For Authors


• All the refereeing and publishing processes of the journal are carried out online through the DERGIPARK system.
• The authors who want to send publications to the journal should first enter the website of our journal and sign in.
• No application or publishing fee is required.
• Turkish journal of Landscape Research (TJLR) is an international and peer-reviewed journal published online with open access, in which original research and review articles in basic and applied sciences are published.
• Original research articles and review articles may be related to spatial planning and design, conservation, repair, management and economic etc. dimensions covering all disciplines such as Landscape Architecture, City and Regional Planning are published inTurkish journal of Landscape Research . In addition, the study subjects of Forest Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Biology, Geography, Mining Engineering, Sociology, Archeology, etc., which may be related to the subjects of Architectural Sciences, are published in the journal. In addition, technical notes, letters to the editor, discussion, case reports, competition criteria, etc. are published.
• Manuscripts in English or in Turkish languages are welcome.
• The journal has switched to a continuous publication model since 2023. In this model, articles that successfully pass the pre-processing and evaluation processes (reviewer, editor, publication editor) are published by giving doi, volume (year) and page number.
• Blind Review Evaluation (at least two reviwers) is made for each article in the journal.
• After logging into the system, the articles should be uploaded to the system as a Word file ".doc" according to the "Draft Article Format" of the TJLR with the wet signature "Article Copyright Form.pdf".
• The 'Similarity Percentage' of all articles submitted to the journal will be determined by the Journal Editor through the TURNITIN program. "Similarity Percentage" should be max. 20%. The articles are taken into the reviwer evaluation process after the pre-control process.
• The text should be written in a plain language and expression, comply with the writing rules, third singular and passive verbs should be used, and should not contain transpose sentences.
• While writing the articles, writing rules, APA 6- reference guide and international abbreviations and unit symbols should be taken into consideration.
• If the articles were produced from MSc/PhD studies, the information should be provided under the title of Acknowledgment and Information within the article that the article was produced from the Thesis.
• For the articles to be published in Turkish journal of Landscape Research, the ETHICS COMMITTEE PERMIT is mandatory. In the articles to be published in the journal, the rules of Scientific Ethics and Publication ethics must be strictly followed. It should be stated in the article whether it is necessary to obtain ETHICAL BOARD PERMIT and / or LEGAL / SPECIAL PERMIT. If these permits are required, it should be clearly presented from which institution, at which date and with which decision or number the permission was obtained.
Research requiring Ethics Committee Permit;
o All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques.
o Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
o Clinical research on humans,
o Research on animals,
o Retrospective studies in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data,
o In the case reports, it is stated that the “informed consent form” has been taken,
o Getting permission and specifying the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others,
o Indicating that copyright regulations are observed for the ideas and works of art used…
For ethical rules, must be read.


Article text should not exceed 18 pages including tables, figures and resources.

Article Title
• The article title should be written in capital letters, 16 font size, bold and “Calibri” font.
• Author Name Surname should be written in 13 font size and “Calibri” font.
• ORCID number should be written in 10 font size and “Calibri” font.
• Author contact information should be written in 10 font size, italic and “Calibri” font.
Turkish ‘Öz’ and English Abstract
• ‘Öz’ and Abstract should definitely not content more than 150 words.
• In abstract, the subject discussed in the article should be briefly introduced, the methods used and the results achieved should be specified.
• After ‘Öz’ and Abstract, the words describing the subject as "Keywords" (maximum 6 words) should be given.
1. Introduction
• The importance, scope and purpose of the study should be stated. Subject headings should be numbered as 1.1., 1.1.1.,
2. Material and Method
• In this section, the characteristics of the materials used in the article, the methods they are used, etc. information should be included.
• In addition, the method or methods used should be explained clearly and comprehensibly in this section.
3. Research Findings (Research Findings and Discussion)
• This section can optionally be organized as "Research Findings" or "Research Findings and Discussion".
4. Conclusion (Conclusion and Suggestions or Discussion and Conclusion)
• This section can optionally be organized as "Conclusion", "Conclusion and Suggestions" or "Discussion and Conclusion".
Acknowledgment and Information
• This section can be edited on demand. However, necessary information should be given about the articles produced from the MSc and PhD thesis or the articles supported by the project. Responsibility lies with the author(s).
• APA 6 Rules should be applied as reference and citation.
• The list of references should be listed first in alphabetical order and then in chronological order.
• In the references, the first line should be written left-justified, if any, the 2nd and later lines should be written with 1.00 cm indent.


