
Dear Colleagues, Readers and Respectful Students,
Kurgu is an open access, national and international, peer-reviewed academic journal of communication sciences. The goal of the journal is to provide a platform through which scientific knowledge can spread in the field of social sciences. As such, we welcome both theoretical and applied work in communication sciences. Kurgu will publish in January and June biannually.


The Kurgu journal was initially published in 1979 as the Kurgu Eskişehir Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy Journal of Teaching and Training Through Television. During the first year of publication, the journal was published twice a year, in March and October. The 3rd and 4th issues were published in 1980 and 1981 respectively under the name Kurgu Eskişehir Economic and Commercial Sciences Academy Faculty of Communication Sciences Journal. During the first years of publication, translations of essential sources were prioritized in an attempt to contribute to Turkish literature, resulting in 63 of the 102 articles present in the first four issues being translated articles.

During these first three years of the journal, the Editorial Board of the journal along with the first Professors of the Faculty of Communication Sciences comprised of great names in the field such as Prof. Dr. Ünsal Oskay, and Prof. Dr. Korkmaz Alemdar. Ergun Tunçkan, who participated in the first years of the Editorial Board also provided the cover design for the journal.

Following an eight year hiatus after the fourth issue published in 1981, Kurgu published it’s 5th and 6th issues in January and June of 1989 under the name Kurgu Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Communication Sciences Journal while the Faculty of Communication Sciences was relocated within the Open Education Faculty. From this year onward, the journal placed emphasis on copyrighted articles rather than translated articles. While two issues were published in 1990, the 9th issue was published in 1991, and the 10th and 11th issues were published in Januray and December of 1992. The 12th issue was published in December, 1993. From the 10th issue onward, as the Faculty of Communication Sciences separated from the Open Education Faculty, the journal continued publication as the Kurgu Anadolu University Faculty of Communication Sciences Journal.

Kurgu was not published for two years after the 12th issue, and the 13th issue arrived in June 1995, and the 14th in April 1996. Yet another two year hiatus was followed by the 15th issue in July 1998, with the journal proceeding with annual publication until the year 2000. The 21st and final print issue of Kurgu was published in July 2005 and was followed by four years without publication. Kurgu resumed activities, publishing annually in 2009 and 2010 as the Kurgu Online International Journal of Communication Studies.

From the first published issue, the Editorial Board of Kurgu comprised of the founding dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Prof. Dr. İnal Cem Aşkun, along with Prof. Dr. Akar Öçal, Doç. Dr. Birol Tenekecioğlu ve Prof. Dr. Nuray Serter, Prof. Dr. Osman Zıllıoğlu, Prof. Dr. Dursun Gökdağ, Prof. D. Naci Güçhan, Prof. Dr. Haluk Gürgen, Prof. Yalçın Demir, Prof. Dr. A. Halûk YÜKSEL, Prof. Dr. Murat Barkan, Prof. Dr. Uğur Demiray, Prof. Dr. Gülseren Güçhan, Prof. Dr. Halil İbrahim Gürcan, Prof. Dr. Nuray Uzkesici, Doç. Dr. Murat Ataizi, Doç. Dr. Hakan Savaş, Prof. Dr. Ayhan Yılmaz, Doç. Dr. Aysun Yüksel, Prof. Dr. Ali Atıf Bir, Prof. Dr. Nadir Suğur, and Prof. Dr. Ali Şimşek. The Honorary Board of the journal comprised of Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Büyükerşen, Prof. Dr. Akar Öçal, Prof. Dr. İnal Cem Aşkun, Prof. Dr. Şan Öz-Alp, Prof. Dr. Semih Büker, Prof. Dr. Osman Zıllıoğlu, Prof. Dr. Dursun Gökdağ, Prof. Dr. Engin Ataç, Prof. Dr. Sezen Ünlü.

Kurgu has published a total of 523 articles since its first issue, 66 in translation and 26 in English. Kurgu is published twice a year in online/online format as a refereed journal that accepts academic and scientific articles written in Turkish and English in the field of communication sciences. It continues its publication life under the editorship of Prof. Dr. Bülend Aydın ERTEKİN, Dean of Anadolu University Faculty of Communication Sciences.

Last Update Time: 11/2/24, 3:17:27 PM