Research Article
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Year 2019, , 54 - 69, 01.06.2019



  • Acar, S., Yenmiş, A. (2015). A Research Study on Determine of Students Opinions for Social Networks in Education: Sample Study of Facebook. Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), 4 (3), doi: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000371
  • Akbaş, O., Özdemir, S. M. (2002). Lifelong learning in the European Union. Journal of MoNE, 155-156, 112-126.
  • Akkoyunlu, B. (2002). Use of Internet by Teachers and Their Opinions on the Issue. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty, 22: 1-8. Retrieved from
  • Aktan, C. (2007). Change in Higher Education: Global Trends and New Paradigms. Yaşar University Publication. İzmir.
  • Alakurt, T. (2012). Investigating Teacher Candidates’ Motivation for Social Media Use and Learning Styles. Ankara University, Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, Year: 2016, 49(1), 43-63, doi: 10.1501/Egifak_0000001374
  • Argın, F. S. (2013). Examination of the Attitudes of Secondary and High School Students Towards Social Media: Çekmeköy Sample. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Yeditepe University Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul.
  • Atav, E., Akkoyunlu B., Sağlam, N. (2006). Prospective Teachers' Internet Access Facilities and Their Internet Usage. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty. 30: 37-44. Retrieved from
  • Axboe, Mette K., Christensen, Kaj S., Kofoed, Poul-Erik & Ammentorp, Jette. (2016). Development And Validation Of A Self-efficacy Questionnaire (SE-12) Measuring The Clinical Communication Skills Of Health Care Professionals, BMC Medical Education, 16 (272), 1-10.
  • Aydın, M. Çelik, T. (2017). Investigation of Social Media Usage and Satisfaction of Social Studies Student Teachers. International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, 3 (2), 82-97
  • Aziz, A. (1994). Research Methods, Techniques and Communication. Turhan Bookstore Ankara, 28.
  • Bandura, Albert. (1997). Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Boyd, D. (2008). American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Berkeley.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş. ve Demirel, F. (2016). Scientific Research Methods. 21. Edition, Pegem Academy, Ankara.
  • Cheallaigh, M.N. (2001). Life long learning-how the paradigm has changed in the 1990s. (Eds. Descy, P & Tessaring M.) Training in Europe. Volume 1. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publication of the European Communities.
  • Egüz, Ş. ve Kesten, A. (2018). Identification of Perceptions of Social Media in Student-Teachers of Social Studies Through Metaphors. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 7(3), 219-240.
  • Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C. ve Lampe, C. (2007). The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 12(4), 1143–1168.
  • Ergün, G. & Keskin, B. (2017). Determining the Social Media Usage Characteristics of School of Health Students in Professional Organizations. Journal of Health Sciences, Acıbadem University,
  • Gürkaynak, Ş., Doğan, N.S., Barutçu, S. & Haşıloğlu, S.B. (2016). Changes in Social Media Applications in Terms of Usage Frequencies: A Comparative Study on Academicians and Student. Pamukkale Journal of Business and Information Management, 3(2):1-10
  • Horzum, M. B. (2010). Investigating Teachers’ Web 2.0 Tools Awareness, Frequency and Purposes of Usage in Terms of Different Variables. International Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1): 603-633.
  • İli, K. (2013). Impact of Social Media Environments and Tools on Students Behaviours (Example of Gaziçiftliği Anatolian High School). Unpublished Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • İnce, M., Koçak, M. C. (2017). Social Media Habits of University Students: A Case of Necmettin Erbakan University. Karabük University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7 (2), 736-749. Doi :
  • Jones, N., Blackey, H., Fitzgibbon, K. ve Chew, E. (2010). Get Out Of Myspace!. Computers & Education, 54 (3): 776-782. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.07.008 Date of access: 28.10.2018.
  • Kabilan, M. K., Ahmad, N., Abidin, M. J. Z. (2010). Facebook: An Online Environment for Learning of English in Institutions of Higher Education? The Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 179–187.
  • Kaya, S., Durmuş, A. (2010). Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceived Internet Self-Efficacy and Levels of Internet Use for Research. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2): 4370-4376. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.695 Date of access: 08.12.2018
  • Kilis, S., Rapp, C., Gülbahar, Y. (2014). Perception of Instructors about Social Media Usage in Higher Education: The Cases of Turkey and Germany. Journal of Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education, 3(3): 20-28.