2.1. Margins
• The margins should be as follows: 2 cm from the right; 3 cm from the left; 2 cm from the top; 2 cm from the bottom.
2.2. Font and Size
• The text should be written in 11 font size and “Calibri” font. ‘Öz’ and Abstract and Keywords should be written in 10 font size, italic, and “Calibri” font. If necessary the font size can be reduced to 8 font in tables and figures.
• The text should be in normal font and titles should be in bold font. The italic typeface can be used only when necessary (Latin name, abbreviations, theory/definition, etc.).
2.3. Line Spacing and Paragraph Layout
• ‘Öz’ and Abstract, the titles and descriptions of the tables and figures in the text, footnotes, the texts in the tables, references and appendices are written using 1 (one) line spacing.
• In the main text (Öz, Abstract, Introduction, Material and Method, Research Findings (and Discussion) and Conclusion and Suggestions (Discussion and Conclusion) sections are written using 1 (one) line spacing.
• Throughout the entire study, the spacing value before the paragraph (not the line spacing) should be 0 nk, and the spacing value after the paragraph should be 6 nk.
• No spaces should be left after the titles and at the end of the paragraphs. Paragraph heads must be left-aligned.
2.4. Page Number and Numbering
• The text of the article should not exceed 18 pages with tables and figures. Page numbers should be written right aligned at the end of the page.
2.5. Titles
• First and second degree section titles should be bold and the first letter of the words should be written in capital letters. The titles of third, fourth and lower degrees should be bold and the first letter of the first word should be capitalized and the others should be written in lowercase.
2.6. Arrangement of Figures, Tables and Equations (see: “APA 6 – Reference Guide”)
• Unit symbols must comply with the International System of Units; SI.
• Tables and figures should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which they are cited in the text.
• Figure and table titles, descriptions and all texts in the figure must be the same as the text type character.
• The font size within the figures and tables should not be less than 8 and not more than 11. The font used in all parts of the figure and in all figures in the article must be the same as the text font.
• Figure titles should be written below the figure and table titles should be written above the table.
• Figures and tables should be placed in the middle of the page.
• In the titles of figures and tables, the first letter of the sentence should be in capital and the other letters should be lowercase.
• Figure title should be short and descriptive. If there is any other information to be added to the figure title, it can be added. Symbols, abbreviations, terms in the figure should be explained in this section.
• Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially from the beginning (Table 1., Table 2…) and (Figure 1., Figure 2.)
• If figures and tables are taken from another source, the source must be shown.
• Equations should be written based on the left side of the page. Equations are numbered sequentially. These numbers should be written as (1), (2), (3) on the far right edge of the line. 1 line spacing must be left before and after equations.
2.7. References in the text (citations) (see: “APA 6 – Reference Guide”)
• References with single author
o (Surname, 2020). or (Surname, 2020, p.120).
• References with two - three - four or five authors:
o (Surname, Surname, Surname, Surname, Surname and Surname, 2014). or (Surname, Surname and Surname, 2014, p.12).
• References with more than six authors
o (Surname et al., 2010). or (Surname et., 2010, p.15).
• Citations in the text:
o In a study conducted by Evans and Shaw (2008), ……………
o According to Fuller (1982) ………………………………………………
o ……………………………………………….. (Küçük and Olcay, 2008).
o Choo, Bergeron, Detior and Heaton (2008) address the use of information in eight different classes. In the same study, Choo et al. ….....
o First citation in the text: Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey [TÜBİTAK], (2013), ....... In subsequent references in the text: (TÜBİTAK, 2013).

