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Beş Yaş Çocuklarının Akran Şiddetine Maruz Kalma ve Akran Şiddetini Uygulama Düzeylerinin İzlenmesi

Year 2016, Issue: 37, 187 - 203, 01.04.2016


Bu araştırma, beş yaş çocuklarının akran şiddetine maruz kalma ve akran şiddeti uygulama düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi izlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada boylamsal tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubunu, 2013-2014 eğitim-öğretim yılında Denizli ilinin Tavas ilçesinden iki bağımsız anaokulundan, 5 yaş grubu 52 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Çocuklardan 19’u (% 36.5) kız, 33’ü (% 63.5) erkektir. Çocukların yaş ortalaması, 5 yıl iki aydır. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Akran Şiddetine Maruz Kalma Ölçeği ve Akran Şiddetini Uygulama Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda çocukların akran şiddetine maruz kalma düzeyleri ile ilgili dört ölçüm arasında olumlu yönde anlamlı düzeyde ilişki bulunmaktadır. Kızlar ve erkekler arasında akran şiddetine maruz kalma düzeyi, dört ölçümde de anlamlı farklılık göstermemektedir (p>.001). Akranlara şiddet uygulamada ise eğitim-öğretim yılının başında cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı farklılık görülmezken, diğer üç ölçümde erkeklerin akran şiddeti uygulama puanları, kız çocuklarına göre istatistiksel açıdan daha yüksek düzeyde bulunmuştur (p<.001).


  • Archer, J., & Coyne, S. M. (2005). An integrated review of indirect, relational and social aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9 (3), 212-230.
  • Baumeister, A. L., Storch, E. A., & Gefken, G. R. (2008). Peer victimization in children with learning disabilities. Child Adolescent Social Work Journal, 25, 11-23.
  • Bradley, K. D. (2001). Group entry strategies as socially excluded children as a function of sex, ethnicity, and sociometric status. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The University of Texas, USA.
  • Brown, W. H., Odom, S. L., & Conray, M. A. (2001). An intervention hierarchy for promoting young children’s peer interactions in natural environments. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21 (3), 162- 175.
  • Crick, N. R., Ostrov, J. M., Burr, J. E., Cullerton-Sen, C., Jansen-Yeh, E., & Ralston, P. (2006). A longitudinal study of relational and physical aggression in preschool. Applied Developmental Psycholog, 27, 254-268.
  • Crothers, L. M., & Levinson, E. M. (2004). Assessment of bullying: A review of methods and instruments. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 496-503.
  • Cullerton-Sen, C., & Crick, N. R. (2005). Understanding the effects of physical and relational victimization: The utility of multiple perspectives in predicting social-emotional adjustment. School Psychology Review, 34 (2), 147-160.
  • Davidson, L. M., & Demaray, M. K. (2007). Social support as a moderator between victimization and internalizing-externalizing distress from bullying. School Psychology Review, 36 (3), 383-405.
  • Erten, H. (2012). Okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 5-6 yaş çocuklarının sosyal beceri, akran ilişkileri ve okula uyum düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkilerin izlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Estell, D. V., Farmer, T. W., & Cairns, B. D. (2007). Bullies and victims in Rural African American youth: Behavioral characteristics and social network placement. Aggressive Behavior, 33, 145-159.
  • Farmer, T. W. 2000. Misconceptions of peer rejection and problem behavior. Remedial and Special Education, 21 (4), 194-208.
  • Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S. A., Guthrie, I. R., & Martin, C. L. (1997). Roles of temperamental arousal and gender-segregated play in young children’s social adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 33 (4), 693-702.
  • Farmer, T. W. (2000). Misconceptions of peer rejection and problem behavior. Remedial and Special Education, 21 (4), 194-208.
  • Gillies-Rezo, S., & Bosacki, S. (2003). Invisible bruises: Kindergartens’ perceptions of bullying. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 8 (2), 163-177.
  • Green, V. A., Cillesen, A., H., N., Rechis, R., Patterson, M. M., & Hughes, J. M. (2008). Social problem solving and strategy use in young children. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 169 (1), 92-112
  • Gülay, H. (2008). 5-6 yaş çocuklarına yönelik akran ilişkileri ölçeklerinin geçerlik güvenirlik çalışmaları ve akran ilişkilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Gülay, H. (2010). Okul öncesi dönemde akran ilişkileri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Gülay, H. (2011). The peer relations of 5-6 year old children in relation to age and gender, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 43, 107-124.
