ISSN: 2587-2389
e-ISSN: 2587-2389
Founded: 2008
Publisher: Kafkas University
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Institute of Natural and Applied Science Journal   (INASJ)

INASJ is a peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. Our journal does not charge any fees. All articles are open access and downloadable in full text. Papers presented at Congresses and Symposiums on Science and Engineering at our university can be published as an additional issue in full article format.
Article Submission Preparation
1. The article should be prepared according to the spelling rules of our journal.
2. The similarity rate (iThenticate) should be prepared as PDF and should not exceed 20%.
3. The title of the article should be prepared in such a way that it does not contain formulas and symbols.
4. LaTeX typesetting program can be used in studies covering Mathematics and Physics.
5. The cover page should be downloaded from our Dergipark page and prepared as a Word file.
6. Copyright Transfer Agreement should be filled and scanned in PDF file format after signing.
7. The reviewer proposal form on our Dergipark page should be prepared.
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English Research Article Full Text-Template
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English Review Article Full Text-Template

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