e-ISSN: 2791-8025
Founded: 2021
Publisher: Karabuk University
Cover Image

MUTALAA Journal (ISSN: 2791-8025) is a peer-reviewed academic journal published twice a year by Karabuk University. It is a multidisciplinary journal that was established to publish academic studies in the fields of Basic Islamic Sciences - Philosophy and Religious Sciences - Islamic History and Arts and the criticisms of these studies. In the journal the following works are published: copyrighted and translated articles, text publications, wafayât articles and scientific interviews in Turkish, English, and Arabic, which have not been published and are not in the process of evaluation in another journal, book, thesis, conference and symposiums in the field of social sciences such as religion and theology, anthropology, sociology, psychology, education, philosophy, literature, history, law and morality.

Scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in MUTALAA belongs to the authors. All publication rights of the articles in the journal belong to Mutalaa Journal, and they cannot be partially or completely printed, reproduced, and transferred to electronic media without the written permission of the editor. Anti-religious articles that discriminate, incite hatred and animosity are not accepted in the journal. The editorial board is responsible for the publication of the articles.

Manuscripts to be sent to the journal must be written in accordance with the "THE ISNAD CITATION Guide".
Please read the AUTHOR GUIDELINES section before submitting an article to our journal.