Research Article
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A Study on the Effects of Managers’ Paternalist Leadership Behaviors on Their Expectations Regar-ding Psychological Contract

Year 2018, , 101 - 118, 15.08.2018


Paternalist leadership, describes the leaders who approach the
emotional needs of their subordinates with a fatherly manner, especially in the
collectivist eastern cultures. Paternalist leadership emerges when the leader
cares and helps his/her subordinate while expecting unconditional loyalty in
return. Psychological contract, which is a concept used to explain mutual
expectations between parties in business relations, refers to the non-written
expectations between the manager and the employee. The role of paternalist
leadership styles on managers’ expectations from their subordinates regarding
psychological contract constitutes the subject of this research. Data collected
from 273 managers was analyzed by multiple linear regression analysis. As a
result of the research, it has been seen that managers' paternalist leadership
behaviors are positively related to their expectations for commitment to
personal growth, commitment to job and acceptance of the authority of the


  • Börekçi, Dilek Yılmaz (2009), "Leader’s ICT usage’s influence on follower’s positive work attitu-des via perceived leader-follower relations." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Stu-dies 16, no. 2: 141-158.
  • Cerit, Yusuf (2012), “Paternalistik liderlik ile yöneticiden ve işin doğasından doyum arasındaki ilişki”, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, no.2:35-56.
  • Cerit, Yusuf (2013), "Paternalist Liderlik ile Öğretmenlere Yönelik Yıldırma Davranışları Arasın-daki İlişki." Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 13, no. 2.
  • Chen, Xiao-Ping; B. Eberly, Marion; Chiang, Ting-Ju; Farh, Jiing-Lih; Cheng, Bor-Shiuan (2014), "Affective trust in Chinese leaders: Linking paternalistic leadership to employee perfor-mance." Journal of management 40, no. 3: 796-819.
  • Cheng, Bor-Shiuan; P. Y. Shieh; L. F. Chou (2002), "The principal’s leadership, leader-member exchange quality, and the teacher’s extra-role behavior: The effects of transformational and paternalistic leadership." Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies 17, no. 105161: 1983.
  • Cheng, Bor-Shiuan (1995), “Paternalistic authority and leadership: A case study of a Taiwanese CEO”, Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Academic Sinica, 79(3), 119-173.
  • Cheng, Bor‐Shiuan; Li‐Fang Chou; Tsung‐Yu Wu; Min‐Ping Huang; Jiing‐Lih Farh.(2004), "Pater-nalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations." Asian Journal of Social Psychology 7, no. 1, 89-117.
  • Cheng, Bor-Shiuan; Chin-Kang Jen (2005), "The contingent model of paternalistic leadership: Subordinate dependence and leader competence." In Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Cheng, Farh; Farh, Jiing Lih (2006), "Authority and Benevolence: employees’ responses to paternalistic Leadership in China." TSUI. China's Domestic Private Firms: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Management And Performance. New York: ME Sharpe.
  • Conway, Neil.,;Briner, Rob. B. (2005), Understanding psychological contracts at work: A critical evaluation of theory and research. Oxford University Press.
  • Afsar, Bilal; Rehman, Maryam (2015), "The relationship between workplace spirituality and innovative work behavior: The mediating role of perceived person–organization fit." Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 12, no. 4: 329-353.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A. M.; Kessler, Ian (2002), “Exploring reciprocity through the lens of the psychological contract: Employee and employer perspectives”. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 11(1), 69-86.
  • Cropley, Mark.,; Millward Purvis, Lynne (2003), “Job strain and rumination about work issues during leisure time: A diary study”. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psycho-logy, 12(3), 195-207.
  • De Ruiter, Melanie; Schalk René; Blomme, Robert J. (2016), "Manager responses to employee dissent about psychological contract breach: A dyadic process approach." Management Communication Quarterly 30, no. 2: 188-217.
  • Demirer, Petek (2012), “Is Paternalistic Leadership Empowering: A Contingency Framework”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Koç Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü,Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı.Epitropaki, Olga (2013), "A multi‐level investigation of psychological contract breach and orga-nizational identification through the lens of perceived organizational membership: Testing a moderated–mediated model." Journal of Organizational Behavior 34, no. 1: 65-86.
  • Erben, Gül S.; Güneşer, Ayşe B. (2008), "The relationship between paternalistic leadership and organizational commitment: Investigating the role of climate regarding ethics." Journal of Business Ethics 82, no. 4: 955-968.
  • Farh, Jiing-Lih, and Bor-Shiuan Cheng (2000), "A cultural analysis of paternalistic leadership in Chinese organizations." In Management and organizations in the Chinese context, pp. 84-127. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Fikret Pasa, Selda (2000), "Leadership influence in a high power distance and collectivist culture." Leadership & Organization Development Journal 21, no. 8: 414-426.
  • Flood, Patrick C.; Ramamoorthy, Nagarajan; McDermott, Aoife; Conway, Edel. (2008) "Leadership, human resource management and the content of the psychological contract.", LINK Working Paper Serios, WP:03-08
  • Gerçek, Merve (2017), “Psikolojik Sözleşmenin Yöneticiler Açısından İncelenmesi Ve Liderlik Tarzları İle Aralarındaki İlişkilere Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstan-bul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Bilim Dalı.
  • Göncü, Aslı; Aycan, Zeynep; Johnson, Russell E. (2014), "Effects of paternalistic and transformational leadership on follower outcomes." International Journal of Management and Busi-ness 5, no. 1: 36-58.Guest, David E. (2004), Th e psychology of the employment relationship: An analysis based on the psychological contract. Applied psychology, 53(4), 541-555.
  • Alabak, Merve (2016), "Paternalistic leadership in Turkey: its relationship with organizational identification, work-group identification, supervisor identification and organizational citi-zenship behaviors." PhD diss., Bilkent University, 2016.
  • Herriot, Peter; Pemberton, Carole (1997), "Facilitating new deals." Human resource manage-ment journal 7, no. 1: 45-56.
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  • Kickul, J., Lester, S. W., & Finkl, J. (2002). Promise breaking during radical organizational chan-ge: do justice interventions make a difference?. Journal of organizational behavior, 23(4), 469-488. DOI: 10.1002/job.151
  • Kotter, John Paul (1973), “The psychological contract: Managing the joining-up pro-cess." California management review 15, no. 3 (1973): 91-99.
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  • Kurt, İlge (2015), "Paternalist Liderlik İle Çalışanların İşlerine Yaratıcı Katılım Algıları Arasındaki İlişkiyi Araştırmaya Yönelik Bir Çalışma." Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi 5, no. 1 (2015): 321-330.
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Yöneticilerin Babacan (Paternalist) Liderlik Davranışlarının Psikolojik Sözleşme Bağlamındaki Beklentileri Üzerindeki Etkilerine Yönelik Bir Çalışma

