Self-Identification Phenomenon in A Temporary Shelter Unit After A Disaster: AFAD Containers
Year 2024,
, 987 - 1014, 26.12.2024
Betül İrem Tarakçı
İsmail Emre Kavut
Container homes used to meet the shelter needs of disaster victims in the post-disaster period are often foreign environments, which can create psychological challenges. The process of individuals adapting to a space begins with personalization. This study examines the physical and psychosocial needs of disaster victims through the 'phenomenon of personalization.' Implementing different forms of personalization to overcome alienation from the space can facilitate the acceptance process by making the environment familiar. The research addresses the personalization processes of disaster victims in containers and their user requirements, collecting data through observations and semi-structured interviews in the AFAD container city in İskenderun. As a result, the personalization that disaster victims engage in within the container contributes to psychological, social, and physical recovery processes. Therefore, it is essential that post-disaster shelter spaces are designed to allow for personalization and adopt a user-centered approach.
This article is based on the ongoing PhD Dissertation entitled 'Determining Design and Evaluation Parameters for Temporary Housing Units After Disasters: Improvement-Based Recommendations,'by Betül İrem TARAKÇI under the supervision of Assoc. Prof. İsmail Emre KAVUT at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Department of Interior Architecture.
Ethics committee approval for the study was obtained with the decision numbered 11/7 dated May 10, 2024, from the Administrative Board of the Institute of Science, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
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- Cilliers, J. E., Timmermans, W., den Goorbergh, F. V., & Slijkhuis, J. (2015).
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permanent places. Journal of Urban Design, 20(3), 349–366.
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Inönü University Journal of Art and Design, 5(11), 1-12.
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management: The example of the February 6 earthquake in Hatay.
International Journal of Political Studies, 9(2), 1-17.
- Ertaş Beşir, Ş., & Dereci, Ş. (2021). Risks Posed by Non-Structural
Elements in Residential Interiors During an Earthquake and Preventive
Measures, International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers
Journal, (Issn:2630-631X) 7(42): 350- 360.
- Esteban-Guitart, M. (2014). Appropriation. In T. Teo (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of critical psychology (pp. 128-132). New York, US: Springer.
- Feldman, R. M., & Stall, S. (2004). The dignity of resistance: Women
residents’ activism in Chicago public housing. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Fischer, G. N. (1981). La psychosociologie de l’espace. Paris: PUF.
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relationships. Istanbul: Bilgi University Publications.
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modes of appropriation of space. In P. Korosec-Serfaty (Ed.),
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Conference (pp. 113-125). Strasbourg, France: Louis Pasteur University.
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environment studies. In R. B. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.), Handbook
of environmental psychology (pp. 95-113). New York, US: John Wiley &
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the design process. Master's thesis, Istanbul: Istanbul Technical
University Institute of Science. Access Address (12.12.2019):
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the context of the human-space communication model (PhD thesis),
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spatial personalization. PhD thesis, Istanbul University Institute of Social
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territorial production at three squares in Lund. Nordisk
Arkitekturforskning, 99-114.
- Kärrholm, M. (2007). A conceptual discussion of territoriality,
materiality, and the everyday life of public space. Space and Culture,
10(4), 437-453.
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the 3rd International Architectural Psychology Conference. Strasbourg,
France: Louis Pasteur University.
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Altman & C. M. Werner (Eds.), Home environments (pp. 65-87). New
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facade interventions based on user requirements on the quality of the
physical environment in housing. Selçuk University Journal of
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Hernandez, & J. Thompson (Eds.), Temporary appropriation in cities:
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1-9). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
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Trans.). Oxford: Blackwell.
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US: Hackett Publishing.
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Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon, UK.
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the development of city culture. In L. Nystroöm (Ed.), City & culture:
Urban sustainability and cultural processes (pp. 13-17). Stockholm,
- Morval, J., & Judge, P. (2000). Motivation at work and space
appropriation. In B. Gangloff (Ed.), Professional competencies:
Descriptive, measurement, and development (pp. 127-134). Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
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interpersonal relationships: From dwelling to city through the
neighborhood. Environment and Behavior, 34(1), 122-136.
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Master's thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University, September 2009,
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
- Özdemir, İ. (1994). The concept of spatial organization in evaluating
architectural space: Living spaces in housing. PhD thesis, KTU Institute
of Science, Trabzon. Access Address (12.12.2019):
- Özkan, D. G. (2017). The effects of campus open space environmental
characteristics on place attachment: KTU Kanuni Campus. PhD thesis,
Karadeniz Technical University Institute of Science, Trabzon. Access
Address (12.12.2019):
- Perker, S. Z., & Akıncıtürk, N. (2011). Physical changes in traditional
houses: Three case studies in Bursa. Uludağ University Journal of
Engineering and Architecture Faculty, 16(1).