  • Gülay, H. ve Erten, H. (2011). Okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının akran kabullerinin okula uyum değişkenleri üzerindeki yordayıcı etkisi. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1), 81-92.
  • Gülay-Ogelman, H. ve Erten, H. (2013). 5-6 yaş çocuklarının akran ilişkileri ve sosyal konumlarının okula uyum düzeyleri üzerindeki yordayıcı etkisi (boylamsal çalışma). Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 153-163.
  • Gülay-Ogelman, H. ve Erten-Sarıkaya, H. (2013). Okul öncesi eğitimi almış çocukların akran ilişkileri değişkenlerinin 5 ve 6 yaşta incelenmesi: iki yıllık boylamsal çalışma. Turkish Studies, 8 (8), 1858-1871.
  • Gülay-Ogelman, H. ve Erten-Sarıkaya, H. (2014). 5-6 yaş çocukların sosyal beceri, akran ilişkileri ve okula uyum düzeyleri ile kardeş değişkeni arasındaki ilişkiler. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 41, 1-27.
  • Hawker, D. S. J., & Boulton, M. J. (2000). Twenty years’ research on peer victimization and psychosocial maladjustment: A meta-analytic review of cross- sectional studies. Journal Child Psychology Psychiatry, 41 (4), 441-455.
  • Hodges, E. V. E., & Perry D. G. (1999). Personal and interpersonal ancedents and consequences of victimization by peers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76 (4), 677-685.
  • Kochenderfer, B., & Ladd, G. W. (1996). Peer victimization: Cause or consequence of school maladjustment?, Child Development, 67, 1305-1317.
  • Kochenderfer, B. J., & Ladd, G. W. (1997). Victimized children’s responses to peers’ aggression: Behaviors associated with reduced versus continued victimization. Development and Psychology, 9, 59-73.
  • Kochenderfer-Ladd, B., & Wardrop, S. L. (2001). Chronicity and instability of children’s peer victimization experiences as predictors of loneliness and social satisfaction trajectories. Child Development, 72 (1), 134-151.
  • Ladd, G. W., & Kochenderfer- Ladd, B. (2002). Identifying victims of peer aggression from early to middle childhood: Analysis of cross-prevalence of victimization and characteristics of identified victims. Psychological Assessment, 14, 74-96.
  • Kochenderfer-Ladd, B. (2004). Peer victimization: The role of emotions in adaptive and maladaptive coping. Social Development, 13 (3), 329-349.
  • Ladd, G. W., Kochenderfer, B. J., & Coleman, C. C. (1997). Classroom peer acceptance, friendship, and victimization: Distinct relational systems that contribute uniquely to children’s school adjustment ?. Child Development, 68 (6), 1181-1197.
  • Leff, S. S. (2007). Bullying and peer victimization at school: Considerations and future directions. School Psychology Review, 36 (3), 406-412.
  • Ly Valles, N., & Knutson, J. F. (2008). Contingent responses of mothers and peers to indirect and direct aggression in preschool and school-aged children. Aggressive Behavior, 34, 497-510.
  • Maccoby, E. (1998). The two sexes: Growing up apart, coming together. CA: Stanford.
  • Monks, C. P., Smith, P. K., & Swettenham, J. (2005). Psychological correlates of peer victimization in preschool: Social cognitive skills, executive function and attachment profiles. Aggressive Behavior, 31, 571- 588.
  • Olweus, D. (2003). A profile of bullying. Educational Leadership, 12-17.
  • Ostrov, J. M., & Keating, C. F. (2004). Gender differences in preschool aggression during free play and structured interactions. Social Development, 13, 255−277.
  • Ostrov, J. M., Woods, K. E., Jansen, E. A., Casas, J. F., & Crick, N. R. (2004). An observational study of delivered and received aggression, gender, and social–psychological adjustment in preschool: “This white crayon doesn't work”. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 355−371.
  • Pekel, N. (2004). Akran zorbalığı grupları arasında sosyometrik statü, yalnızlık ve akademik başarı durumlarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Perry, D. G., Willard, J. C. & Perry, L. C. (1990). Peer’s perceptions of the consequences that victimized children provide aggressors, Child Development, 61, 1310- 1325.
  • Rodkin, P. C., & Hodges, E. V. E. (2003). Bullies and victims in the peer ecology: Four questions for psychologists ans school professionals. School Psychology Review, 32 (3), 384-400.
  • Smith, P. K., Cowie, H., & Blades, M. (2005). Understanding Children’s Development. USA: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Solberg, M. E., Olweus, D., & Endressen, I. M. (2007). Bullies and victims at school: Are they the same pupils?. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 441-464.
