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Epilepsi Alanında Yayınlanmış Akademik Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi

Year 2025, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 129 - 136, 19.03.2025


Bu çalışma, epilepsi alanında yapılan akademik çalışmaların bibliyometrik analizini gerçekleştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Epilepsi, nörolojik, fizyolojik, sosyal ve bilişsel açıdan ciddi etkileri olan yaygın bir hastalıktır. Çalışmada, 2000-2024 yılları arasında Epilepsia ve Epilepsy & Behavior dergilerinde yayımlanan 6780 makale incelenmiştir. Makaleler, başlıklarında "epilepsi" kelimesi geçen çalışmalar arasından seçilmiş ve veriler Python programlama dili ile Semantic Scholar API kullanılarak toplanmıştır.
Bibliyometrik analizde, makale başlığı, yayın yılı, atıf sayısı, yazar bilgileri ve yayımlandığı dergi gibi veriler değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, epilepsi alanında hangi konuların yoğun çalışıldığını, en etkili yayın ve yazarları belirlemek için kullanılmıştır. Bu sayede, alanda yapılacak yeni araştırmalar için bir rehber oluşturulması hedeflenmiştir.
Sonuçlar, epilepsinin akademik alandaki güncel önemini ve multidisipliner iş birliği gereksinimini vurgulamaktadır. Bu çalışma, hem alandaki bilimsel birikimi haritalandırmak hem de yeni araştırmalara ışık tutmak açısından önemli bir kaynak sunmaktadır. Elde edilen veriler, epilepsi üzerine yapılacak yenilikçi ve etkili çalışmalar için sağlam bir temel oluşturacaktır.


  • Balestrini, S., Arzimanoglou, A., Blümcke, I., Scheffer, I. E., Wiebe, S., & Zelano, J. (2021). The aetiologies of epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders, 23(1), 1–16.
  • Beghi, E. (2020). The epidemiology of epilepsy. Neuroepidemiology, 54, 185–191.
  • Britton, J. W., Frey, L. C., & Hopp, J. L. (2016). An introductory text and atlas of normal and abnormal findings in adults, children, and infants. American Epilepsy Society.
  • Clerck, L. D., Nica, A., & Biraben, A. (2019). Clinical aspects of seizures in the elderly. Gériatrie, Psychologie et Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 17(1), 7–12.
  • Dilcen, H. Y., & Kantek, F. (2020). Ebelik alanındaki yüksek lisans tezlerinin bibliyometrik analizi. GÜSBD, 9(4), 357–364.
  • Gill, T. Z., Zaidi, S. S. H., & Shirazi, M. A. (2024). Attention-based deep convolutional neural network for classification of generalized and focal epileptic seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior.
  • İri, R., & Ünal, E. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis Bibliometric Analysis of Research (1980-2023). Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2), 386-403.
  • Kode, H., Elleithy, K., & Almazaydeh, L. (2024). Epileptic seizure detection in EEG signals using machine learning and deep learning techniques. IEEE Access, 12, 80657–80668.
  • Kumar, L. M., Rinu, J. G., & Anisha, P. S. (2023). Bibliometric analysis for medical research. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 45(3), 277–282.
  • Passas, I. (2024). Bibliometric analysis: The main steps. Encyclopedia, 4(2), 1014–1025.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics. Journal of Documentation, 25, 348–349.
  • Shah, S. Y., Larijani, H., Gibson, R. M., & Liarokapis, D. (2024). Epileptic seizure classification based on random neural networks using discrete wavelet transform for electroencephalogram signal decomposition. Applied Sciences, 14.
  • Trinka, E., Cock, H., Hesdorffer, D., Rossetti, A. O., Scheffer, I. E., Shinnar, S., et al. (2015). A definition and classification of status epilepticus – Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification of Status Epilepticus. Epilepsia, 56(10), 1515–1523.
  • Wilson, S. J., Baxendale, S., Barr, W., Hamed, S., Langfitt, J., Samson, S., et al. (2015). Indications and expectations for neuropsychological assessment in routine epilepsy care: Report of the ILAE Neuropsychology Task Force, Diagnostic Methods Commission, 2013–2017. Epilepsia, 56(5), 674–681.