If references to a Turkish source are cited in English studies, the term “and” should be used instead of “ve”.
If references to an English source are cited in Turkish studies, the term “ve” should be used instead of “and”.
In articles written in English, when referring to publications with two or more authors, the "and" conjunction or the "&" sign is used in response to the "ve"conjunction.
In the text references where only the year information is enclosed in parentheses, “and” is used, and in the text references where the year and the year information are included in parentheses, "&" sign is used.
Doğan and Şencan (2001)
(Doğan & Şencan, 2001)

2.8. References (see: “APA 6 – Reference Guide”)

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B. and Surname, C. C. (2020). Title of the publication. Title of the Periodical Publication, Volume (number), p-p. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx, Access Address (12.12.2019):


1- Periodic Articles;
• Single author:
Berndt, T. J. (2002). Friendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(3), 7-10. Online ISSN: 1432-1009. Access Address (12.12.2019):
• Two authors:
Wegener, D. T. and Petty, R. E. (1994). Mood management across affective states: The hedonic contingency hypothesis. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 1034-1048. Online ISSN: 1432-1009. Access Address (12.12.2019):
• 3-7 authors:
Gül, A., Örücü, Ö. K. and Karaca, O. (2006). An approach for Recreation Suitability Analysis to Recreation Planning in Gölcük Nature Park. Environmental Management, 37(5), 606–625. Online ISSN: 1432-1009. Access Address (12.12.2019):
Gül, A., Cesur, B. and Bostan, Ç. (2019). Kültürel turizm kapsamında yerel kimlik oluşturma yöntem yaklaşımı. Avrasya Bilimler Akademisi Avrasya Eğitim ve Literatür Dergisi, Haziran, 2019, Özel Sayı: UTKM (3), 461-476. ISSN: 2149-3510. Access Address (12.12.2019):
Dönmez, S., Basıç, G., Fakir, H., Özçelik, H., Yazıcı, N., Şahin, C. K… Dönmez, İ. E. (2017). Visual Characteristics of Some Species Belonging to the Family of Lamiaceae in the Lake District. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, December 2017, 6(12), 256-261. ISSN: 2277-9655. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1116674. Access Address (12.12.2019):
• If the number of authors is eight or more; after the names of the first six authors are listed, three dots are added and the name of the last author is added. More than seven names should not be included:
Miller, F. H., Choi, M. J., Angeli, L. L., Harland, A. A., Stamos, J. A., Thomas, S. T., Rubin, L. H. (2009). Web site usability for the blind and low-vision user. Technical Communication, 57, 323-335. Online ISSN: 1432-1009. Access Address (12.12.2019):
Ören, T., Üney, T. and Çölkesen, R. (Ed.). (2006). Türkiye bilişim ansiklopedisi. İstanbul: Papatya Publishing.

Tonta, Y., Bitirim, Y. and Sever, H. (2002). Türkçe arama motorlarında performans değerlendirme. Ankara: Total Bilişim. (if electronic) Access Address (12.12.2019):

3-Book Section
Gül, A. and Bostan, Ç, (2019). Peyzaj Mimarlığı Programına Yönelik Ulusal ve Uluslararası Akreditasyon Ölçütlerinin Karşılaştırılması ve İrdelenmesi. O. Uzun et al. (Ed.). 50. Yılında Peyzaj Mimarlığı Eğitimi ve Öğretimi. Düzce Üniversitesi Yayınları (Ağustos 2019), No.9. Orman Fakültesi Eğitim Dizisi;1, Bölüm 5. (s.401-413). ISBN: 978-605-69138-5-3. Ankara: Pelin Ofset Tipo Matbaacılık.

