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A Phenomenological Study on Academic Adaptation Experiences of Turkish Graduate Students at U.S. Universities

Year 2023, , 515 - 550, 02.05.2023


This study explores the academic adaptation experiences of Turkish students studying at U.S. universities with scholarship status. The phenomenological research method was used to obtain in-depth information about students' experiences. With the purposeful sampling method, 13 participants were determined, and in-depth interviews were conducted. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. By analyzing the interview texts, the themes were selected. These themes were classified into the education system (pedagogy) and relations with academic staff. The experienced themes related to the education system are many course responsibilities (homework), field incompatibility, the problem of classroom participation, critical thinking, literature review, and adaptation to learning resources. Also, the study found that Turkish students have good relations with academic staff; however, many of them experience problems with their advisors. Students' cultural habits and problems stemming from their scholarship status were identified as prominent themes in this category. As a result of this study, some implications were made for the Study Abroad Program, students, advisors, and the Turkish and American academic communities.


  • Alsahafi, N., & Shin, S. C. (2017). Factors Affecting the Academic and Cultural Adjustment of Saudi International Students in Australian Universities. Journal of International Student, 7 (1).
  • Avcı, M. (2017). Total Wellness of Turkish International Students in The U.S.: Perceptions and Inherent Growth Tendencies. The Faculty of the Graduate School of St. Mary's University. Doctoral Thesis. Provided from ProQuest (22.12.2022).
  • An-Ra, Y. (2016). Social Support and Acculturative Stress Among Korean International Students. Journal of College Student Development, 57(7).
  • Bektaş, Y., Demir, A., & Randall, B. (2009). Psychological Adaptation of Turkish Students at U.S. Campuses. International Journal of Advance Counseling, 31:130-143.
  • Berry, J.W. (1997). Immigration, Adaptation, Acculturation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 46 (1).
  • Bevis, T. B., & Lucas, C. J. (2007). International Students in American Colleges and Universities: A History. Palgrave Macmillan, NY.
  • Brown, L. (2008). The Incidence of Study-Related Stress in International Students in the Initial Stage of the International Sojourn. Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 12. No: 1.
  • Burkholder, J. R. (2014). Reflections of Turkish International Graduate Students: Studies on Life at a U.S. Midwestern University. International Journal of Advancement Counseling, 36:43-57.
  • Campbell, J. & Li, M. (2008). Asian Students' Voices: An Empirical Study of Asian Students' Learning Experiences at a New Zealand University. Journal of Studies in International Education Vol. 12 No. 4.
  • Can, A., Poyrazli, S., & Pillay, Y. (2021). Eleven Types of Adjustment Problems and Psychological Well-Being among International Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 91.1-20.
  • Chen, C. P. (1999). Common Stressors Among International College Students: Research and Counseling Implications. Journal of College Counseling. Spring (Vol 2).
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th Ed.). Pearson New International Edition, Pearson Education Limited.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches (4th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Davis, J.F. (1971). The two-way mirror and the U-curve: America as seen by Turkish students returned home. Sociology and Social Research, 56, 29-43.
  • Dugan, J.P. (2017). Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives. San Francisco, CA. Jossey -Bass. Duru, E., & Poyrazli, S. (2007). Personality Dimensions, Psychosocial-Demographic Variables, and English Language Competency in Predicting Level of Acculturative Stress among Turkish International Students. International Journal of Stress Management, 14(1).
  • Haviland, W. A., Prins, H.E.L., McBride, B., & Walrath, D. (2011). Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge. (Editor: Erin Mitchell), Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • Hechanova-Alampay, R., Beehr, T. A., Christiansen, N. D & Van Horn, R.K. (2002). Adjustment and Strain among Domestic and International Student Sojourners: A Longitudinal Study. School Psychology International, Vol. 23(4).
  • Hofstede, G. H. (2001). Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, And Organizations Across Nations. Sage Publications. Second Edition.