Year 2018, , 101 - 118, 15.08.2018


Paternalist liderlik olarak
da adlandırılan Babacan liderlik, özellikle kollektivist kültürlerde ortaya
çıkan, astlarının duygusal ihtiyaçlarına babacan bir tavırla yaklaşan
yöneticilerin liderlik stilini ifade etmektedir. Babacan liderlik, koruyan ve
yardım eden bir yöneticinin, astından kendisine koşulsuz sadakat göstermesine
yönelik beklentiye sahip olduğu durumları ifade etmektedir. İş ilişkilerinde
taraflar arasındaki karşılıklı beklentileri açıklamak için kullanılan bir
kavram olan psikolojik sözleşme, yönetici ve çalışan arasındaki yazılı olmayan
beklentileri ifade etmektedir.  Yöneticilerin
babacan liderlik davranışlarının, astlarından beklentileri üzerinde nasıl bir
rol oynadığı, bu araştırmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı
doğrultusunda 273 yöneticiden toplanan veriler, çoklu doğrusal regresyon
analizleri ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, yöneticilerin babacan
liderlik davranışları ile astlarından gelişime açık olmaları, işlerini
benimsemeleri ve yöneticisinin otoritesini kabul etmesi yönündeki
beklentilerinin olumlu yönde ilişkili olduğu görülmüştür.


