The Online Turkish Journal of Health Sciences does not charge any fees for articles and other processes uploaded to its website. All accepted articles are published, read and downloaded for free. To ensure the principles of open access and ethical publishing, the Online Turkish Journal of Health Sciences follows the principles of
ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors),
BOAI (Budapest Open Access Initiative), and
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals). All authors and members of the journal should be aware of the rules regarding the basic rules and recommendations set by
Initial Assessment and Check for Plagiarism
An appointed editor reviews the article submitted to the journal to ensure it complies with the journal writing rules, subject matter, scope, language proficiency, and academic standards. The review process is completed within 30 days at most. The corresponding author is required to upload a similarity report, which can be accessed at Our journal considers both full-sentence and full-paragraph similarities but ignores spelling, phrases, and terminology. The similarity rate must be less than 15%. After reviewing the report, if the article is found to be non-compliant with the spelling rules, subject matter, scope, language proficiency, and academic standards, it will be rejected and sent back to the author for revision.
Deputy Editor/Field Editor Review
Once the preliminary review of an article is completed, the editor assigns a deputy editor/field editor to review the article again. This time, the focus is on the subject matter, scope, language, and academic proficiency. The process is completed within a maximum of 30 days. If the article meets the required standards, referees are appointed.
Double-Blind Referee Process
Articles submitted for publication are evaluated by at least a double-blind referee. The peer review process involves reviewers submitting individual recommendations to authors while ensuring that they have no conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality for the received articles. After the referees' evaluations, the editor reviews the results and notifies the author of the decision regarding the article. The referees' identities are not disclosed to the authors, and vice versa. Additionally, the referees cannot see each other's identities. The general principle is that manuscripts that are deemed inadequate are developed in line with the recommendations of the referees. The journal system sends an invitation to the referee, who has 7 days to accept or reject it. If accepted, the referee has 15 days to complete the evaluation. If the evaluation cannot be completed within 15 days, additional time is given upon request.
Author Edit
Authors take into account the criticism and suggestions of the referees and the Editorial Board. If there are issues they disagree with, they have the right to object with their reasons. They edit the article within the scope of recommendation reports and upload the final version of the article to the system.
Necessary changes must be made by the author within 10 days after minor changes in the article decision, 20 days after major changes, and 30 days after revisions that require rewriting. If the requested corrections are not made by the author on time, the editor writes a warning letter to the author. If there is a delay again, the article will be rejected.
Editor / Field Editor Control
The Editor or Field Editor will check if the author has made the requested corrections to the text. If there is a "Major Revision" in the referee reports, the article will be sent back to the relevant referee. If "Acceptance" or "Minor Revision" is completed, the rewritten text will be checked one last time for language and spelling errors. This final phase lasts a maximum of 10 days. The Editor/Field Editor will then decide on whether to "Accept" the article for publication. If accepted, the article is placed in the publication order and sent to the Layout Editor. If the article is not accepted for publication, it will be given a "Rejection" decision but will not be deleted from the system. The entire process and all associated files will be recorded in the system.
Typesetting and Layout Stage
After selection by the Editorial Board, articles undergo typesetting and layout in preparation for publication.