Research Article
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The Analysis of the Sustainability Pillars of Karachi City’s Transportation System

Year 2022, , 181 - 190, 30.04.2022


The rapid pace of urbanization all over the world and the growth of motorization have led to an unsustainable transport system. Karachi is a city suffering from the same phase of urbanization. This article aims to assess the sustainability of the city’s existing transportation system economically, socially, and environmentally and the degree of motorization. Data was collected through field surveys conducted in 2020 which include 15 hours of video recordings for traffic counts and the survey carried out at bus stops along two major arteries of Karachi. PM2.5 concentrations and the city’s vehicle profile were extracted from authorized websites. The data is analyzed graphically and statistically for various periods. The article sets out the level of sustainability and degree of motorisation of the transport system in Karachi and the travel behaviour of its user. It concludes that externalities and the lack of a planned system constitute obstacles to the provision of a sustainable transport system.


The study would not have been possible without the vehicle count data and the behavioral analysis using the face to face survey technique in Karachi therefore, we would like to show our gratitude to the students of the Ned University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi for helping us gather the data to carry out our research. The article complies with national and international research and publication ethics. Ethics Committee approval was not required for Pakistan. This article was presented in the “IArcSAS” 1st International Architectural Science and Application Symposium on 27-29 October 2021 as an abstract. It was later expanded for this Journal.


  • Aamir, M., Masroor, S., Ali, Z.A. & Ting Ting, B. (2019). Sustainable Framework for Smart Transportation System: A Case Study of Karachi. Wireless Pers Commun, 106, 27–40. Access Address (02.09.2021):
  • Ahmed, Q. I., Lu, H. & Ye, S. (2008). Urban transportation and equity: A case study of Beijing and Karachi. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(1), 125-139.
  • Bocquier, P. (2005). World Urbanization Prospects: an alternative to the UN model of projection compatible with the mobility transition theory. Demographic Research, 12, Article 9. 197-236.
  • Çetinkaya, F. & Görer, N. (1995). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmada Katılım ve Planlamanın Önemi, Planlama. HABITAT Özel Sayısı. 3/4. 16-20.
  • Eren, Ş.G. (2019). Tokyo: Solaris-güneş imparatorluğu’nun dirençli, kırılgan ve tehlikeli kenti. İdealkent, 28(10), 907-941.
  • Eren, Ş. G. (2021). Sürdürülebilirlik Bağlamında Şehircilik ve Kentsel Büyüme Kavramları Üzerine Bir Analiz, Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Sürdürülebilirlik, İKSAD publishing house, Eds. Şebnem Ertaş Beşir, Meryem Bihter Bingül Bulut, İrem Bekar, 197-264. ISBN: 978-625-8061-43-7.
  • Faiz, A. (1993). Automotive emissions in developing countries-relative implications for global warming, acidification and urban air quality. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 27(3), 1, 67-186.
  • Ferrer, M. (2015). Karachi: Megacity of Woes. The New School for Public Engagement Report. University of Nairobi.
  • Gilbert, R., Irwin, N, Hollingworth, B. & Blais, P. (2000). Sustainable transportation performance indicators project: Brief review of some worldwide activity and development of an initial long list of indicators. Mississauga, Centre for Sustainable Transportation. Toronto, ON, Canada.
  • Gordon, D. (1995). Sustainable transportation: what do we mean and how do we get there. Transportation and energy: Strategies for a sustainable transportation system. 1-11.
  • Heraa, N. A. (2013). Transportation system of Karachi, Pakistan. PhD Thesis, Faculty of the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
  • Khan, M.M. & Khan, H. (2016). An assessment of the problems faced by Karachi and Pakistan due to the rapid population growth of the city. Journal of History and Social Sciences, 7(1), 1-30.
  • Litman, T. (2003). Measuring Transportation: Traffic, Mobility and Accessibility, ITE Journal (, 73(10), October, 28-32. Access Address (03.09.2021): Victoria Transport Policy Institute website (; at
  • Ministry of Planning Development & Special Initiatives (Pakistan Planning Commission) Access Address (11.10.2021):
  • Qureshi, I. A. & Lu, H. (2007). Urban transport and sustainable transport strategies: A case study of Karachi, Pakistan. H. Tsinghua science and technology, 12(3), 309-317.
  • Rehman, K., Asif Ali, S. & Ahmed, K. (2018). E-Government identification to accomplish sustainable development goals (UN 2030 Agenda) a case study of Pakistan. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Proceedings. 1-6. IEEE.
  • Schipper, L. & Figueroa, M. (1996). Sustainable transportation and human activity: Avoiding a collision course. Conference on Towards Clean Transport: Fuel-Efficient and Clean Motor Vehicles, Mexico, 28-30 March 1994. Conference Report. CONF-9403276.
  • Spaethling, D. (1996). Sustainable transportation. The American experience. In: Proceedings of Seminar C. Planning for Sustainability of the 24th European Transport Forum. London, England: PTRC Education and Research Services Limited.
  • Transport & Mass Transit Department, Access Address (18.09.2021):
  • Wang, Z.S., Wu, T.W., Shi, G.L., Fu, X., Tian, Y.Z., Feng, Y.C., Wu, X.F., Wu, G., Bai, Z.P. & Zhang, W.J. (2012). Potential source analysis for PM10 and PM2.5 in autumn in a northern city in China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12(1), 39-48.
  • United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN ESA), Population Division (2021). World Population Review. World Population Prospects. Press Release.
  • Xiang, X. Z., Zhai, M., Lv, N. & El Saddik, A. (2018). Vehicle counting based on vehicle detection and tracking from aerial video. Sensors, 18(8), 2560.
  • Yu, L., Wang, G., Zhang, R., Zhang, L., Song, Y., Wu, B., Li, X., An, K. & Chu, J. (2013). Characterization and source apportionment of PM2. 5 in an urban environment in Beijing. Aerosol and air quality research, 13(2), 574-583.