  • Börekçi, Dilek Yılmaz (2009), "Leader’s ICT usage’s influence on follower’s positive work attitu-des via perceived leader-follower relations." Journal of Leadership & Organizational Stu-dies 16, no. 2: 141-158.
  • Cerit, Yusuf (2012), “Paternalistik liderlik ile yöneticiden ve işin doğasından doyum arasındaki ilişki”, Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 31, no.2:35-56.
  • Cerit, Yusuf (2013), "Paternalist Liderlik ile Öğretmenlere Yönelik Yıldırma Davranışları Arasın-daki İlişki." Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 13, no. 2.
  • Chen, Xiao-Ping; B. Eberly, Marion; Chiang, Ting-Ju; Farh, Jiing-Lih; Cheng, Bor-Shiuan (2014), "Affective trust in Chinese leaders: Linking paternalistic leadership to employee perfor-mance." Journal of management 40, no. 3: 796-819.
  • Cheng, Bor-Shiuan; P. Y. Shieh; L. F. Chou (2002), "The principal’s leadership, leader-member exchange quality, and the teacher’s extra-role behavior: The effects of transformational and paternalistic leadership." Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies 17, no. 105161: 1983.
  • Cheng, Bor-Shiuan (1995), “Paternalistic authority and leadership: A case study of a Taiwanese CEO”, Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnology Academic Sinica, 79(3), 119-173.
  • Cheng, Bor‐Shiuan; Li‐Fang Chou; Tsung‐Yu Wu; Min‐Ping Huang; Jiing‐Lih Farh.(2004), "Pater-nalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations." Asian Journal of Social Psychology 7, no. 1, 89-117.
  • Cheng, Bor-Shiuan; Chin-Kang Jen (2005), "The contingent model of paternalistic leadership: Subordinate dependence and leader competence." In Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Cheng, Farh; Farh, Jiing Lih (2006), "Authority and Benevolence: employees’ responses to paternalistic Leadership in China." TSUI. China's Domestic Private Firms: Multidisciplinary Perspectives On Management And Performance. New York: ME Sharpe.
  • Conway, Neil.,;Briner, Rob. B. (2005), Understanding psychological contracts at work: A critical evaluation of theory and research. Oxford University Press.
  • Afsar, Bilal; Rehman, Maryam (2015), "The relationship between workplace spirituality and innovative work behavior: The mediating role of perceived person–organization fit." Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 12, no. 4: 329-353.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A. M.; Kessler, Ian (2002), “Exploring reciprocity through the lens of the psychological contract: Employee and employer perspectives”. European journal of work and organizational psychology, 11(1), 69-86.
  • Cropley, Mark.,; Millward Purvis, Lynne (2003), “Job strain and rumination about work issues during leisure time: A diary study”. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psycho-logy, 12(3), 195-207.
  • De Ruiter, Melanie; Schalk René; Blomme, Robert J. (2016), "Manager responses to employee dissent about psychological contract breach: A dyadic process approach." Management Communication Quarterly 30, no. 2: 188-217.
  • Demirer, Petek (2012), “Is Paternalistic Leadership Empowering: A Contingency Framework”, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Koç Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü,Psikoloji Anabilim Dalı.Epitropaki, Olga (2013), "A multi‐level investigation of psychological contract breach and orga-nizational identification through the lens of perceived organizational membership: Testing a moderated–mediated model." Journal of Organizational Behavior 34, no. 1: 65-86.
  • Erben, Gül S.; Güneşer, Ayşe B. (2008), "The relationship between paternalistic leadership and organizational commitment: Investigating the role of climate regarding ethics." Journal of Business Ethics 82, no. 4: 955-968.
  • Farh, Jiing-Lih, and Bor-Shiuan Cheng (2000), "A cultural analysis of paternalistic leadership in Chinese organizations." In Management and organizations in the Chinese context, pp. 84-127. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
  • Fikret Pasa, Selda (2000), "Leadership influence in a high power distance and collectivist culture." Leadership & Organization Development Journal 21, no. 8: 414-426.
  • Flood, Patrick C.; Ramamoorthy, Nagarajan; McDermott, Aoife; Conway, Edel. (2008) "Leadership, human resource management and the content of the psychological contract.", LINK Working Paper Serios, WP:03-08