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sustainability network. Environment and Behavior, 34(1), 8-25.
- Rioux, L. (2004). Types of university sites and space appropriation. Canadian Psychology, 45(1), 103-110.
- Rioux, L., Scrima, F., & Werner, C. M. (2017). Space appropriation and
place attachment: University students create places. Journal of
Environmental Psychology, 50, 60-68.
- Seamon, D. (1980). Body-subject, time-space routines, and place-
ballets. In The human experience of space and place (pp. 148-165).
- Şahiner Tufan, A. (2019). Examining personalization forms in nursing
homes: The Trabzon example. Master's thesis, Karadeniz Technical
University Institute of Science, Trabzon.
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Minneapolis, MN, US: University of Minnesota.
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disasters. Megaron, 9(1), 23-40.
- Twigger, C. L., & Uzzell, D. L. (1996). Place and identity processes. Journal
of Environmental Psychology, 16, 205-220.
- Uzunoğlu, K., & Özer, H. (2014). Evaluation of mass housing in the pre-
design phase. Megaron, 9(3), 167-189.
- Vidal, T., Valera, S., & Peró, M. (2010). Place attachment, place identity
and residential mobility in undergraduate students. Psyecology, 1(3),
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Afet Sonrası Geçici Barınma Biriminde Kendileme Olgusu: AFAD Konteynerları
Year 2024,
, 987 - 1014, 26.12.2024
Betül İrem Tarakçı
İsmail Emre Kavut
Afet sonrası dönemde afetzedelerin barınma ihtiyacını karşılamak için kullanılan konteyner evler, genellikle yabancı mekanlardır ve bu durum psikolojik zorluklar yaratmaktadır. İnsanların bir mekâna alışması, kendileme süreciyle başlar. Bu çalışma, afetzedelerin fiziksel ve psiko-sosyal gereksinimlerini ‘kendileme olgusu’ üzerinden incelemektedir. Mekâna yabancılaşmayı aşmak için farklı kendileme biçimlerinin uygulanması, mekanın tanıdık hale gelmesini sağlayarak kabullenme sürecini hızlandırabilir. Araştırma, afetzedelerin konteynerde kendileme süreçlerini ve kullanıcı gereksinimlerini ele almakta; İskenderun'daki AFAD konteyner kenti üzerinde gözlem ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmelerle veri toplamaktadır. Sonuç olarak, afetzedelerin konteynerde yaptığı kendileme, psikolojik, sosyal ve fiziksel iyileşme süreçlerine katkı sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle, afet sonrası barınma mekânlarının, kendilemeye olanak tanıyacak şekilde tasarlanması ve kullanıcı odaklı bir yaklaşım benimsenmesi önemlidir.
- Alsibaai, L., & Özcan, U. (2022). Changes in user requirements in architecture and their reflections on building programs. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences (IJSHS), 6(2), 139-165.
- Altman, I., & Zube, H. E. (1989). Public places and spaces. New York:
Plenum Press.
- Armağan, B. (1997). Examining user satisfaction in high-rise housing
applications from the perspective of psycho-social requirements.
Master's thesis, Istanbul Technical University Institute of Science, 85 p.,
- Atasoy, A. (1973). Developing housing design in response to changing
needs through evaluation of existing housing. ITU Faculty of
Architecture, Istanbul.
- Ateş, M. (1988). A study on approaches for flexibility in mass housing.
Master's thesis, ITU Institute of Science, Istanbul.
- Aubert-Gamet, V. (1997). Twisting servicescapes: Diversion of the
physical environment in a re-appropriation process. International
Journal of Service Industry Management, 8(1), 26-41.
- Ayataç, H., & Güney, Y. İ. (2016). Evaluating user experiences in
temporary housing solutions after disasters. ITU Journal/a, 15(1).
- Bayazıt, N. (1982). Participation in planning and designing. ITU Faculty of
Architecture, Istanbul.
- Benages-Albert, M., Di Masso, A., Porcel, S., Pol, E., & Vall-casas, P. (2015).
Revisiting the appropriation of space in metropolitan river corridors.
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 42, 1-15.
- Bilgin, N. (1990). From physical space to human space. Architecture
Journal, 28(3), 62-65.
- Bilgin, N., (1991). Things and People. Gündoğan Yayınları, Ankara.
- Bilgin, N. (1997). Place identity and urban citizenship. In Politics and
Human (pp. 102-110). Istanbul: Bağlam Publishing.
- Bilgin, N., (2011). Things and People, Istanbul, Gündoğan Yayınları, 2.
