Manuscripts are accepted in the Turkish, English and French languages.
For special issue proposals, the editors of the journal should be directly contacted via e-mail.
Manuscripts including the bibliography and appendices should be between 6,000-8,000 words for research and review articles, and 2,500 words for book reviews and editorial letters.
Manuscripts should be prepared with 12-point Times New Roman characters and 1.0 line spacing.
The name of the author(s) should be written right below the title of the manuscript (right aligned). The name, institution, e-mail address and ORCID of the author(s) should be indicated with a separate footnote to be inserted at the bottom of the first page.
Manuscripts should be compiled in the following order: title, author(s), abstract, keywords, main text and references.
Manuscripts should include an English (or French) abstract in addition to a Turkish abstract (200-250 words) that summarize the objective, scope, main findings and methodology.
Manuscripts should include at least five keywords both in English (or French) and Turkish.
Articles that are written in the Turkish and French languages should additionally include an "extended abstract" (800-1,000 words) in the English language which indicate the objective, scope, methodology and main findings of the research. The executive summary should be placed at the very end of the manuscript.
U.S. punctuation and spelling should be used throughout the manuscript.
Manuscripts should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections.
If necessary, author(s) should submit a statement obtained from the research ethics committee or institutional review board indicating their approval of the research.
For references, the APA (author-date) system should be used in the manuscripts: author’s surname, publication year, and page numbers should be provided in parantheses. For sources taken from the internet, the name of the website should be used instead of the author’s surname. Examples: (İnalcık, 2002, p. 201); (İçduygu & Keyman, 1998, pp. 157–170); (Amnesty International, 2018); (BBC Türkçe, 2023); (TRT Haber, 2021).
For sources without a publication year, “n.d”. should be used. Examples: (Brittanica, n.d.), (Ministry of Foeign Affairs, n.d.).
For references to the different publications of the same author published in the same year, the sources should be indicated as a, b,c… Examples: (İnalcık, 2002a, p. 201); (İnalcık, 2002b, pp. 26–50).
The list of references should be placed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript in accordance with the examples provided below.
Single author: Arato, A. (2000) Civil Society, Constitution and Legitimacy. London & New York: Rowman & Littlefield.
Two authors: Parla, T. & Davison, A. (2004) Corporatist Ideology in Turkey: Progress or Order? New York: Syracuse University Press.
More than three authors: Ratha, D. et al. (2021) Recovery: COVID-19 Crisis through a Migration Lens. Washington: KNOMAD-World Bank.
Edited Books
Eisenstadt, S., ed. (1992) Democracy and Modernity. Leiden: Brill.
Journal Articles
Single author: Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2011) The Turkish–EU Odyssey and Political Regime Change in Turkey. South European Society and Politics 16(2), 265-278.
Two authors: Wood, R. M. & Gibney, M. (2010) The Political Terror Scale (PTS): A Re-introduction and A Comparison to CIRI. Human Rights Quarterly 32(2), 367–400.
More than three authors: Gleditsch, N. P. et al. (2002) Armed Conflict 1946- 2001: A New Dataset. Journal of Peace Research 39(5), 615–637.
Without a volume number: Kalın, İ. (2008) Turkey and the Middle East: Ideology or Geo-Politics? Private View, no. 13, 26–35.
Online Journal Articles
Toal, G. & Eroğlu, D. İ. (2024) The Many Semantic Lives of Geopolitics: Evidence from the New York Times Archive 1900-2023. Geopolitics.
Articles in Edited Books
Arato, A. (2019) Populism, CCs and Civil Society. In C. Landfried (ed.), Judicial Power: How CCs Affect Political Transformations (318–341). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Aydın-Çakır, A. (2023) Court-curbing through Legal Reforms or Coercion? In R. M. Howard, K. A. Randazzo & R. A. Reid (eds.), Research Handbook on Law and Political Systems (8–24). Cheltenham & Northampton: Edgar Elwar Publishing.
Unpublished dissertations
Köse, M. (2014) The Evolution of the Separation of Powers in the Turkish Republic: The Case of the 2010 Constitutional Referendum [unpublished MA thesis]. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University.
Akkoyunlu, K. (2014) The Rise and Fall of Hybrid Regimes: Guardianship and Democracy in Iran and Turkey [unpublished PhD dissertation]. London: London School of Economics.
Articles in newspapers
With author: Neubauer, C. (2006) Thousands Rally to Stop the Violence in Darfur. The Los Angeles Times, May 1.
Without author: The New York Times (2011) Putin Criticizes West for Libya Incursion. April 26, 2011.
Conference Proceedings
Adaman, F., Akbulut, B. & Avcı, D. (2012) Polanyi Meets Gramsci: Explaining Local Environmental Conflicts. Presented at the 12th International Karl Polanyi Conference, Buenos Aires, November 2012.
Internet Sources
With author:
Hirsh, M. (2023) How AI Will Revolutionize Warfare. Foreign Policy, April 11. (Accessed: 30.10.2023).
Arato, A. (2017) How We Got Here: Transition Failures, Their Causes, and the Populist Interests in the Constitution. Public Seminar, October 11. (Accessed: 20.10.2023).
Without author:
Bloomberg (2024) Centuries-Old Principality Set to Become IMF’s Youngest Member. April 16. (Accessed: 19.06.2024).
World Bank (2019) World Development Indicators 2019. (Accessed: 18.04.2024).
Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (2016) The 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of The People’s Republic of China. (Accessed: 11.11.2023).