Writing Rules

Article writing template for authors : https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/nosyon/page/10626

Evaluation of Articles:

1. Research articles uploaded to Nosyon should contain at least 4,000 words except, Abstract (Oz) and Bibliography. Articles containing between 2,000 and 4,000 words are considered as Short Articles.

2. The articles submitted to the journal should not have been published or taken into publication order of any journal before.

3. Articles submitted for publication are subjected to pre-check, plagiarism screening, referee evaluation and Turkish and English language control stages. The refereeing process of the articles with plagiarism rate higher than 20% (twenty percent) is not initiated.

4. Articles sent to the journal for publication are examined by the editorial board in terms of purpose, scope, content, method and writing rules. Studies are screened for plagiarism. The articles found appropriate are sent to two referees who are experts in their fields to be evaluated in terms of their scientific competence. If the referee reports are positive, the work is published after the Editor's review; if one of the referees gives a negative report, the Editor or the Editorial Board decides on the publication of the article. Approved articles are put into the list of order of publication. Referee reports are confidential. Authors are answered promptly within the relevant working period.

5. Authors must take into account the reports of the editorial board and referees. The scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author. Editorial board is free to publish or not publish the submitted article. Submitted articles are not returned, whether published or not. Published articles of the authors may be removed from publication in accordance with the decision of the editorial board. Published articles cannot be withdrawn except by the Editorial Board. Authors are not paid royalty fees.

Author Guidelines
1. The research articles uploaded to Nosyon must contain at least 4,000 words, except Abstract and References, the articles that contain words between 2,000 and 4,000 are considered as short article.
2. In the articles, the rules of APA 6th are valid except the following rules.
3. Articles that do not follow the spelling rules will not be included to the referee's process.
4. Nosyon uses double-blind review.
5. Articles should be in A4 size, 2.5 cm from all sides, 12 font size, Times New Roman and single line spaced.
6. The “Öz” and “Abstract” should be 10 font size, between 200-300 words and written in one paragraph.
7. There should be at least 5 keywords in the articles.
8. All the titles should be left-aligned. The title of the manuscript should be 14 font size, bold, all other titles should be 12 font size and bold. Except for the proper nouns and the first word after the double dot, the first letter of all the headings should be capitalised and the other words should start with a lowercase letter. Titles should be enumerated with numbers.
9. Before all titles, there should be 12nk space and after all titles, there should also be 6nk space.
10. The first paragraph after the headings is not inserted, the other paragraphs should be indented 1.25 cm.
11. There should be no spaces between paragraphs.
12. Direct quotations of more than four lines should be 10 font size and it should be written with 1 cm space on the right and left and there should be 6 nk space both before and after.
13. All legal responsibility of the articles sent to Nosyon belongs to the authors. 

14. Bibliography should be cited and the following examples should be taken into consideration in its writing:

Tokoz, O. (2014). Siyasal iletisimi anlamak. Istanbul: Imge Kitabevi Press.

Book Translations:
McLuhan, M. (2017). Gutenberg galaksisi: Tipografik insanin olusumu (G. C. Guven, Trans.). Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Press.

Single-Author Article:
Yasin, C. (2006). Siyasal kampanya yonetiminde butuncul yaklasim. Selcuk University, Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 15, 631–650.

Multi- Author Article:
Karadogan Doruk, S.; Mengu, S.; Goksu, N. F. & Yavasgel, E. (2017). International e-learning as an emerging cultural diplomacy practice. Journal of Current Researches on Social Sciences (JoCReSS), 7(2), 347–362.

Chapter in a book:
Lewis, S. C. (2017). Buyuk veri caginda gazetecilik: Vakalar, kavramlar ve elestiriler (B. Narin, Trans.). H. Hulur & C. Yasin (Ed.), Yeni medya: Gelecegin gazeteciligi (p. 141-154). Ankara: Utopya Press.

Online Publications:
Online Publications with an author:
Ozyurek, B. (2013, 13 February). Yazmak isteyenler icin yazilmis kitaplar. Retrieved from (12 May 2019): https://www.kulturmafyasi.com/yazmak-isteyenler-icin-yazilmis-kitaplar/

Online Publications without author or editor:
Machines. (t.y.). The Matrix Wiki. Retrieved from (12 May2019): https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Machines

Corporate Online Publications:
Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu. (2019, 17 May). Dogum Istatistikleri, 2018. Retrieved from (18 September 2019): http://www.tuik.gov.tr/PreHaberBultenleri.do?id=30696

Hulur, H. (1996). Techno-scientific constitution of action, globalization and inner dimension: The cases of Ismail Aga and Iskender Pasa branches of the Naqshbandi order (Unpublished Phd Thesis). METU Social Sciences Institute, Ankara.

Senel, O. (2017). Yeni medya reklamciliginda guncel yaklasimlar (Unpublished Master Thesis). Marmara University Social Sciences Institute, Istanbul.

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