  • Ilhan, G.O., & Oruc, S. (2020). Studying Abroad from the Perspectives of Turkish Graduate Students in the USA. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 7(4) Special Issues, 2013-223.
  • Institute of International Students (IIE). (2015). What International Students Think about U.S. Higher Education: Attitudes and Perceptions of Prospective Students from Around the World. New Edition, Revised and Expanded.
  • IIE, Open Doors. (2022). Presentation 2022. Retrieved from
  • IIE, Project Atlas (2022). Explore Partner Data. Definitions.
  • IIE, Project Atlas Infographics. (2018). A Quick Look at Global Mobitiy Trends 2018.
  • Karayigit, C. (2021). The Impact of Scholarship Status on the Experiences of International Graduate Students in the U.S. Milli Egitim, 50(1).
  • Kilinc, A. & Granello, P. F. (2003). Overall Life Satisfaction and Help-Seeking Attitudes of Turkish College Students in the United States: Implications for College Counselors. Journal of College Counseling. Spring. Vol. 6.
  • Kuhn, T. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolution. (3rd Edition), The University of Chicago Press.
  • Lewis, H. R. (2006). Excellence Without a Soul: How a Great University Forgot Education, Public Affairs, New York. P. 195.
  • Lunenburg, F. & Irby, B. (2008). Writing a successful thesis or dissertation (1st ed.). Sage.
  • Major, E. M. (2005). Co-national support, cultural therapy, and the adjustment of Asian students to an English-speaking university culture. International Education Journal, 6(1).
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L.R. (2019). Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application (Twelfth Edition). Pearson Education Inc.
  • Mori, S. (2000). Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of International Students. Journal of Counseling and Development. Spring, Vol. 78.
  • Mwangi, C.A.G., Changamire, N., & Mosselson, J. (2019). An Intersectional Understanding of African International Graduate Students' Experiences in U.S. Higher Education. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 12(1).
  • NAFSA: Association of International Educators. (2018). NAFSA Analysis: The Economic Benefit of International Student Enrollment to The United States – A Ten-Year Trend. Trends and Reports. (01.10.2023)
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative Research & Evaluating Methods. (4th Edition). Sage Publication.
  • Poyrazli, S., & Grahame, K.M. (2007). Barriers to adjustment needs of international students within a semi-urban campus community. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 34(1).
  • Poyrazli, S., Arbona, C., Bullington, R., & Pisecco, S. (2001). Adjustment issues of Turkish college students studying in the United States. College Student Journal, 35(1), 52.
  • Redfield, R., Linton, R., & Herskovits, M. J. (1936). Memorandum on the study of acculturation. American Anthropologist, 38, 149–152.
  • Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (1987). Defining critical thinking. The 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, Summer. Available online at
  • Segosebe, D.E. (2017). Acculturative Stress and Disengagement: Learning from the Adjustment Challenges Faced by East Asian International Graduate Students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(6). Sumer, S. (2009). International Students' Psychological and Socio-cultural Adaptation in the United States. Dissertation, Georgia State University.
  • Tseng, W. C. & Newton, F.B. (2002). International Students' Strategies for Well-Being. College Student Journal, 36 (4).
  • Tatar, S. (2005). Classroom Participation by International Students: The Case of Turkish Graduate Students. Journal of Studies in International Education, 9(4), Winter.
  • Wang, J. (2003). A study of the adjustment of international graduate students at American universities, including both resilience characteristics and traditional background factors. Florida State University, Doctoral Thesis, provided from ProQuest (4.9.2022).
  • Wang, J. (2009). A Study of Resiliency Characteristics in the Adjustment of International Student Graduate Students at American Universities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13(1).
  • Wang, Z. (2004). Studying in the U.S.: Chinese Graduate Students' Experiences of Academic Adjustment. Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Doctoral Thesis, provided from ProQuest (11.02.2021).