  • Vermande, M. M., Van den Oord, E. J. C. G., Goudena, P. P., & Rispens, J. (2000). Structional characteristics of aggressor-victim relationships in Dutch school classs of 4 to 5 year olds. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 11-31.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. London: Harward University Press.
Year 2016, Issue: 37, 187 - 203, 01.04.2016



  • Archer, J., & Coyne, S. M. (2005). An integrated review of indirect, relational and social aggression. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 9 (3), 212-230.
  • Baumeister, A. L., Storch, E. A., & Gefken, G. R. (2008). Peer victimization in children with learning disabilities. Child Adolescent Social Work Journal, 25, 11-23.
  • Bradley, K. D. (2001). Group entry strategies as socially excluded children as a function of sex, ethnicity, and sociometric status. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. The University of Texas, USA.
  • Brown, W. H., Odom, S. L., & Conray, M. A. (2001). An intervention hierarchy for promoting young children’s peer interactions in natural environments. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 21 (3), 162- 175.
  • Crick, N. R., Ostrov, J. M., Burr, J. E., Cullerton-Sen, C., Jansen-Yeh, E., & Ralston, P. (2006). A longitudinal study of relational and physical aggression in preschool. Applied Developmental Psycholog, 27, 254-268.
  • Crothers, L. M., & Levinson, E. M. (2004). Assessment of bullying: A review of methods and instruments. Journal of Counseling and Development, 82, 496-503.
  • Cullerton-Sen, C., & Crick, N. R. (2005). Understanding the effects of physical and relational victimization: The utility of multiple perspectives in predicting social-emotional adjustment. School Psychology Review, 34 (2), 147-160.
  • Davidson, L. M., & Demaray, M. K. (2007). Social support as a moderator between victimization and internalizing-externalizing distress from bullying. School Psychology Review, 36 (3), 383-405.
  • Erten, H. (2012). Okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 5-6 yaş çocuklarının sosyal beceri, akran ilişkileri ve okula uyum düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkilerin izlenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Denizli.
  • Estell, D. V., Farmer, T. W., & Cairns, B. D. (2007). Bullies and victims in Rural African American youth: Behavioral characteristics and social network placement. Aggressive Behavior, 33, 145-159.
  • Farmer, T. W. 2000. Misconceptions of peer rejection and problem behavior. Remedial and Special Education, 21 (4), 194-208.
  • Fabes, R. A., Shepard, S. A., Guthrie, I. R., & Martin, C. L. (1997). Roles of temperamental arousal and gender-segregated play in young children’s social adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 33 (4), 693-702.
  • Farmer, T. W. (2000). Misconceptions of peer rejection and problem behavior. Remedial and Special Education, 21 (4), 194-208.
  • Gillies-Rezo, S., & Bosacki, S. (2003). Invisible bruises: Kindergartens’ perceptions of bullying. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 8 (2), 163-177.
  • Green, V. A., Cillesen, A., H., N., Rechis, R., Patterson, M. M., & Hughes, J. M. (2008). Social problem solving and strategy use in young children. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 169 (1), 92-112
  • Gülay, H. (2008). 5-6 yaş çocuklarına yönelik akran ilişkileri ölçeklerinin geçerlik güvenirlik çalışmaları ve akran ilişkilerinin çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Marmara Üniversitesi, İstanbul.
  • Gülay, H. (2010). Okul öncesi dönemde akran ilişkileri. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Gülay, H. (2011). The peer relations of 5-6 year old children in relation to age and gender, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 43, 107-124.
  • Gülay, H. ve Erten, H. (2011). Okul öncesi dönem çocuklarının akran kabullerinin okula uyum değişkenleri üzerindeki yordayıcı etkisi. E-International Journal of Educational Research, 2 (1), 81-92.
  • Gülay-Ogelman, H. ve Erten, H. (2013). 5-6 yaş çocuklarının akran ilişkileri ve sosyal konumlarının okula uyum düzeyleri üzerindeki yordayıcı etkisi (boylamsal çalışma). Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 153-163.
  • Gülay-Ogelman, H. ve Erten-Sarıkaya, H. (2013). Okul öncesi eğitimi almış çocukların akran ilişkileri değişkenlerinin 5 ve 6 yaşta incelenmesi: iki yıllık boylamsal çalışma. Turkish Studies, 8 (8), 1858-1871.