Karaçi Kenti Ulaşım Sisteminin Sürdürülebilirlik Sütunlarının Analizi

Year 2022, , 181 - 190, 30.04.2022


Tüm dünyada kentleşmenin hız kesmeden ilerlemesi; motorizasyonun artmasıyla birlikte, sürdürülemez bir ulaşım sistemine yol açmaktadır. Karaçi aynı kentleşme aşamasını yaşamaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, kentin mevcut ulaşım sisteminin sürdürülebilirlik düzeyini sosyal, ekonomik ve çevresel açıdan ve kentin motorizasyon seviyesini değerlendirmektir. Veriler, NED Üniversitesi (Karaçi) öğrencilerinin 2020 yılında yaptıkları saha araştırmalarından derlenmiştir. Saha araştırmaları, trafik sayımını belirlemek için yapılan 15 saatlik video çekimini ve Karaçi'nin iki ana arteri boyunca otobüs duraklarında gerçekleştirilen anketi içermektedir. PM2.5 yoğunlaşması ve kayıtlı araç sayısı resmi internet sitelerinden çıkarılmıştır. Veriler, değişen zaman dönemleriyle birlikte, grafiksel ve istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir. Bu makalede; Karaçi'deki ulaşım sisteminin sürdürülebilirlik ve motorizasyon seviyeleri ile kullanıcıların seyahat davranışları ortaya konulmaktadır. Makale dışsallıkların varlığının ve planlı bir sistemin eksikliğinin sürdürülebilir bir ulaşım sisteminin sağlanmasında engel olduğu sonucuna varmaktadır.


