Submission/application of articles to R&S - Research Studies Anatolia Journal is paid. A fee of 850 TL/50 USD is charged for the uploaded articles to be deposited into the design company account. The article submission fee is requested during the application and regardless of the acceptance/rejection condition. Refunds are not made for rejected articles. If your article is accepted by our referees, you will not be charged any additional fees for publication.
This fee is paid before the start of the referee process, according to the information message sent by the journal after the article is uploaded to the system by the author. After the publication fee is paid, the receipts from the authors are sent to the design company by the journal management and the referee process of the study is started. After the fee is paid, the articles should first be evaluated in terms of purpose, scope, shape, content, contribution to the literature, etc. It is evaluated by the editor(s) from different aspects and it is decided whether or not it will be included in the referee evaluation process.
Submission Fees: 850.00 TRY