  • Ward, C., Bochner, A., & Furnham, A. (2001). The psychology of culture shock. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis. (Routledge).
  • Yeh, C. J., & Inose, M. (2003). International students reported English fluency, social support satisfaction, and social connectedness as predictors of acculturative stress. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16(1).
  • YLSY. (2022). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yurt Dışına Lisansüstü Öğrenim Görmek Üzere Gönderilecek Öğrencileri Seçme ve Yerleştirme 2022-YLSY Başvuru ve Tercih Kılavuzu. Ankara.
  • Yildirim, O. (2009). A Study of Adjustment Problems of Turkish Students Studying in Dual Diploma Engineering Programs in the USA.: The Effects of English Language, Education Differences and Academic Program Structure. A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
  • Yildirim-Tasti, O., & Yildirim, A. (2022). Critical thinking skills and dispositions of Turkish pre-service teachers: A systematic review of research. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi [Journal of Theoretical Educational Science], 15(3), 561-604.
  • Zhou, Y., Frey, C., & Bang H. (Fall, 2011). Understanding of International Graduate Students' Academic Adaptation to a U.S. Graduate School. International Education. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

ABD Üniversitelerinde Lisansüstü Eğitim Gören Türk Öğrencilerin Akademik Uyum Deneyimleri Üzerine Fenomenolojik Bir Çalışma

Year 2023, , 515 - 550, 02.05.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, ABD üniversitelerinde burslu statüde lisansüstü eğitim gören Türk öğrencilerin akademik uyum deneyimlerini keşfetmektir. Öğrencilerin deneyimleriyle ilgili derinlemesine bilgi elde etmek için fenomenolojik araştırma metodu kullanılmıştır. Amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile 13 katılımcı belirlenmiş ve katılımcılarla derinlemesine mülakatlar yapılmıştır. Yapılan mülakatlar kayıt altına alınmış ve metne aktarılmıştır. Mülakat metinlerinin analiz edilmesi ile temalar belirlenmiştir. Bu temalar, eğitim sistemi (pedagoji) ve akademik personelle ilişkiler olmak üzere iki kategoride tasnif edilmiştir. Eğitim sistemi ile ilgili tecrübe edilen temalar; ders sorumluluklarının (ödevlerin) fazla olması, alan uyuşmazlığı, sınıfiçi katılım sorunu, kritik düşünme, literatür taraması ve öğrenim kaynaklarına (laboratuvar cihazları vs.) uyum olarak tespit edilmiştir. Türk öğrencilerin akademik personelle ilişkilerinin iyi olduğu ancak danışmanlarıyla yaygın sorunlar yaşadıkları anlaşılmaktadır. Öğrencilerin kültürel alışkanlıkları ve burs statülerinden kaynaklı sorunlar ise bu kategoride öne çıkan temalar olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışma neticesinde Yurt Dışı Eğitim Programı, öğrenciler, danışmanlar ve Türk akademik camia için bazı çıkarımlarda bulunulmuştur.


  • Alsahafi, N., & Shin, S. C. (2017). Factors Affecting the Academic and Cultural Adjustment of Saudi International Students in Australian Universities. Journal of International Student, 7 (1).
  • Avcı, M. (2017). Total Wellness of Turkish International Students in The U.S.: Perceptions and Inherent Growth Tendencies. The Faculty of the Graduate School of St. Mary's University. Doctoral Thesis. Provided from ProQuest (22.12.2022).
  • An-Ra, Y. (2016). Social Support and Acculturative Stress Among Korean International Students. Journal of College Student Development, 57(7).
  • Bektaş, Y., Demir, A., & Randall, B. (2009). Psychological Adaptation of Turkish Students at U.S. Campuses. International Journal of Advance Counseling, 31:130-143.
  • Berry, J.W. (1997). Immigration, Adaptation, Acculturation. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 46 (1).
