Every study that is submitted to NOSYON for publication is checked for similarity by the editorial board using iThenticate and other plagiarism detection programs.
The Editorial Board of NOSYON adopts the following rules in determining the similarity:
1. Articles with a general similarity rate of more than 20% are sent back to the author without going through the referee process.
2. The similarity rate from a single source should be less than 3%.
3. The iThenticate report is retrieved with “Exclude Bibliography: ON, Exclude Quotes: OFF, Exclude Matches: OFF” settings.
4. Editors can check for similarity during or after the peer-review process.
5. In addition, regardless of the similarity rate, the study is returned to the author in case of any expressions and/or similarities found in blocks, taken from a source and not referenced to the relevant source.
It is assumed that all authors who submit their study for publication accept the rules mentioned above.