  • Aamir, M., Masroor, S., Ali, Z.A. & Ting Ting, B. (2019). Sustainable Framework for Smart Transportation System: A Case Study of Karachi. Wireless Pers Commun, 106, 27–40. Access Address (02.09.2021):
  • Ahmed, Q. I., Lu, H. & Ye, S. (2008). Urban transportation and equity: A case study of Beijing and Karachi. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 42(1), 125-139.
  • Bocquier, P. (2005). World Urbanization Prospects: an alternative to the UN model of projection compatible with the mobility transition theory. Demographic Research, 12, Article 9. 197-236.
  • Çetinkaya, F. & Görer, N. (1995). Sürdürülebilir Kalkınmada Katılım ve Planlamanın Önemi, Planlama. HABITAT Özel Sayısı. 3/4. 16-20.
  • Eren, Ş.G. (2019). Tokyo: Solaris-güneş imparatorluğu’nun dirençli, kırılgan ve tehlikeli kenti. İdealkent, 28(10), 907-941.
  • Eren, Ş. G. (2021). Sürdürülebilirlik Bağlamında Şehircilik ve Kentsel Büyüme Kavramları Üzerine Bir Analiz, Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Sürdürülebilirlik, İKSAD publishing house, Eds. Şebnem Ertaş Beşir, Meryem Bihter Bingül Bulut, İrem Bekar, 197-264. ISBN: 978-625-8061-43-7.
  • Faiz, A. (1993). Automotive emissions in developing countries-relative implications for global warming, acidification and urban air quality. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 27(3), 1, 67-186.
  • Ferrer, M. (2015). Karachi: Megacity of Woes. The New School for Public Engagement Report. University of Nairobi.
  • Gilbert, R., Irwin, N, Hollingworth, B. & Blais, P. (2000). Sustainable transportation performance indicators project: Brief review of some worldwide activity and development of an initial long list of indicators. Mississauga, Centre for Sustainable Transportation. Toronto, ON, Canada.
  • Gordon, D. (1995). Sustainable transportation: what do we mean and how do we get there. Transportation and energy: Strategies for a sustainable transportation system. 1-11.
  • Heraa, N. A. (2013). Transportation system of Karachi, Pakistan. PhD Thesis, Faculty of the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.
  • Khan, M.M. & Khan, H. (2016). An assessment of the problems faced by Karachi and Pakistan due to the rapid population growth of the city. Journal of History and Social Sciences, 7(1), 1-30.
  • Litman, T. (2003). Measuring Transportation: Traffic, Mobility and Accessibility, ITE Journal (, 73(10), October, 28-32. Access Address (03.09.2021): Victoria Transport Policy Institute website (; at
  • Ministry of Planning Development & Special Initiatives (Pakistan Planning Commission) Access Address (11.10.2021):
  • Qureshi, I. A. & Lu, H. (2007). Urban transport and sustainable transport strategies: A case study of Karachi, Pakistan. H. Tsinghua science and technology, 12(3), 309-317.
  • Rehman, K., Asif Ali, S. & Ahmed, K. (2018). E-Government identification to accomplish sustainable development goals (UN 2030 Agenda) a case study of Pakistan. IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC) Proceedings. 1-6. IEEE.
  • Schipper, L. & Figueroa, M. (1996). Sustainable transportation and human activity: Avoiding a collision course. Conference on Towards Clean Transport: Fuel-Efficient and Clean Motor Vehicles, Mexico, 28-30 March 1994. Conference Report. CONF-9403276.
  • Spaethling, D. (1996). Sustainable transportation. The American experience. In: Proceedings of Seminar C. Planning for Sustainability of the 24th European Transport Forum. London, England: PTRC Education and Research Services Limited.
  • Transport & Mass Transit Department, Access Address (18.09.2021):
  • Wang, Z.S., Wu, T.W., Shi, G.L., Fu, X., Tian, Y.Z., Feng, Y.C., Wu, X.F., Wu, G., Bai, Z.P. & Zhang, W.J. (2012). Potential source analysis for PM10 and PM2.5 in autumn in a northern city in China. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12(1), 39-48.
  • United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN ESA), Population Division (2021). World Population Review. World Population Prospects. Press Release.
  • Xiang, X. Z., Zhai, M., Lv, N. & El Saddik, A. (2018). Vehicle counting based on vehicle detection and tracking from aerial video. Sensors, 18(8), 2560.
  • Yu, L., Wang, G., Zhang, R., Zhang, L., Song, Y., Wu, B., Li, X., An, K. & Chu, J. (2013). Characterization and source apportionment of PM2. 5 in an urban environment in Beijing. Aerosol and air quality research, 13(2), 574-583.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Urban and Regional Planning, Civil Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Sania Siddiqui 0000-0002-0176-3603

Şirin Gülcen Eren 0000-0002-2038-3905

Publication Date April 30, 2022
Submission Date November 15, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Siddiqui, S., & Eren, Ş. G. (2022). The Analysis of the Sustainability Pillars of Karachi City’s Transportation System. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 7(Özel Sayı), 181-190.