  • Bevis, T. B., & Lucas, C. J. (2007). International Students in American Colleges and Universities: A History. Palgrave Macmillan, NY.
  • Brown, L. (2008). The Incidence of Study-Related Stress in International Students in the Initial Stage of the International Sojourn. Journal of Studies in International Education, Vol. 12. No: 1.
  • Burkholder, J. R. (2014). Reflections of Turkish International Graduate Students: Studies on Life at a U.S. Midwestern University. International Journal of Advancement Counseling, 36:43-57.
  • Campbell, J. & Li, M. (2008). Asian Students' Voices: An Empirical Study of Asian Students' Learning Experiences at a New Zealand University. Journal of Studies in International Education Vol. 12 No. 4.
  • Can, A., Poyrazli, S., & Pillay, Y. (2021). Eleven Types of Adjustment Problems and Psychological Well-Being among International Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 91.1-20.
  • Chen, C. P. (1999). Common Stressors Among International College Students: Research and Counseling Implications. Journal of College Counseling. Spring (Vol 2).
  • Creswell, J. W. (2014). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th Ed.). Pearson New International Edition, Pearson Education Limited.
  • Creswell, J. W., & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Approaches (4th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.
  • Davis, J.F. (1971). The two-way mirror and the U-curve: America as seen by Turkish students returned home. Sociology and Social Research, 56, 29-43.
  • Dugan, J.P. (2017). Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives. San Francisco, CA. Jossey -Bass. Duru, E., & Poyrazli, S. (2007). Personality Dimensions, Psychosocial-Demographic Variables, and English Language Competency in Predicting Level of Acculturative Stress among Turkish International Students. International Journal of Stress Management, 14(1).
  • Haviland, W. A., Prins, H.E.L., McBride, B., & Walrath, D. (2011). Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge. (Editor: Erin Mitchell), Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • Hechanova-Alampay, R., Beehr, T. A., Christiansen, N. D & Van Horn, R.K. (2002). Adjustment and Strain among Domestic and International Student Sojourners: A Longitudinal Study. School Psychology International, Vol. 23(4).
  • Hofstede, G. H. (2001). Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, And Organizations Across Nations. Sage Publications. Second Edition.
  • Ilhan, G.O., & Oruc, S. (2020). Studying Abroad from the Perspectives of Turkish Graduate Students in the USA. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 7(4) Special Issues, 2013-223.
  • Institute of International Students (IIE). (2015). What International Students Think about U.S. Higher Education: Attitudes and Perceptions of Prospective Students from Around the World. New Edition, Revised and Expanded.
  • IIE, Open Doors. (2022). Presentation 2022. Retrieved from
  • IIE, Project Atlas (2022). Explore Partner Data. Definitions.
  • IIE, Project Atlas Infographics. (2018). A Quick Look at Global Mobitiy Trends 2018.
  • Karayigit, C. (2021). The Impact of Scholarship Status on the Experiences of International Graduate Students in the U.S. Milli Egitim, 50(1).
  • Kilinc, A. & Granello, P. F. (2003). Overall Life Satisfaction and Help-Seeking Attitudes of Turkish College Students in the United States: Implications for College Counselors. Journal of College Counseling. Spring. Vol. 6.
  • Kuhn, T. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolution. (3rd Edition), The University of Chicago Press.
  • Lewis, H. R. (2006). Excellence Without a Soul: How a Great University Forgot Education, Public Affairs, New York. P. 195.
  • Lunenburg, F. & Irby, B. (2008). Writing a successful thesis or dissertation (1st ed.). Sage.
  • Major, E. M. (2005). Co-national support, cultural therapy, and the adjustment of Asian students to an English-speaking university culture. International Education Journal, 6(1).
  • Mills, G. E., & Gay, L.R. (2019). Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Application (Twelfth Edition). Pearson Education Inc.
  • Mori, S. (2000). Addressing the Mental Health Concerns of International Students. Journal of Counseling and Development. Spring, Vol. 78.