  • Gerçek, Merve (2017), “Psikolojik Sözleşmenin Yöneticiler Açısından İncelenmesi Ve Liderlik Tarzları İle Aralarındaki İlişkilere Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, İstan-bul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilim Dalı, İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Bilim Dalı.
  • Göncü, Aslı; Aycan, Zeynep; Johnson, Russell E. (2014), "Effects of paternalistic and transformational leadership on follower outcomes." International Journal of Management and Busi-ness 5, no. 1: 36-58.Guest, David E. (2004), Th e psychology of the employment relationship: An analysis based on the psychological contract. Applied psychology, 53(4), 541-555.
  • Alabak, Merve (2016), "Paternalistic leadership in Turkey: its relationship with organizational identification, work-group identification, supervisor identification and organizational citi-zenship behaviors." PhD diss., Bilkent University, 2016.
  • Herriot, Peter; Pemberton, Carole (1997), "Facilitating new deals." Human resource manage-ment journal 7, no. 1: 45-56.
  • Hofstede, Geert (1980), Culture’s Consequences: International Differences in Work-Related Values (Abridged ed.), Sage, Newbury Park, CA.
  • Kalaycı, Şeref (2011), SPSS uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistik teknikleri. Vol. 5. Ankara, Türkiye: Asil Yayın Dağıtım
  • Kassing, Jeffrey W. (2009), "Breaking the chain of command: Making sense of employee cir-cumvention." The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 46, no. 3: 311-334.
  • Kickul, J., Lester, S. W., & Finkl, J. (2002). Promise breaking during radical organizational chan-ge: do justice interventions make a difference?. Journal of organizational behavior, 23(4), 469-488. DOI: 10.1002/job.151
  • Kotter, John Paul (1973), “The psychological contract: Managing the joining-up pro-cess." California management review 15, no. 3 (1973): 91-99.
  • Köksal, Onur (2011). “Bir Kültürel Liderlik Pradoksu: Paternalizm”, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Cilt: 8, Sayı: 15, ss.101-122.
  • Kurt, İlge (2015), "Paternalist Liderlik İle Çalışanların İşlerine Yaratıcı Katılım Algıları Arasındaki İlişkiyi Araştırmaya Yönelik Bir Çalışma." Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi 5, no. 1 (2015): 321-330.
  • Lee, Junghyun; Taylor, M. Susan (2014), “Dual roles in psychological contracts: When mana-gers take both agent and principal roles”. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 95-107.
  • Levinson, Harry; Price, Charlton. R.; Munden, Kenneth J., Mandl, Harold J.; Solley, Charles M. (1962), Men, management, and mental health. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
  • Ansari, Mahfooz A.; Ahmad, Zainal A.; Aafaqi, Rehana (2004), "Organizational leadership in the Malaysian context." In Leading in high growth Asia: Managing relationship for teamwork and change, pp. 109-138.
  • Liao, S. H., Widowati, R., Hu, D. C., & Tasman, L. (2016). The mediating effect of psychological contract in the relationships between paternalistic leadership and turnover intention for foreign workers in Taiwan. Asia Pacific Management Review.
  • Martínez, Patricia G. (2003), "Paternalism as a positive form of leader–subordinate exchange: Evidence from Mexico." Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management 1, no. 3: 227-242.
  • Martínez, Sandra M.; Peter W. Dorfman. (1998), "The Mexican entrepreneur: An ethnographic study of the Mexican empresario." International Studies of Management & Organiza-tion 28, no. 2: 97-124.
  • McDermott, Aoife M., Conway, Edel; Rousseau, Denise M.; Flood, Patrick C. (2013), "Promoting effective psychological contracts through leadership: The missing link between HR strategy and performance." Human Resource Management 52, no. 2: 289-310.
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There are 78 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Merve Gerçek 0000-0002-7076-8192

Publication Date August 15, 2018
Submission Date February 5, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Gerçek, M. (2018). Yöneticilerin Babacan (Paternalist) Liderlik Davranışlarının Psikolojik Sözleşme Bağlamındaki Beklentileri Üzerindeki Etkilerine Yönelik Bir Çalışma. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 13(2), 101-118.

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