Research Article
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Rousseau’s Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire, discussed from the point of view of phonosemantics

Year 2019, , 389 - 402, 21.11.2019


According to Plato’s thesis ascribing the creation of words to the conjunction of sounds, each
one of which carries a significance
, Marchand provided a list of the
English phonesthemes,
explaining which sounds attribute prolongation, vivacity etc. Linguists among
other scientists conducted relevant research: Bloomfield, Jespersen, Sapir,
Firth, Jakobson, Ultan, Magnus. All these scientists’ studies are instantiated
in the enormous field of Phonosemantics, still open to investigation.
Approached from a contrastive point of view between two or more languages
results are more salient. The aim of this essay consists in providing insights
about sound repetitions in Rousseau’s Rêveries
du promeneur solitaire
and the way phenomena are transferred into Greek. It
is truism that «plays on words» (explicits or implicits) turn out to be of high
importance in a literary study. We shall attend to depict how these phenomena
are treated in source and target languages. We lean on an attested translation
aiming at an incisive analysis of the linguistic choices made and how they
render the esthetic effects of the French original. What does the translator do
to inculcate the stylistic effects to the target language reader? Are there
cases pointing out the impossibility to transfer the phonosemantic effects into
Greek? If so, how does the translator tries to retrieve potential losses? 