- Bonnes, M., & Secchiaroli, G. (1995). Environmental psychology: A
psycho-social introduction. London: Sage Publications.
- Bonnin, G. (2006). Physical environment and service experience: An
appropriation-based model. Journal of Services Research, 6, Special
Issue, 45-65.
- Brooker, G., & Stone, S. (2011). What is interior design? Istanbul: Yem
- Brunson, L., Kuo, F. E., & Sullivan, W. C. (2001). Resident appropriation of
defensible space in public housing: Implications for safety and
community. Environment and Behavior, 33(5), 626-652.
- Buğday, H. A. (1991). An architectural design research aimed at meeting
different user requirements in industrialized mass housing. Master's
thesis, Istanbul: Istanbul Technical University Institute of Science.
Access Address (12.12.2019):
- Cilliers, J. E., Timmermans, W., den Goorbergh, F. V., & Slijkhuis, J. (2015).
Green place-making in practice: From temporary spaces to
permanent places. Journal of Urban Design, 20(3), 349–366.
- Cresswell, T., 2014. Place: An Introduction, John Wiley & Sons.
- Çavdar, A., & Çabuk, A. (2016). The personalization process in
temporary housing areas: An example of a tent city established after
the earthquake. Megaron, 11(1).
- Doan, P. L., & Yamazaki, J. (2020). Sense of place in temporary housing
after natural disasters. Disasters, 44(2), 373-393.
- Dovey, K. (1985). The quest for authenticity and the replication of
environmental meaning. In Dwelling, place and environment (pp. 33-
- Dönmez, Y., Özyavuz, M., & Gökyer, E. (2015). Determining the green
space conditions of housing and site areas in the city of Safranbolu.
Inönü University Journal of Art and Design, 5(11), 1-12.
- Duruel, M. (2023). The role of civil society organizations in disaster
management: The example of the February 6 earthquake in Hatay.
International Journal of Political Studies, 9(2), 1-17.
- Ertaş Beşir, Ş., & Dereci, Ş. (2021). Risks Posed by Non-Structural
Elements in Residential Interiors During an Earthquake and Preventive
Measures, International Social Mentality and Researcher Thinkers
Journal, (Issn:2630-631X) 7(42): 350- 360.
- Esteban-Guitart, M. (2014). Appropriation. In T. Teo (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of critical psychology (pp. 128-132). New York, US: Springer.
- Feldman, R. M., & Stall, S. (2004). The dignity of resistance: Women
residents’ activism in Chicago public housing. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
- Fischer, G. N. (1981). La psychosociologie de l’espace. Paris: PUF.
- Göregenli, M. (2021). Environmental psychology: Human-space
relationships. Istanbul: Bilgi University Publications.
- Graumann, C. F. (1976). The concept of appropriation (Aneignung) and
modes of appropriation of space. In P. Korosec-Serfaty (Ed.),
Proceedings of the 3rd International Architectural Psychology
Conference (pp. 113-125). Strasbourg, France: Louis Pasteur University.
- Graumann, C. F. (2002). The phenomenological approach to people-
environment studies. In R. B. Bechtel & A. Churchman (Eds.), Handbook
of environmental psychology (pp. 95-113). New York, US: John Wiley &
- Gül, B. (1993). Solving the user-environment adaptation problem during
the design process. Master's thesis, Istanbul: Istanbul Technical
University Institute of Science. Access Address (12.12.2019):
- Günal, B. (2006). Examining the psycho-social quality in housing within
the context of the human-space communication model (PhD thesis),
Istanbul Technical University Institute of Science, Istanbul.
- Gür, Ö.Ş. (1996). Spatial organization. Trabzon: Gür Publishing.
- Güremen, L. (2016). Amasya case in a research on the effect of user
perception of housing and residential areas on satisfaction and
preference behavior. Technological Applied Sciences, 11(2), 24-64.
- Henk de Haan. (2005). Social and material appropriation of
neighborhood space: Collective space and resistance in a Dutch urban
- Karasu, M. (2021). The relationship between temporal experience and
spatial personalization. PhD thesis, Istanbul University Institute of Social
Sciences, Istanbul. Access Address (12.12.2019):
- Kärrholm, M. (2005). Territorial complexity in public places: A study of
territorial production at three squares in Lund. Nordisk
Arkitekturforskning, 99-114.
- Kärrholm, M. (2007). A conceptual discussion of territoriality,
materiality, and the everyday life of public space. Space and Culture,
10(4), 437-453.
- Korosec-Serfaty, P. (1976). In P. Korosec-Serfaty (Ed.), Proceedings of
the 3rd International Architectural Psychology Conference. Strasbourg,
France: Louis Pasteur University.