  • Mwangi, C.A.G., Changamire, N., & Mosselson, J. (2019). An Intersectional Understanding of African International Graduate Students' Experiences in U.S. Higher Education. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 12(1).
  • NAFSA: Association of International Educators. (2018). NAFSA Analysis: The Economic Benefit of International Student Enrollment to The United States – A Ten-Year Trend. Trends and Reports. (01.10.2023)
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative Research & Evaluating Methods. (4th Edition). Sage Publication.
  • Poyrazli, S., & Grahame, K.M. (2007). Barriers to adjustment needs of international students within a semi-urban campus community. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 34(1).
  • Poyrazli, S., Arbona, C., Bullington, R., & Pisecco, S. (2001). Adjustment issues of Turkish college students studying in the United States. College Student Journal, 35(1), 52.
  • Redfield, R., Linton, R., & Herskovits, M. J. (1936). Memorandum on the study of acculturation. American Anthropologist, 38, 149–152.
  • Scriven, M., & Paul, R. (1987). Defining critical thinking. The 8th Annual International Conference on Critical Thinking and Education Reform, Summer. Available online at
  • Segosebe, D.E. (2017). Acculturative Stress and Disengagement: Learning from the Adjustment Challenges Faced by East Asian International Graduate Students. International Journal of Higher Education, 6(6). Sumer, S. (2009). International Students' Psychological and Socio-cultural Adaptation in the United States. Dissertation, Georgia State University.
  • Tseng, W. C. & Newton, F.B. (2002). International Students' Strategies for Well-Being. College Student Journal, 36 (4).
  • Tatar, S. (2005). Classroom Participation by International Students: The Case of Turkish Graduate Students. Journal of Studies in International Education, 9(4), Winter.
  • Wang, J. (2003). A study of the adjustment of international graduate students at American universities, including both resilience characteristics and traditional background factors. Florida State University, Doctoral Thesis, provided from ProQuest (4.9.2022).
  • Wang, J. (2009). A Study of Resiliency Characteristics in the Adjustment of International Student Graduate Students at American Universities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13(1).
  • Wang, Z. (2004). Studying in the U.S.: Chinese Graduate Students' Experiences of Academic Adjustment. Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Doctoral Thesis, provided from ProQuest (11.02.2021).
  • Ward, C., Bochner, A., & Furnham, A. (2001). The psychology of culture shock. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis. (Routledge).
  • Yeh, C. J., & Inose, M. (2003). International students reported English fluency, social support satisfaction, and social connectedness as predictors of acculturative stress. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 16(1).
  • YLSY. (2022). Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yurt Dışına Lisansüstü Öğrenim Görmek Üzere Gönderilecek Öğrencileri Seçme ve Yerleştirme 2022-YLSY Başvuru ve Tercih Kılavuzu. Ankara.
  • Yildirim, O. (2009). A Study of Adjustment Problems of Turkish Students Studying in Dual Diploma Engineering Programs in the USA.: The Effects of English Language, Education Differences and Academic Program Structure. A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University at Buffalo, State University of New York.
  • Yildirim-Tasti, O., & Yildirim, A. (2022). Critical thinking skills and dispositions of Turkish pre-service teachers: A systematic review of research. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim Dergisi [Journal of Theoretical Educational Science], 15(3), 561-604.
  • Zhou, Y., Frey, C., & Bang H. (Fall, 2011). Understanding of International Graduate Students' Academic Adaptation to a U.S. Graduate School. International Education. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Huseyin Tutar 0000-0002-9861-3053

Publication Date May 2, 2023
Submission Date January 23, 2023
Acceptance Date March 23, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Tutar, H. (2023). ABD Üniversitelerinde Lisansüstü Eğitim Gören Türk Öğrencilerin Akademik Uyum Deneyimleri Üzerine Fenomenolojik Bir Çalışma. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(58), 515-550.