  • Koçak, N. G. (2012). Examination of Individuals' Behaviours and Motivations for Social Media Usage from the Perspective of Uses and Gratifications Approach: An Application in Eskişehir. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, Eskişehir
  • Korkmaz, M., Kılıç, B., Demiray, E., Hablemitoğlu, Ş., Gürkan, A., Yücel, A.S., Kırık, A.M. (2015). An Applied Study: Nurses’ Use of Social Media and the Level of Their Perceptions Concerning Their Jobs. International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences, 4(13), 59-84. Doi: 10.17368/UHBAB.2015139476
  • Köroğlu, İ. Ş. (2014). Social Media Usage Motivations of Gifted Children. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul Ticaret University, Institute Of Social Sciences, İstanbul
  • Levati, S. (2014). Professional Conduct among Registered Nurses in the Use of Online Social Networking Sites. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, 2284-2292.
  • Lim, J.S.Y., Agostinho, S., Harper, B.; Chicharo, J. (2014). The Engagement of Social Media Technologies by Undergraduate Informatics Students for Academic Purpose in Malaysia. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 12(3): 177-194.
  • Luszczynska, Aleksandra, Gutie´Rrez-Don˜A, Benicio & Schwarzer, Ralf. (2005). General Self-Efficacy in Various Domains of Human Functioning: Evidence From Five Countries. International Journal of Psychology, 40(2), 80–89.
  • McAndrew, F. T., Jeong, H. S. (2012). Who Does What On Facebook? Age, Sex, and Relationship Status as Predictors of Facebook Use. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(6): 2359-2365.
  • McCarthy, J. (2010). Blended Learning Environments: Using Social Networking Sites to Enhance the First Year Experience. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(6), 729–740.
  • MEB (2018). Ministry of National Education Lifelong Learning Institutions Regulation Date of access: 28.11.2018 Morgil, İnci, Seçken, Nilgün ve Yücel, A.Seda. (2004). Investigation of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Chemistry Teacher Candidates in Terms of Some Variables, Balıkesir University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(1), 62-72.
  • Ng, E.M.W.,Wong, H.C.H (2013). Facebook: More Than Social Networking for At-Risk Students. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 73, 22-29
  • Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Collins, K. M. T. (2007). A Typology of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs in Social Science Research. The Qualitative Report, 12 (2), 281-316. Otrar, M., Argın S.(2015). A Scale Development Study to Determine the Attitude of Students' Towards Social Media. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2015 4(1).
  • Özmen, F., Aküzüm, C., Sünkür, M., Baysal, N. (2012). Functionality of Social Networks in Educational Settings. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Education Sciences, 7, (2): 496-506.
  • Öztürk, M.F., Talas, M. (2015). Interaction of Social Media and Education. Journal of World of Turks-Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken, 2015 7(1), 101-120.
  • Öztürk, S, D., Öztürk, F., Özen, R. (2016). Teachers’ Use of Social-Media Tools for Their Professional Development. International Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 7-21. doi:10.14687/ijhs.v13i1.3515
  • Ratneswary, R., Rasiah, V. (2013). Transformative Higher Education Teaching and Learning: Using Social Media in a Team Based Learning Environment. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 123(2014), 369-379.
  • Saraçoğu, M., Aküzüm, C. (2017). Investigation of Attitudes of University Students towards Social Media, Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, 32:803-817 Doi:
  • Satıl, E. (2011). New Media and Socialization. Unpublished Master Thesis. Konya: Selçuk University Stajkovic, Alexander D. & Luthans, Fred. (1998). Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Performance: A Meta Analysi, Psychological Bulletin, 124(2), 240-261.
  • Şişman-Eren, E. (2014). Developing Social Media Use Purposes Scale and Examining Based on Some Personal Variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 29(4), 230-243.
  • Tanrıverdi, H., Sağır, S. (2014). The Impact of High School Students’ Intentions in the Use of Social Media and The Way of Their Adoption of Social Media on Their Success. Adıyaman University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 18.
  • Teke, A., Özkılıç, R. (2016). Perceived Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers in Using Social Networks and The Internet for Educational Purposes. Uludag University Journal of Education Faculty, 29 (2), 303-323
  • Whiting, A., Williams, D. (2013). Why People Use Social Media: A Uses and Gratifications Approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 362-369.

