REVIEWER: Manuscripts submitted for publication are evaluated by at least two blind reviewers. The peer-review process involves receiving advice from the experts of peers in the field on individual articles. The reviewers have no conflict of interest and keep the papers confidential. The editor reviews the reviewers' evaluation results, informing the author about the decision. The names of the reviewers are not notified to the authors. Referees cannot see the names of the authors. Developing short articles following the referees' recommendations is a general principle. An invitation is sent to the referee through the journal system. The referee accepts or rejects the invitation within seven days. If taken, the evaluation process is 15 days. If they cannot complete the evaluation within 15 days, additional time is given if they wish.
In the Reviewer Evaluation Form, it is mandatory to write the Academic title, Name and Surname, and Institution of Employment. Thank you for your contribution to our journal.