- Korosec-Serfaty, P. (1985). Experience and use of the dwelling. In I.
Altman & C. M. Werner (Eds.), Home environments (pp. 65-87). New
York, US: Plenum Press.
- Korur, S., Sayın, S., Oğuzalp, E., & Korkmaz, S. (2006). The impact of
facade interventions based on user requirements on the quality of the
physical environment in housing. Selçuk University Journal of
Engineering, Science and Technology, 21(3), 177-190.
- Kyle, G., & Chick, G. (2009). The social construction of a sense of place.
Leisure Sciences, 29(3), 2009-225.
- Lara-Hernandez, J. A. (2020). General introduction. In A. Melis, J. A. Lara-
Hernandez, & J. Thompson (Eds.), Temporary appropriation in cities:
Human spatialization in public spaces and community resilience (pp.
1-9). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
- Lefebvre, H. (1995). The production of space (D. Nicholson Smith,
Trans.). Oxford: Blackwell.
- Marx, K. (1893/1994). Selected writings (L. H. Simon, Ed.). Indianapolis, IN,
US: Hackett Publishing.
- Marx, K. (2013). 1844 manuscripts (M. Belge, Trans.). Istanbul: Birikim
- Maslow, A. H. (1943). A theory of human motivation.
- Mehta, V. (2013). The street: A quintessential social public space.
Florence Production Ltd, Stoodleigh, Devon, UK.
- Modh, B. (1998). Appropriating everyday space—An important aspect in
the development of city culture. In L. Nystroöm (Ed.), City & culture:
Urban sustainability and cultural processes (pp. 13-17). Stockholm,
- Morval, J., & Judge, P. (2000). Motivation at work and space
appropriation. In B. Gangloff (Ed.), Professional competencies:
Descriptive, measurement, and development (pp. 127-134). Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
- Moser, G., Ratiu, E., & Fleury-Bahi, G. (2002). Appropriation and
interpersonal relationships: From dwelling to city through the
neighborhood. Environment and Behavior, 34(1), 122-136.
- Noorian, T. (2009). Personalization of space in office environments.
Master's thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University, September 2009,
Gazimağusa, North Cyprus.
- Özdemir, İ. (1994). The concept of spatial organization in evaluating
architectural space: Living spaces in housing. PhD thesis, KTU Institute
of Science, Trabzon. Access Address (12.12.2019):
- Özkan, D. G. (2017). The effects of campus open space environmental
characteristics on place attachment: KTU Kanuni Campus. PhD thesis,
Karadeniz Technical University Institute of Science, Trabzon. Access
Address (12.12.2019):
- Perker, S. Z., & Akıncıtürk, N. (2011). Physical changes in traditional
houses: Three case studies in Bursa. Uludağ University Journal of
Engineering and Architecture Faculty, 16(1).
- Pol, E. (2002). The theoretical background of the city-identity
sustainability network. Environment and Behavior, 34(1), 8-25.
- Rioux, L. (2004). Types of university sites and space appropriation. Canadian Psychology, 45(1), 103-110.
- Rioux, L., Scrima, F., & Werner, C. M. (2017). Space appropriation and
place attachment: University students create places. Journal of
Environmental Psychology, 50, 60-68.
- Seamon, D. (1980). Body-subject, time-space routines, and place-
ballets. In The human experience of space and place (pp. 148-165).
- Şahiner Tufan, A. (2019). Examining personalization forms in nursing
homes: The Trabzon example. Master's thesis, Karadeniz Technical
University Institute of Science, Trabzon.
- Tarakçı, B.İ. (2023). Personel Archive.
- Tarakçı, B.İ. (2024). Personel Archive.
- Tuan, Y. F. (1977). Space and place: The perspective of experience.
Minneapolis, MN, US: University of Minnesota.
- Turgut, H. (2014). User experiences in temporary housing areas after
disasters. Megaron, 9(1), 23-40.
- Twigger, C. L., & Uzzell, D. L. (1996). Place and identity processes. Journal
of Environmental Psychology, 16, 205-220.
- Uzunoğlu, K., & Özer, H. (2014). Evaluation of mass housing in the pre-
design phase. Megaron, 9(3), 167-189.
- Vidal, T., Valera, S., & Peró, M. (2010). Place attachment, place identity
and residential mobility in undergraduate students. Psyecology, 1(3),
- Wells, M. M. (2000). Office clutter or meaningful personal displays: The
role of office personalization in employee and organizational well-
being. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 20, 239-255.
- Wineman, J., & Peponis, J. (2010). Constructing spatial meaning: Spatial
affordances in museum design. Environment and Behavior, 42(1), 86-