The Examination of Public Education Center Trainers’ Attitudes towards Social Media and Their Self-Efficacy in Social Networks for Instructional Purposes

Year 2019, , 54 - 69, 01.06.2019


aim of this research is to examine the attitudes of public education center
trainers to social media in terms of demographic (age, gender, education, etc.)
characteristic and their self-efficacy in social networks for instructional
purposes. In this study, quantitative and qualitative data were collected by
using mixed method study. The study group was consisted of volunteer educators
working in Suluova Public Education Center in Turkey. Results of this study
showed that teachers' attitudes towards social media and their self-efficacy
perceptions towards the instructional use of social media were higher. With
respect to demographic characteristics, their attitudes towards social media
showed differentiation in terms of gender and education, and no differentiation
was observed in terms of other characteristics. There was a significant
difference in the educational status and marital status characteristics of the
trainers' self-efficacy for educational uses of social networks. There was a
positive correlation between the attitudes of the instructors towards social
media and their self-efficacy for educational uses of social networks.
Perceptions of the instructors regarding social media were mostly positive.
Participants stated that they used social media for communication, professional
and personal development as well as follow-up, liking, sharing feelings and
thoughts, personal presentation and training purposes.


  • Acar, S., Yenmiş, A. (2015). A Research Study on Determine of Students Opinions for Social Networks in Education: Sample Study of Facebook. Ejovoc (Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges), 4 (3), doi: 10.1501/OTAM_0000000371
  • Akbaş, O., Özdemir, S. M. (2002). Lifelong learning in the European Union. Journal of MoNE, 155-156, 112-126.
  • Akkoyunlu, B. (2002). Use of Internet by Teachers and Their Opinions on the Issue. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty, 22: 1-8. Retrieved from
  • Aktan, C. (2007). Change in Higher Education: Global Trends and New Paradigms. Yaşar University Publication. İzmir.
  • Alakurt, T. (2012). Investigating Teacher Candidates’ Motivation for Social Media Use and Learning Styles. Ankara University, Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, Year: 2016, 49(1), 43-63, doi: 10.1501/Egifak_0000001374
  • Argın, F. S. (2013). Examination of the Attitudes of Secondary and High School Students Towards Social Media: Çekmeköy Sample. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Yeditepe University Institute of Social Sciences, İstanbul.
  • Atav, E., Akkoyunlu B., Sağlam, N. (2006). Prospective Teachers' Internet Access Facilities and Their Internet Usage. Hacettepe University Journal of Education Faculty. 30: 37-44. Retrieved from
  • Axboe, Mette K., Christensen, Kaj S., Kofoed, Poul-Erik & Ammentorp, Jette. (2016). Development And Validation Of A Self-efficacy Questionnaire (SE-12) Measuring The Clinical Communication Skills Of Health Care Professionals, BMC Medical Education, 16 (272), 1-10.
  • Aydın, M. Çelik, T. (2017). Investigation of Social Media Usage and Satisfaction of Social Studies Student Teachers. International Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, 3 (2), 82-97
  • Aziz, A. (1994). Research Methods, Techniques and Communication. Turhan Bookstore Ankara, 28.
  • Bandura, Albert. (1997). Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change. Psychological Review, 84(2), 191-215.
  • Boyd, D. (2008). American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, University of Berkeley.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö.E., Karadeniz, Ş. ve Demirel, F. (2016). Scientific Research Methods. 21. Edition, Pegem Academy, Ankara.
  • Cheallaigh, M.N. (2001). Life long learning-how the paradigm has changed in the 1990s. (Eds. Descy, P & Tessaring M.) Training in Europe. Volume 1. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publication of the European Communities.