4-Meeting and Symposiums
Surname, A. (Year, Month). Title of the proceeding. Paper or poster presented at the meeting of the Foundation Name, Location information.
Schneider, R. (2013, 12.12). Research data literacy. S. Kurbanoğlu et al. (Ed.), Communications in Computer and Information Science: Vol. 397. Worldwide Communalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and Practice (s. 134-140). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-03919-0. Access Address (12.12.2019): http://..........

5-MSc and PhD Thesis
• If published
Surname, A. (Year). Title (MSc/PhD Thesis). Institute Name, Location Information. Accessed from the database of …………... Access Address (12.12.2019): http://..........
• If unpublished
Surname, A. (Year). Title (Unpublished MSc/PhD Thesis). Institute Name, Location Information.

6- References with or without a legal author
The author of a study may be a group such as an organization, institution or association, or it may not be any author of the study. For such studies, the name of the institution /institution/association is written in the author section. The full name should be used, not the abbreviation of the name of the organization / institution / association.
Milli Parklar 6. Bölge Müdürlüğü. (2019). Başpınar Tabiat Parkı Gelişme Planı. Milli Parklar 6. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Isparta. Access Address (12.12.2019):
If the term “Anonymous” is mentioned in the study, Anonymous is written in the author section.
Anonymous. (2015).
7- Official Newspaper
Ttile. (Year, Day Month). Resmi Gazete (Sayı: xxx). Access Address (12.12.2019): http://..........
Olağanüstü Hal Kapsamında Bazı Tedbirler Alınması Hakkında Kanun Hükmünde Kararname (2017, 6 Ocak). Resmi Gazete (Sayı: 29940 (Mükerrer)). Access Address (12.12.2019):
Milli Parklar Kanunu. (1983,11 08). T.C. Resmi Gazete (Sayı:18132). Başbakanlık Basımevi, Ankara. Access Address (12.12.2019):
*If the author is certain
Surname, A. (Year). Subject title. Access Address (Day, Month, Year):
Surname, A. (Day, Month, Year). Subject title. Access Address (12.12.2019):

*If the author is not certain
Milli Parklar 6. Bölge Müdürlüğü. (2019). Başpınar Tabiat Parkı Gelişme Planı, Milli Parklar 6. Bölge Müdürlüğü, Isparta. Access Address (12.12.2019):
NOTE: Other source reference and citations are given in the APA 6 - Reference Guide.


The fact that the symbols and abbreviations used in scientific publications are accepted and easy to understand by everyone is important both for the necessity of universality in science and for the reader to understand the article correctly. In this regard, the articles sent to the journal must comply with the International Unit Symbols (SI Units) as well as the Turkish – English grammar rules.
3.1. Some common mistakes in using unit symbols are:
• Use of ‘gr’ instead of ‘g’ for gram as a measure of weight,
• Use of ‘Ha’ instead of ‘ha’ for hectare as area measure,
• Putting 'dot' behind the symbols,
• No space is left between the number and the symbol,
• Consistency in the text about the dot or comma used in decimal numbers
3.2. Some points to consider when using unit symbols are summarized below:
• Unit symbols are written in lowercase letters, but the first letter is capitalized if it is derived from a proper noun.
meters - m, hectares - ha, Paskal - Pa
• The first letter of the symbols should be lowercase when expansions of the symbols written in the sentence.
10 meters, 25 hectares
• Symbols are not abbreviations, they do not include a dot in the sentence.
2 meters - 2 m, 100 milliliters - 100 mL
• A space must be left between the symbols and the values they follow, but no space between the degree sign indicating the angle and the value.
15 watts - 15 W, 88 degrees Celsius - 88 ° C, 73 degrees - 73 °
• A comma is recommended in Turkish as a decimal sign. However, if necessary, the dot can also be used in the text provided that it is consistent throughout.
1587,09 kg / ha
• Numbers with more than three digits can be separated into triple groups using spaces, and should not be preferred because they can be mixed with a decimal separator in a dot or comma.
85 000 ha
• For numbers less than zero, zero (0) must be used before the decimal point.
It should be 0.46 m, not .46 m

Last Update Time: 2/1/22, 12:29:12 AM