Writing Rules

The following guideline should be applied to the articles. If the article does not stick to the formatting guidilines, it will be rejected directly.


The studies that will be sent to International Journal of Social Studies should adhere to the formatting guidelines provided below. The manuscripts sent to the journal must not exceed 20 pages including references and appendices.


A4 format should be used in MS Word.

2.       Fonts

Calibri 11, 1-spaced an one blank line should be left between paragraphs. Page layour should be 3 centimeters from top and it should be 2,5 centimeters for right, left and lower sides. Tables should be at least 9 pts and the references should be 9 pts.


The first heading should be in the language the article is written in. It should be 9 pts and all in capital letters. The title should be centered and bold. It should precisely summarise the study and it should not exceed 12 words. If the article is in Turkish, the English title should be placed using 12nk paragraph spacing and the first letter of each word should be capitalised. The rules for in-text titles are expected to be as follows:


·         Main titles should be 11 pts, bold and capitalised (Introduction, Methodology, Findings, Results etc.)

·         Secondary titles should be 11 pts and the first letters of the words should be capital. The secondary title should be bold.

·         Third-level titles should be bold and first letters be capitalised. It should be 9 pts.

If a fourth-level title is needed, it should be 10 pts, bold and italic and the first letters should be capitalised.

Referencing: APA 6 should be followed.

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