  • Arrivé, Michael, Françoise Gadet, Michel Galmiche. (1986). La grammaire aujourd'hui. Guide alphabétique de linguistique française. Flammarion. Baker, Mona. (2001). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Routledge. Barrett Feldman, Lisa, Lindquist Kristen A., Gendron Maria. (2007). Language as context for the perception of emotion. Trends in Cognitive Science, 11(8): 327–332. Ben-Ari, Nrrsa. (1998). The Ambivalent Case of Repetitions in Literary Translation. Avoiding Repetitions: A 'Universal' of Translation. Meta, XLIII: 68-78. Childs, G. T. (2014). Sound symbolism. Ιn J. R. Taylor (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the word. Oxford University Press. Connolly, David. (1996), Η Μετάφραση της Ποίησης: Προλεγόμενα μιας Συζήτησης [Translation of Poetry. Prelegomena of a Discussion], Μετάφραση ’96 [Translation’96], tome 2, p.28‐37. Connolly, David. (2001). Poetry Translation. In Mona Baker (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. (pp. 170-176). Routledge. Crystal, David. (2010). Little Book of Language. Yale University Press. de Beaugrande, Robert (1978). Factors in a Theory of Poetic Translating. Van Gorcum. Delisle, Jean, Lee Hannelore, Jahnke, Monique, Cormier. (1999) Terminologie de la traduction. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Dubois, Jean (sous la direction de). (2007). Dictionnaire de Linguistique et des sciences du langage. Larousse. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. (1964). The Use of Poetry & the Use of Criticism. Faber and Faber. Gendron, Maria, Feldman Barrett Lisa. (2018). Emotion Perception as Conceptual Synchrony». Emotion Review, 10:2, 101-110. Genette, Gérard. (1976). Mimologiques: voyage en Cratylie. Seuil. Golden, Séan. (1997). Whose morsel of lips will you bite? Some reflections on the role of prosody and genre as non-verbal elements in the translation of poetry». In Fernando Payotos (Ed.), Nonverbal Communication (p.217-248). John Benjamins. Grammont, Maurice. (1933). Traité de phonétique. Delagrave. Greenberg, J. H., Jenkins, J. J.. [1966 (1990)]. Studies in the psychological correlates of the sound system of American English: III. Descriptive ratings of selected consonants». In K. Denning and S. Kemmer (Eds.), On language: Selected writings of Joseph H. Greenberg. Stanford University Press. Hinton, Leanne, Nichols, Johanna, Ohala, John J. (Eds). (1994). Sound Symbolism. Cambridge University Press. Imai, Mutsumi, Kita, Sotaro. (2014). The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Jakobson, Roman. (1960). Linguistics and Poetics. In Sebeok T. (Ed.), Style in Language. (pp.350-377). M.I.T. Press. Jakobson, Roman. (1963). Linguistique et poétique. Essais de linguistique générale. (pp. 209-248). Minuit. Jakobson, Roman. (1981). Selected Writings, III. Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. Mouton de Gruyter. Jespersen, Otto. (1922). Language: Its nature, development, and origin. George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Karksy, Marie Nadia. (2004). "Ce n'est point ainsi que parle la nature": Traduire Molière en Anglais. In Michel Ballard et Lance Hewson (études réunies par), Correct/Incorrect. (pp.65-76). Artois Presses Université (Collection: Traductologie). Kierkegaard, Soren. [2003 (1933)]. La Répétition, Editions Payot et Rivages. Traduction Jacques Privat. Klink, R. R.. (2000). Creating brand names with meaning: The use of sound symbolism. Marketing Letters, 11(1), 5-20. Köhler, Wolfgang. (1929). Gestalt Psychology. Liveright. Ladmiral, Jean-René. (1994). Traduire: théorèmes pour la traduction. Tel Gallimard. Larthomas, Pierre. (1985). Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire, (étude de langue et de style d'un passage de la première promenade). L'information grammaticale, 25, 20-22. Mackridge, Peter. (2003). Κρυφά λογοπαίγνια στην ποίηση του Καβάφη [Hidden word games in Kavafy's poetry]. In Σύγχρονες Τάσεις στην Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία. Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στην Ειρήνη Φιλιππάκη-Warburton, [Modern Trends in Greek Linguistics. Studies dedicated to Irini Philippaki-Warburton]. (pp. 76-86). Pataki Editions. Magnus, Margaret. (2000). What's in a Word? Evidence for Phonosemantics. Doctoral dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Magnus, Margaret. (2013). A history of sound symbolism. In K. Allan (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of historical linguistics. (pp. 191-208). Oxford University Press. Marchand, Hans. (1969). The categories and types of present-day English word-formation. Verlag C. H. Beck. Meschonnic, Henri. (2002). Traduire n'est pas traduire si on ne traduit pas le rythme ». In Traduire au XXIème siècle: Tendances et perspectives. Actes du Colloque International tenu à Thessalonique le 27-29 septembre 2002. (pp.375-384). Mourot, Jean. (1969). Chateaubriand. Le génie d'un style. Rythme et sonorité dans le mémoire d'outre-tombe. Armand Colin. Newmark, Peter. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice-Hall. Nobile, Luca. (2014). L'iconicité phonologique dans les neurosciences cognitives et dans la tradition linguistique française. Le français moderne, 1(1), 131-169. Nuckolls, Janis B.. (1999). The Case for Sound Symbolism. Annual Review of Anthropology, 28, 225-252. Ohala, J. J.. (1984). An ethological perspective on common cross-language utilization of F0 of voice. Phonetica, 41(1), 1-16. Pecher, Diane, Zwaan, Rolf A. D., (Eds.). (2005). Grounding cognition: the role of perception and action in memory, language, and thinking. Cambridge University Press. Ramachandran, V., Hubbard, E.. (2001). Synaesthesia - A Window Into Perception, Thought and Language. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8(12), 3-34. Sapir, Edward. (1929a). The Status of Linguistics as a Science. Language, 5(4), 207-214. Sapir, Edward. (1929b). A study in phonetic symbolism. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 12. 225–239. Sapir, Edward. (1956). Selected Writings in Language, Culture and Personality. University of California Press. Saussure, Ferdinand de. [1959 (1916)]. Cours de linguistique générale. Payot. Séférian, Catherine. (2002). Traduction Allemande du Paysan Parvenu de Marivaux ». In Annie Rivara (Ed.), La Traduction des langues modernes au XVIIIe siècle. (pp.31-47). Honoré Champion. Shigeto, Kawahara, Kazuko, Shinohara. (2010). A Cross-linguistic Study of Sound Symbolism: The Images of Size». Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of Berkley Linguistic Society (6-7 February 2010). (pp.369-410). Shigeto, Kawahara, Kazuko, Shinohara. (2012). A tripartite trans-modal relationship among sounds, shapes and emotions: A case of abrupt modulation. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 34, 569-574. Slavova, Velina. (2019). Towards emotion recognition in texts – a sound-symbolic experiment. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 7(2), 41-51. Starobinski, Jean. (1971). Les Mots sous les Mots. Les Anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure. Gallimard. Tsur, Reuven. (2006). Size sound symbolism revisited». Journal of Pragmatics, 38, 905–924. Ultan, Russell. (1978). The nature of future tenses. In Greenberg Joseph H., Ferguson Charles A. et Moravcsik Edith (Eds.), Universals of Human Language, 3, 83–123. Stanford University Press. Vagenas, Nassos. [2004 (1989)]. Ποίηση και μετάφραση [Poetry and Translation]. Stigmi Editions. von Humboldt, Wilhelm. [1999 (1840)]. On Language. On the Diversity of Human Language Construction and its Influence on the Mental Development of the Human Species. Edited by Michael Losonsky, CUP. Wichmann, Søren, Holman, Eric W., Brown Cecil H.. (2010). Sound Symbolism in Basic Vocabulary. Entropy, 12, 844-858.
  • Corpus Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1983). Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire. Librairie Générale Française. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1990). Οι ονειροπολήσεις του μοναχικού οδοιπόρου [Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire]. Editions Zacharopoulos.

Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire de J. J. Rousseau, traitées de point de vue phonosémantique

Year 2019, , 389 - 402, 21.11.2019


Selon la thèse de Platon qui attribue la création
des mots à la conjonction des sons chacun des qui porte une signification,
Marchand offre une liste contenant les phonesthèmes de l’anglais, expliquant
quels sons attribuent prolongation, vivacité, etc. Entre autres scientifiques,
des linguistes ont mené des recherches : Bloomfield, Jespersen, Sapir,
Firth, Jakobson, Ultan, Magnus. Tous les travaux de ces chercheurs font partie
du champ énorme de la Phonosémantique, toujours ouverte à plus de recherches.
Etudiés d’un point de vue contrastif entre deux ou plusieurs langues, les
résultants s’avèrent de loin plus intéressants. Le but de cet article consiste
à offrir des aspects sur la répétitions des sons dans Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire de Rousseau et la manière avec
laquelle certains phénomènes sont transmis en grec. C’est un truisme de
soutenir que les jeux avec les sons (explicites ou implicites) s’avèrent d’une
importance majeure dans une œuvre littéraire. Nous essaierons de démontrer
comment ces phénomènes sont traités en langue source et  langue cible. Nous nous appuyons sur des
traductions attestées, visant à une analyse approfondie des choix linguistiques
faits ainsi qu’à la manière de transmission des effets esthétiques de
l’original en français. Le traducteur, que fait-il afin d’inculquer les effets stylistiques aux lecteurs
grecs ? Y a-t-il des cas où il est impossible de produire les mêmes effets
phonosémantiques en grec ? Si tel est le cas, que fait le traducteur, afin de
compenser les éventuelles pertes ?


