Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 3/19/25

Year: 2025


Malatya Turgut Özal University Journal of Business and Management Sciences is a scientific and international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year. The main purpose of the journal, which publishes with an open access policy, is to share knowledge and contribute to the literature. Articles written in "Turkish" and "English" are published in the journal. The opinions expressed in the published articles belong to the author(s) and do not reflect the views of the journal. All publishing rights of the articles published in Malatya Turgut Özal University Journal of Business and Management Sciences are reserved. No part of these publications can be quoted without stating the name of the journal.

        Theoretical, analytical, empirical researches and studies in Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Healthcare Management, Tourism Management, Production Management, Marketing, Management Information Systems, Economics, Public Administration, Political Science, International Relations, International Trade, etc. fall within the scope of Malatya Turgut Özal University Journal of Business and Management Sciences.

The spelling rules to be observed in the articles submitted to Malatya Turgut Özal University Journal of Business and Management Sciences are as follows. We kindly request you to pay attention to these rules.



1. All page margins (top, bottom, right, and left) should be 3 cm.

2. Whole text (except Öz and Abstract) should be typed in Times New Roman 11-point and single-spaced. It should also be justified, and before and after spacing should be set to 6 pt.

3. The text should be as concise as to the extent permitted by the topic and research method. All headings, including the introduction, main text, and conclusion (except for the references), should be typed in boldface and numbered. The first-level headings should be capitalized. In other heading types, just the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Titles in Turkish and English should be centered, and all different headings should be left-aligned.

4. For a double-blind peer-review process to be operated properly, the author(s) should not give information directly or indirectly to manifest themselves in the main text. The manuscript file should not include any identifying information about the author(s); that is, it should be anonymized.

5. The title page should be created, including the title, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), ORCID(s), and mailing address(es). The title page file should be submitted separately from the manuscript file.



The paper should have both a Turkish and an English title. Titles should be typed in 11points boldface capital letters and be centered. The title in Turkish should be placed above Öz, and the English one should be placed above Abstract.

ABSTRACT (10 pt)

Both “Öz” and “Abstract” should be typed in 10 points italic face, Times New Roman, single line spacing. That part should give a brief account of the method and findings of the paper. “Öz” should be followed by “Anahtar Kelimeler” and “JEL Codes”. “Anahtar Kelimeler” should be placed just below “Öz”, and “JEL Kodları” should be placed one line below “Anahtar Kelimeler”. Similarly, “Abstract” should be followed by “Keywords” and “JEL Codes”. “Anahtar Kelimeler”, “JEL Kodları”, “Keywords”, and “JEL Codes” should be typed in 11 points Times New Roman and separated by a comma (,).


The Introduction title should be typed in 10 points boldface capital letters left-aligned and numbered (1. INTRODUCTION). In the introduction section, general information about the study’s aim, methodology, and findings should be given.

MAIN TEXT (11 pt)

In the main text of the study, a theoretical framework for the research study, literature review, the method used, and the findings should be given.


The author-date citation system should be used to cite references in the text, and each reference cited in the text must be presented in the references section. An in-text citation consists of the author’s name, the publication year, and the quoted page number(s).
Examples of in-text citations:
• (Demirci, 2019: 254)
• (Akdoğan ve Sevilengül, 2007: 58)
• (Saban ve diğerleri, 2017: 25-26)
• (Karan, 2003: 54; Karacabey, 2001: 27)
In cases of existing multiple sources of the same author published in the same year in the references, a letter must be added after the year, such as a, b, c… to distinguish between them in the text. (Güvemli, 1995a: 37)
If the author is already mentioned in the quoted text, there is no need to add a parenthetical citation again. To cite website references, include only the website’s domain name in the text ( The full URL should be in the references section.

Footnotes Below the Text: Footnotes should not be used for citation. If it is included in the text, the supplementary information that might disrupt the text’s integrity should be used as footnotes and should not be longer than the text. Footnotes should be numbered in superscript throughout the text. The footnote number must be placed immediately after the word to which the footnote refers. Furthermore, if the footnote refers to a paragraph, the footnote number must be placed immediately after the final punctuation mark. Footnote text should be placed at the bottom of the page and typed in single-line spacing, in 9 points.


