e-ISSN: 2718-0832
Founded: 2020
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Library, Archive and Museum Research Journal (LAMRe) is a prestigious professional journal that has been scanned in international indexes publishing since 2020. LAMRe Journal is the publication organ of Istanbul Medeniyet University Information and Document Management Department.

Library, Archive and Museum Research Journal (LAMRe), Turkish and English language articles are accepted online and is an international peer-reviewed journal.

Library, Archive and Museum Research Journal (LAMRe) is published electronically (January, July) as a second (2) issue per year. In addition, it can also be published as an additional/special issue, specific to the subject.

Library, Archive and Museum Research Journal (LAMRe);

* Library and Library Management,
* Archives,
* Museums,
* Information Management,
* Records Management,
* Protection of Cultural and Scientific Heritage,
* Protection of Documentary Heritage.
* Management Information Systems
* Medical Documentation and Secretary
* Communication, Business, Management - Organization etc. academic research, compilation and field/application articles in their fields are included.