  • Gülay-Ogelman, H. ve Erten-Sarıkaya, H. (2014). 5-6 yaş çocukların sosyal beceri, akran ilişkileri ve okula uyum düzeyleri ile kardeş değişkeni arasındaki ilişkiler. Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 41, 1-27.
  • Hawker, D. S. J., & Boulton, M. J. (2000). Twenty years’ research on peer victimization and psychosocial maladjustment: A meta-analytic review of cross- sectional studies. Journal Child Psychology Psychiatry, 41 (4), 441-455.
  • Hodges, E. V. E., & Perry D. G. (1999). Personal and interpersonal ancedents and consequences of victimization by peers. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76 (4), 677-685.
  • Kochenderfer, B., & Ladd, G. W. (1996). Peer victimization: Cause or consequence of school maladjustment?, Child Development, 67, 1305-1317.
  • Kochenderfer, B. J., & Ladd, G. W. (1997). Victimized children’s responses to peers’ aggression: Behaviors associated with reduced versus continued victimization. Development and Psychology, 9, 59-73.
  • Kochenderfer-Ladd, B., & Wardrop, S. L. (2001). Chronicity and instability of children’s peer victimization experiences as predictors of loneliness and social satisfaction trajectories. Child Development, 72 (1), 134-151.
  • Ladd, G. W., & Kochenderfer- Ladd, B. (2002). Identifying victims of peer aggression from early to middle childhood: Analysis of cross-prevalence of victimization and characteristics of identified victims. Psychological Assessment, 14, 74-96.
  • Kochenderfer-Ladd, B. (2004). Peer victimization: The role of emotions in adaptive and maladaptive coping. Social Development, 13 (3), 329-349.
  • Ladd, G. W., Kochenderfer, B. J., & Coleman, C. C. (1997). Classroom peer acceptance, friendship, and victimization: Distinct relational systems that contribute uniquely to children’s school adjustment ?. Child Development, 68 (6), 1181-1197.
  • Leff, S. S. (2007). Bullying and peer victimization at school: Considerations and future directions. School Psychology Review, 36 (3), 406-412.
  • Ly Valles, N., & Knutson, J. F. (2008). Contingent responses of mothers and peers to indirect and direct aggression in preschool and school-aged children. Aggressive Behavior, 34, 497-510.
  • Maccoby, E. (1998). The two sexes: Growing up apart, coming together. CA: Stanford.
  • Monks, C. P., Smith, P. K., & Swettenham, J. (2005). Psychological correlates of peer victimization in preschool: Social cognitive skills, executive function and attachment profiles. Aggressive Behavior, 31, 571- 588.
  • Olweus, D. (2003). A profile of bullying. Educational Leadership, 12-17.
  • Ostrov, J. M., & Keating, C. F. (2004). Gender differences in preschool aggression during free play and structured interactions. Social Development, 13, 255−277.
  • Ostrov, J. M., Woods, K. E., Jansen, E. A., Casas, J. F., & Crick, N. R. (2004). An observational study of delivered and received aggression, gender, and social–psychological adjustment in preschool: “This white crayon doesn't work”. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 355−371.
  • Pekel, N. (2004). Akran zorbalığı grupları arasında sosyometrik statü, yalnızlık ve akademik başarı durumlarının incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Perry, D. G., Willard, J. C. & Perry, L. C. (1990). Peer’s perceptions of the consequences that victimized children provide aggressors, Child Development, 61, 1310- 1325.
  • Rodkin, P. C., & Hodges, E. V. E. (2003). Bullies and victims in the peer ecology: Four questions for psychologists ans school professionals. School Psychology Review, 32 (3), 384-400.
  • Smith, P. K., Cowie, H., & Blades, M. (2005). Understanding Children’s Development. USA: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Solberg, M. E., Olweus, D., & Endressen, I. M. (2007). Bullies and victims at school: Are they the same pupils?. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 77, 441-464.
  • Vermande, M. M., Van den Oord, E. J. C. G., Goudena, P. P., & Rispens, J. (2000). Structional characteristics of aggressor-victim relationships in Dutch school classs of 4 to 5 year olds. Aggressive Behavior, 26, 11-31.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society. London: Harward University Press.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Hülya Gülay Ogelman

Hatice Erten Sarıkaya This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2016
Submission Date April 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Issue: 37


APA Gülay Ogelman, H., & Erten Sarıkaya, H. (2016). Beş Yaş Çocuklarının Akran Şiddetine Maruz Kalma ve Akran Şiddetini Uygulama Düzeylerinin İzlenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(37), 187-203.