Bibliometric Analysis of Academic Studies Published in The Field of Epilepsy

Year 2025, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 129 - 136, 19.03.2025


This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of academic studies in the field of epilepsy. Epilepsy is a prevalent disorder with significant neurological, physiological, social, and cognitive impacts. The study examines 6,780 articles published between 2000 and 2024 in the Epilepsia and Epilepsy & Behavior journals. Articles were selected from those with "epilepsy" in their titles, and data were collected using the Python programming language and the Semantic Scholar API.
The bibliometric analysis evaluated data such as article titles, publication years, citation counts, author information, and publishing journals. The findings were used to identify the key research areas, the most impactful publications, and influential authors in the field of epilepsy. This analysis is intended to serve as a guide for future research in the domain.
The results highlight the current academic significance of epilepsy and the need for multidisciplinary collaboration. This study provides an important resource for mapping the scientific knowledge base in this area and shedding light on future research directions. The collected data establish a robust foundation for innovative and impactful studies on epilepsy


  • Balestrini, S., Arzimanoglou, A., Blümcke, I., Scheffer, I. E., Wiebe, S., & Zelano, J. (2021). The aetiologies of epilepsy. Epileptic Disorders, 23(1), 1–16.
  • Beghi, E. (2020). The epidemiology of epilepsy. Neuroepidemiology, 54, 185–191.
  • Britton, J. W., Frey, L. C., & Hopp, J. L. (2016). An introductory text and atlas of normal and abnormal findings in adults, children, and infants. American Epilepsy Society.
  • Clerck, L. D., Nica, A., & Biraben, A. (2019). Clinical aspects of seizures in the elderly. Gériatrie, Psychologie et Neuropsychiatrie du Vieillissement, 17(1), 7–12.
  • Dilcen, H. Y., & Kantek, F. (2020). Ebelik alanındaki yüksek lisans tezlerinin bibliyometrik analizi. GÜSBD, 9(4), 357–364.
  • Gill, T. Z., Zaidi, S. S. H., & Shirazi, M. A. (2024). Attention-based deep convolutional neural network for classification of generalized and focal epileptic seizures. Epilepsy & Behavior.
  • İri, R., & Ünal, E. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis Bibliometric Analysis of Research (1980-2023). Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 10(2), 386-403.
  • Kode, H., Elleithy, K., & Almazaydeh, L. (2024). Epileptic seizure detection in EEG signals using machine learning and deep learning techniques. IEEE Access, 12, 80657–80668.
  • Kumar, L. M., Rinu, J. G., & Anisha, P. S. (2023). Bibliometric analysis for medical research. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, 45(3), 277–282.
  • Passas, I. (2024). Bibliometric analysis: The main steps. Encyclopedia, 4(2), 1014–1025.
  • Pritchard, A. (1969). Statistical bibliography or bibliometrics. Journal of Documentation, 25, 348–349.
  • Shah, S. Y., Larijani, H., Gibson, R. M., & Liarokapis, D. (2024). Epileptic seizure classification based on random neural networks using discrete wavelet transform for electroencephalogram signal decomposition. Applied Sciences, 14.
  • Trinka, E., Cock, H., Hesdorffer, D., Rossetti, A. O., Scheffer, I. E., Shinnar, S., et al. (2015). A definition and classification of status epilepticus – Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification of Status Epilepticus. Epilepsia, 56(10), 1515–1523.
  • Wilson, S. J., Baxendale, S., Barr, W., Hamed, S., Langfitt, J., Samson, S., et al. (2015). Indications and expectations for neuropsychological assessment in routine epilepsy care: Report of the ILAE Neuropsychology Task Force, Diagnostic Methods Commission, 2013–2017. Epilepsia, 56(5), 674–681.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Statistics (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Serkan Metin 0000-0003-1765-7474

Esra Metin 0009-0002-8192-2762

Derya Ertaş 0009-0002-2247-6336

Erdoğan Gökalp 0009-0006-4347-227X

Early Pub Date March 20, 2025
Publication Date March 19, 2025
Submission Date February 13, 2025
Acceptance Date March 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Metin, S., Metin, E., Ertaş, D., Gökalp, E. (2025). Epilepsi Alanında Yayınlanmış Akademik Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi. Malatya Turgut Özal Üniversitesi İşletme Ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 129-136.