3. Authors should prepare their manuscripts in Microsoft Office Word 2016 or newer by the template on the journal website. Studies that do not comply with the article template will be subject to editorial rejection without being included in the referee evaluation process. Click for the template.
4. Authors should analyze their articles uploaded to the system with similarity programs such as iThenticate or Turnitin and upload the similarity report and the signed copyright form to the system. Click on the form.
5. In addition to the authors entering their ORCID information into the system, they should be added next to the author's information on the string template and this should be done for all authors. Authors can obtain their ORCID IDs at https://orcid.org/signin.
6. As explained in detail on the
Data Policy page, the data sets used in the analysis in the articles, analysis outputs, and if there are legal reasons preventing the sharing of the data, the documents showing this should be uploaded to the system at the application stage. The authors agree in advance that the datasets or analysis outputs they upload can be subject to inspection.
7. After the applications are pre-checked in terms of document information and format conditions, an editorial pre-evaluation will be made.
8. If the article passes the pre-evaluation of the Editorial Board, the authors are required to deposit the payment to the bank account of ESOGÜ FEAS to cover the costs of the journal. The referee evaluation process will start only after the submission fee has been paid. Article ID must be specified in the payment description. The submission fee will not be refunded if the article is rejected and/or not published as a result of the referee evaluations or the decision of the Editorial Board. Refund requests made with different comments on referee or editor evaluations will not be considered.
Main Text Writing Rules
1. The manuscripts to be submitted to be published in the journal must have a
minimum of 8.000 words and a
maximum of 12.000 words, including all texts by the template. If the articles exceed these limits to a certain extent, the journal editor will decide to initiate the evaluation process.
2. The Turkish and English abstract of the articles to be sent to be published in the journal
should not exceed 100 words.
3. For all studies an
extended summary of approximately 1000 words should be prepared
in English.
Footnote Writing Rules
1. For in-text citations, the reference system in which the author's surname, date, and page numbers are given should be preferred (For example Clegg, 1997, p. 53). References to sources with more than two authors include the first author's surname and "et al." The phrase should be used (eg Morgan et al., 1994, p. 75). If more than one source is used in the same parenthesis, the references should be separated with a semicolon (;) sign (For example Hassard and Parker, 1994, p. 125; Boje, 1996, p. 146).
2. In quotations given from a study published by an author in the same year, the quotations should be separated as a and b. (For example Kazgan, 2016a, p. 125; Kazgan, 2016b, p. 256).
3. Explanations regarding some of the issues to be explained in the text can be specified as footnotes below the page, and such footnotes must follow each other numerically. However, references cannot be given in the form of footnotes or endnotes.
References Writing Rules
Alkin, E. (2018), İktisada yeniden giriş, Destek Yayınları.
Alkin, E., & Alpay, Y. (2014). Her şey ekonomi değil (6th ed.). Goa Yayınları.
Arellano-Bover, J., Bianchi, N., Lattanzio, S., & Paradisi, M. (2024, Jul 19). “The role of workforce ageing in closing the gender pay gap”: The promise of specialised early intervention in psychosis services. VOXEU. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/role-workforce-ageing-closing-gender-pay-gap
Acemoglu, D., & Restrepo, P. (2024). Automation and rent dissipation: implications for wages, inequality, and productivity. NBER. https://doi.org/10.3386/w32536
Rodrik, D. (2024). Reimagining the global economic order. Review of Keynesian Economics, 12(3), 396-407. https://doi.org/10.4337/roke.2024.03.07
Writing Rules of Tables and Figures
1. Tables, figures, and graphics to be included in the text should be titled in a way that they do not exceed the page margins (may be smaller than the page margins) and within the tables themselves, the figures within themselves, and the graphics within themselves, and the numbers consecutively (numerically) by giving the title number.
2. The sources of the tables, figures, and graphics to be included in the text should be placed under the tables, figures, and graphics by the in-text reference rules. (Source: DPT, 1988, p. 125). Click for the sample table.
3. The authors should design visuals such as tables, graphics, figures, or diagrams to be used in the articles and not copied directly.