  • Egüz, Ş. ve Kesten, A. (2018). Identification of Perceptions of Social Media in Student-Teachers of Social Studies Through Metaphors. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 7(3), 219-240.
  • Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C. ve Lampe, C. (2007). The Benefits of Facebook “Friends:” Social Capital and College Students’ Use of Online Social Network Sites. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 12(4), 1143–1168.
  • Ergün, G. & Keskin, B. (2017). Determining the Social Media Usage Characteristics of School of Health Students in Professional Organizations. Journal of Health Sciences, Acıbadem University,
  • Gürkaynak, Ş., Doğan, N.S., Barutçu, S. & Haşıloğlu, S.B. (2016). Changes in Social Media Applications in Terms of Usage Frequencies: A Comparative Study on Academicians and Student. Pamukkale Journal of Business and Information Management, 3(2):1-10
  • Horzum, M. B. (2010). Investigating Teachers’ Web 2.0 Tools Awareness, Frequency and Purposes of Usage in Terms of Different Variables. International Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1): 603-633.
  • İli, K. (2013). Impact of Social Media Environments and Tools on Students Behaviours (Example of Gaziçiftliği Anatolian High School). Unpublished Master's Thesis, Hacettepe University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.
  • İnce, M., Koçak, M. C. (2017). Social Media Habits of University Students: A Case of Necmettin Erbakan University. Karabük University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 7 (2), 736-749. Doi :
  • Jones, N., Blackey, H., Fitzgibbon, K. ve Chew, E. (2010). Get Out Of Myspace!. Computers & Education, 54 (3): 776-782. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.07.008 Date of access: 28.10.2018.
  • Kabilan, M. K., Ahmad, N., Abidin, M. J. Z. (2010). Facebook: An Online Environment for Learning of English in Institutions of Higher Education? The Internet and Higher Education, 13(4), 179–187.
  • Kaya, S., Durmuş, A. (2010). Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceived Internet Self-Efficacy and Levels of Internet Use for Research. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2): 4370-4376. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.695 Date of access: 08.12.2018
  • Kilis, S., Rapp, C., Gülbahar, Y. (2014). Perception of Instructors about Social Media Usage in Higher Education: The Cases of Turkey and Germany. Journal of Instructional Technologies & Teacher Education, 3(3): 20-28.
  • Koçak, N. G. (2012). Examination of Individuals' Behaviours and Motivations for Social Media Usage from the Perspective of Uses and Gratifications Approach: An Application in Eskişehir. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Anadolu University Institute of Social Sciences, Eskişehir
  • Korkmaz, M., Kılıç, B., Demiray, E., Hablemitoğlu, Ş., Gürkan, A., Yücel, A.S., Kırık, A.M. (2015). An Applied Study: Nurses’ Use of Social Media and the Level of Their Perceptions Concerning Their Jobs. International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences, 4(13), 59-84. Doi: 10.17368/UHBAB.2015139476
  • Köroğlu, İ. Ş. (2014). Social Media Usage Motivations of Gifted Children. Unpublished Master's Thesis, Istanbul Ticaret University, Institute Of Social Sciences, İstanbul
  • Levati, S. (2014). Professional Conduct among Registered Nurses in the Use of Online Social Networking Sites. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70, 2284-2292.
  • Lim, J.S.Y., Agostinho, S., Harper, B.; Chicharo, J. (2014). The Engagement of Social Media Technologies by Undergraduate Informatics Students for Academic Purpose in Malaysia. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 12(3): 177-194.
  • Luszczynska, Aleksandra, Gutie´Rrez-Don˜A, Benicio & Schwarzer, Ralf. (2005). General Self-Efficacy in Various Domains of Human Functioning: Evidence From Five Countries. International Journal of Psychology, 40(2), 80–89.