All tables and figures must be labeled with numbered captions that identify and describe them in accordance with their order of appearance. Table captions must be placed above the tables. Table captions should be typed in boldface and centered, the first letters should be capitalized.

Example: Table 1. Technology Trends and Accounting Trends

Figure captions must be placed below the figures. Figure captions should be typed in boldface and centered, the first letters should be capitalized.

Example: Figure 1. Sustainability Dimensions

If a table or figure is used from another source, the original source should be typed underneath the table or figure in 10 points.


In this section, the study results should be included, suggestions should be made, and information should be given about future studies.


The heading of the References should not be numbered. Only the cited sources in the text must be included in References. According to the first author’s last name, references must be listed in alphabetical order. Only the initials of the authors’ names should be typed. After the first line of each entry in the Reference section, all lines should be indented 1 cm from the left margin.

Publication Ethics

The publication processes applied in the Malatya Turgut Ozal University Journal of Business And Management Sciences constitute the basis for the development and distribution of information in an impartial and respectful manner. The processes applied in this direction directly reflect the quality of the work of the authors and institutions supporting the writers. Effective studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. It is important that all stakeholders (writers, readers and researchers, publishers, referees and editors) in this point must comply with the standards for ethical principles.

Malatya Turgut Ozal University Journal of Business And Management Sciences relies on academic publishing and the world to publish published articles and provide quality in morality. Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and plagiarized publications will not be published or published in the Malatya Turgut Ozal University Journal of Business And Management Sciences. For this reason, all documents received are checked with "Plagiarism Detection Software Programs" (Ithenticate, Turnitin) for plagiarism prior to the review process. While signing the publication agreement, the author (s) must ensure that the article and related materials are genuine and that no one infringes the copyright.

The following ethical duties and responsibilities are based on open access to the guidelines and policies published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The editors of the Malatya Turgut Ozal University Journal of Business And Management Sciences, on the basis of the guidelines of the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and have responsibilities:

Author Ethics Responsibilities

1. The writer (s) are expected to be unique in their work. The authors (s) are required to make full use of and / or quote in a complete and accurate manner in case of using other works or using other works.

2.The persons who provide intellectual contribution to the content in the creation of the work should not be mentioned as authors.

3. All cases submitted for publication should be clarified if there are conflicts of interest and their relations.

4. Raw data on articles within the framework of assessment processes can be requested from the reader (s); in such a case the author (s) should be ready to submit the expected data and information to the editorial board.

5. The reader (s) must have evidence that they have the necessary permissions for the use / exploitation of the data used.

6. The magazine editor or publisher has an obligation to cooperate with the editor in notifying, correcting or withdrawing the editorial or publisher if he / she finds a mistake or error related to his / her work in early stage or evaluation stage.

7. The magazines can not have their works in the application process of more than one magazine at the same time. Each application can be started following the completion of the previous application. Published work in another journal can not be sent to the Malatya Turgut Ozal University Journal of Business And Management Sciences.

Referee Ethics Responsibilities

1. Only should accept the evaluation of the field of expertise.

2.The evaluation should be done in a clear and confidential manner.

3. If he thinks he or she is confronted with a conflict of interest in the evaluation process, he should refuse to examine the work and inform the editor of the journal.

4. The privacy principle should destroy the studies that they have examined after the evaluation process. Only the final versions of the studies can be used after publication.

5. The assessment should be done objectively only with respect to the content of the work. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not allow it to influence the evaluation.

6. The assessment should be constructive and polite. He should not make insulting personal comments that include hostility, slander and insults.

7.The evaluation should be conducted on time and on ethical responsibilities as agreed upon

Editors' Ethical Responsibilities

1. All publications are judged on the basis of the author's intellectual content, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, citizenship and political values

2. This information about the articles is kept confidential.

3. The conflict of interest observed regarding the article must be explained.

4. The Editorial Board undertakes the responsibility of making publishing decisions for submitted articles based on the evaluation of the journal, editorial board policies of the journal, and articles legally prohibited from plagiarism, insult and copyright infringement.


In order for a journal article to be submitted for publication, the article must not have been published in another journal before and has not been evaluated for publication elsewhere. Articles and texts published in this journal are copyrighted by their authors, except for commercial purposes and cited.

Article processes are carried out free of charge.