and bottom of the page structure.

The top and bottom headings of the article should be formatted in 12 point Times New Roman in bold. The heading of the work should be at the beginning of the abstract in Turkish and English on the first page of the full text. Headlines can be at most 40 words long. Regardless of the language used, the abstract must consist of at least 150 and at most 250 words. A min. of 3 and a max. of 5 keywords that indicate the quality of the article should be specified in the abstract. 

In the articles that will apply to the GWS journal, there should be an extended summary of at least 500 words in English (Turkish for articles written in English) on the purpose, method, finding and result of the study. Care should be taken that the extended abstracts are not the same as the abstract in the second language of the article.

Except for the headings, the text content of the article should be in 12 point Times New Roman font. The text should be set to 1.5 cm line spacing and one space (2 cm) should be left between the paragraphs. The first lines of the paragraphs should be indented 1.27 cm from the left

Visual contents such as tables, figures, pictures and graphics should be included in the text.

The references page lists only the sources cited in the article. Every reference list entry should have at least one corresponding in-text citation in the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Further information on providing reference can be obtained from the APA Publication Manual.

Dergide yayımlanan tüm çalışmalar, kamu ve tüzel kişilerce, gerekli atıflar verilmek koşuluyla kullanıma açık olup dergide yayımlanmış çalışmaların tüm sorumluluğu yazarlarına aittir.