  • McAndrew, F. T., Jeong, H. S. (2012). Who Does What On Facebook? Age, Sex, and Relationship Status as Predictors of Facebook Use. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(6): 2359-2365.
  • McCarthy, J. (2010). Blended Learning Environments: Using Social Networking Sites to Enhance the First Year Experience. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(6), 729–740.
  • MEB (2018). Ministry of National Education Lifelong Learning Institutions Regulation Date of access: 28.11.2018 Morgil, İnci, Seçken, Nilgün ve Yücel, A.Seda. (2004). Investigation of Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Chemistry Teacher Candidates in Terms of Some Variables, Balıkesir University Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 6(1), 62-72.
  • Ng, E.M.W.,Wong, H.C.H (2013). Facebook: More Than Social Networking for At-Risk Students. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 73, 22-29
  • Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Collins, K. M. T. (2007). A Typology of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs in Social Science Research. The Qualitative Report, 12 (2), 281-316. Otrar, M., Argın S.(2015). A Scale Development Study to Determine the Attitude of Students' Towards Social Media. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 2015 4(1).
  • Özmen, F., Aküzüm, C., Sünkür, M., Baysal, N. (2012). Functionality of Social Networks in Educational Settings. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Education Sciences, 7, (2): 496-506.
  • Öztürk, M.F., Talas, M. (2015). Interaction of Social Media and Education. Journal of World of Turks-Zeitschrift für die Welt der Türken, 2015 7(1), 101-120.
  • Öztürk, S, D., Öztürk, F., Özen, R. (2016). Teachers’ Use of Social-Media Tools for Their Professional Development. International Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 7-21. doi:10.14687/ijhs.v13i1.3515
  • Ratneswary, R., Rasiah, V. (2013). Transformative Higher Education Teaching and Learning: Using Social Media in a Team Based Learning Environment. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 123(2014), 369-379.
  • Saraçoğu, M., Aküzüm, C. (2017). Investigation of Attitudes of University Students towards Social Media, Dicle University Journal of Ziya Gökalp Faculty of Education, 32:803-817 Doi:
  • Satıl, E. (2011). New Media and Socialization. Unpublished Master Thesis. Konya: Selçuk University Stajkovic, Alexander D. & Luthans, Fred. (1998). Self-Efficacy and Work-Related Performance: A Meta Analysi, Psychological Bulletin, 124(2), 240-261.
  • Şişman-Eren, E. (2014). Developing Social Media Use Purposes Scale and Examining Based on Some Personal Variables. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 29(4), 230-243.
  • Tanrıverdi, H., Sağır, S. (2014). The Impact of High School Students’ Intentions in the Use of Social Media and The Way of Their Adoption of Social Media on Their Success. Adıyaman University Journal of Institute of Social Sciences, 18.
  • Teke, A., Özkılıç, R. (2016). Perceived Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers in Using Social Networks and The Internet for Educational Purposes. Uludag University Journal of Education Faculty, 29 (2), 303-323
  • Whiting, A., Williams, D. (2013). Why People Use Social Media: A Uses and Gratifications Approach. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 16(4), 362-369.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Cavit Erdoğmuş This is me

Özgen Korkmaz 0000-0003-4359-5692

Recep Çakır

Feray Uğur Erdoğmuş

Publication Date June 1, 2019
Acceptance Date May 13, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Erdoğmuş, C., Korkmaz, Ö., Çakır, R., Uğur Erdoğmuş, F. (2019). The Examination of Public Education Center Trainers’ Attitudes towards Social Media and Their Self-Efficacy in Social Networks for Instructional Purposes. Participatory Educational Research, 6(1), 54-69.

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