Manuscripts that have not been published before or that are not yet under evaluation in another journal for publication and that are approved by each author are accepted for evaluation. Submitted and pre-checked manuscripts are investigated for plagiarism using iThenticate software. After plagiarism control, eligible manuscripts are evaluated by the editor-in-chief for originality, methodology, the importance of the topic covered, and compatibility with the scope of the journal. The editor evaluates articles independently of the authors' ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religious belief, and political philosophy. It ensures that the manuscripts submitted for publication undergo a fair double-blind peer-review.
Subsequently, manuscripts are sent to at least two national/international reviewers for evaluation; The publication decision is made by the editor-in-chief after the arrangements made by the authors in line with the requests of the reviewers and the review process.
The evaluations of the reviewers should be objective. During the review process, the reviewers are expected to make their evaluations by considering the following points.
- Does the article contain new and important information?
- Does the abstract clearly and properly describe the content of the article?
- Is the method coherent and clearly defined?
- Are the comments made and conclusions proven by the findings?
- Are adequate references given to other studies in the field?
- Is the language quality adequate?
Reviewers should ensure that all information regarding the submitted manuscripts remains confidential until the article is published and should report any copyright infringement and plagiarism on the part of the author to the editor. If the reviewer does not feel qualified about the subject of the article or if it does not seem possible to provide a timely response, he should notify the editor of this situation and ask him not to involve himself in the review process.
During the evaluation process, the editor clearly states that the articles submitted for review to the reviewers are the exclusive property of the authors and this is a privileged communication. Reviewers and editorial board members cannot discuss articles with other people. Care must be taken to keep the identity of the reviewers confidential.