Special Issue: The Critique of Zionism


The Journal of Milel ve Nihal will start accepting articles with a special issue in English focusing on the critique of Zionism, which is the political ideology of the state of Israel and the driving force behind the genocide in Gaza. The special issue will be published in December 2024.

Editor in Chief: Şinasi Gündüz

Institution: İstanbul University

Country: Türkiye

E-mail: sgunduz@istanbul.edu.tr

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3393-7302

Guest Editor: Abdullah Marouf Ömer 

Institution: 29 Mayıs University

Country: Türkiye

E-mail :a.omar09@gmail.com

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9891-9992

Publication language: English

Important dates:

Submission deadline: October 31, 2024

Planned publishing date: December 15, 2024

Special issue review policy: Articles submitted for the special issue are first subjected to a preliminary editorial review. Then they are examined for compliance with the journal's writing rules and a similarity check is performed to prevent plagiarism. After these stages, they are taken into the "peer review" process using the "double blind" model.

Recommended Topics

  • Zionism and the Jews
  • Zionism and Israel
  • Zionist organizations
  • Zionism and Jewish law
  • Zionism and Archaeology
  • Zionism and the Holy Scriptures
  • The emergence of Zionism
  • History of Zionism
  • Christian Zionism
  • Perception of Zionism and approaches in academia
  • Anti-zionism
  • The concepts of semitism and anti-semitism

The articles to be submitted for the special issue should be prepared in accordance with our journal's writing rules and article template. 

Writng rules: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/milel/writing-rules

Article template: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/30648

You must be a member of the Dergipark system to submit your article. Click HERE to register.

If you have already registered, do not forget to confirm the "I want to send my article to a special issue" option on the "submit article" page.


Last Update Time: 6/24/24, 2:21:22 PM