Volume: 30 Issue: 2, 8/18/22

Year: 2022

Research Articles

Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskişehir Osmangazi University is a multidisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal to present recent improvements in science and engineering.

This journal publishes original theoretical and empirical research papers related to these areas of engineering.

The Journal accepts papers in the areas of Computer, Electrical-Electronics, Industrial, Civil, Geology Chemical, Mining, Mechanical and Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskişehir Osmangazi University publishes theoretical and empirical research papers in a wide range of areas in engineering sciences.

The journal publishes manuscripts in either Turkish or English.

Page Margins: Manuscripts should be prepared in a standard A4 page size (210mm * 297mm) with margins 30mm on the top and 25mm on the left, right and bottom. The manuscripts should be set in two-column format.

Font: Manuscript files should be provided in Microsoft Word format. All text of the manuscript should be written in Cambria, 10 pt. Paragraphs should start at the beginning of the line (no indent, no tab) and there should be 6 pt line spacing before each paragraph.

Manuscript, including abstract and references, should not exceed 8000 words in length.

Title: The title of the article should be written in 12 pt, each letters should be capitalized and the title should be centered on the page. The title should not be more than eighty characters.

Öz/Abstract: Öz/Abstracts are required for all manuscripts regardless of the language of the manuscript. Abstracts should be provided in both Turkish and English for all papers. Following the title, an abstract of 250 words, briefly stating the purpose and the results of the paper, should be included in the paper. Abstract should not include any references. It should be written in Cambria, 10 pt and italic.

Anahtar Kelimeler/Keywords: At the left side of the abstract, maximum of five keywords should be provided.

Introduction and Other Parts: Following the abstract, the manuscript should be divided into various sections starting with introduction section and should end with references.

For more information : Manuscript Guidelines...

Use the template when preparing an article : Article Templete...

1. Ethics approval is needed for
* Researches using publication on vulnerable populations, policies on consent to publication, handling confidental data and ethical business/marketing practices
* Clinical researches using human subjects,
* Researches using animals
* Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data
Ethics committee approval should be stated and documented in the article.

Information about the approvals (board name, date and number) should be included in the “Method” section of the article and also on the first/last page.
During the artical appload, the Ethics Committee Approval file must be uploaded to the system in addition to the article file.
Case reports must contain the information indicates that the consent form is signed.

2. Information about the approval for the study conducted in a company should be included in the article

3. Permission must be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, and photographs belonging to others and this must be stated in the article (with reference to).

4. As a result of the analysis of the article with iThenticate similarity programs, the total similarity level should be below 25%.

5. Author, Referee and Editor's compliance with ethical rules
Authors: Only those who have contributed significantly to the research should be listed as coauthors.
Referees: If the referees have any doubts about the conflict of interest, they should consult the Editor regarding the evaluation process. In order to prevent conflict of interest, people working in the same institution with article authors are not selected as referees.
Editors: Editor or Field editor appoints at least 2 (preferably 3) people from different institutions as referees to evaluate the article. The names of the referees who evaluate the articles are not notified to the authors (blind peer review). In addition, referees are guaranteed to evaluate articles without seeing the names of the authors (double-blind peer review). Editor or Field Editor is responsible for managing the referee evaluation process of the articles and they have the right to reject the relevant article in case of any conflict of interest.

6. Articles should include a statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied.

7. In scientific articles sent to journals, ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) International Standards for Editors and Authors should be taken into consideration.

8. It is necessary to comply with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.

9. At the end of the article; "Contribution of Researchers", if available "Support" or "Acknowledgment" and "Conflict of Interest" statement should be given.

All accepted articles are published without any submission, evaluation or publication fees .

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