  • Arrivé, Michael, Françoise Gadet, Michel Galmiche. (1986). La grammaire aujourd'hui. Guide alphabétique de linguistique française. Flammarion. Baker, Mona. (2001). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Routledge. Barrett Feldman, Lisa, Lindquist Kristen A., Gendron Maria. (2007). Language as context for the perception of emotion. Trends in Cognitive Science, 11(8): 327–332. Ben-Ari, Nrrsa. (1998). The Ambivalent Case of Repetitions in Literary Translation. Avoiding Repetitions: A 'Universal' of Translation. Meta, XLIII: 68-78. Childs, G. T. (2014). Sound symbolism. Ιn J. R. Taylor (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the word. Oxford University Press. Connolly, David. (1996), Η Μετάφραση της Ποίησης: Προλεγόμενα μιας Συζήτησης [Translation of Poetry. Prelegomena of a Discussion], Μετάφραση ’96 [Translation’96], tome 2, p.28‐37. Connolly, David. (2001). Poetry Translation. In Mona Baker (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. (pp. 170-176). Routledge. Crystal, David. (2010). Little Book of Language. Yale University Press. de Beaugrande, Robert (1978). Factors in a Theory of Poetic Translating. Van Gorcum. Delisle, Jean, Lee Hannelore, Jahnke, Monique, Cormier. (1999) Terminologie de la traduction. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Dubois, Jean (sous la direction de). (2007). Dictionnaire de Linguistique et des sciences du langage. Larousse. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. (1964). The Use of Poetry & the Use of Criticism. Faber and Faber. Gendron, Maria, Feldman Barrett Lisa. (2018). Emotion Perception as Conceptual Synchrony». Emotion Review, 10:2, 101-110. Genette, Gérard. (1976). Mimologiques: voyage en Cratylie. Seuil. Golden, Séan. (1997). Whose morsel of lips will you bite? Some reflections on the role of prosody and genre as non-verbal elements in the translation of poetry». In Fernando Payotos (Ed.), Nonverbal Communication (p.217-248). John Benjamins. Grammont, Maurice. (1933). Traité de phonétique. Delagrave. Greenberg, J. H., Jenkins, J. J.. [1966 (1990)]. Studies in the psychological correlates of the sound system of American English: III. Descriptive ratings of selected consonants». In K. Denning and S. Kemmer (Eds.), On language: Selected writings of Joseph H. Greenberg. Stanford University Press. Hinton, Leanne, Nichols, Johanna, Ohala, John J. (Eds). (1994). Sound Symbolism. Cambridge University Press. Imai, Mutsumi, Kita, Sotaro. (2014). The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Jakobson, Roman. (1960). Linguistics and Poetics. In Sebeok T. (Ed.), Style in Language. (pp.350-377). M.I.T. Press. Jakobson, Roman. (1963). Linguistique et poétique. Essais de linguistique générale. (pp. 209-248). Minuit. Jakobson, Roman. (1981). Selected Writings, III. Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. Mouton de Gruyter. Jespersen, Otto. (1922). Language: Its nature, development, and origin. George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Karksy, Marie Nadia. (2004). "Ce n'est point ainsi que parle la nature": Traduire Molière en Anglais. In Michel Ballard et Lance Hewson (études réunies par), Correct/Incorrect. (pp.65-76). Artois Presses Université (Collection: Traductologie). Kierkegaard, Soren. [2003 (1933)]. La Répétition, Editions Payot et Rivages. Traduction Jacques Privat. Klink, R. R.. (2000). Creating brand names with meaning: The use of sound symbolism. Marketing Letters, 11(1), 5-20. Köhler, Wolfgang. (1929). Gestalt Psychology. Liveright. Ladmiral, Jean-René. (1994). Traduire: théorèmes pour la traduction. Tel Gallimard. Larthomas, Pierre. (1985). Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire, (étude de langue et de style d'un passage de la première promenade). L'information grammaticale, 25, 20-22. Mackridge, Peter. (2003). Κρυφά λογοπαίγνια στην ποίηση του Καβάφη [Hidden word games in Kavafy's poetry]. In Σύγχρονες Τάσεις στην Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία. Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στην Ειρήνη Φιλιππάκη-Warburton, [Modern Trends in Greek Linguistics. Studies dedicated to Irini Philippaki-Warburton]. (pp. 76-86). Pataki Editions. Magnus, Margaret. (2000). What's in a Word? Evidence for Phonosemantics. Doctoral dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Magnus, Margaret. (2013). A history of sound symbolism. In K. Allan (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of historical linguistics. (pp. 191-208). Oxford University Press. Marchand, Hans. (1969). The categories and types of present-day English word-formation. Verlag C. H. Beck. Meschonnic, Henri. (2002). Traduire n'est pas traduire si on ne traduit pas le rythme ». In Traduire au XXIème siècle: Tendances et perspectives. Actes du Colloque International tenu à Thessalonique le 27-29 septembre 2002. (pp.375-384). Mourot, Jean. (1969). Chateaubriand. Le génie d'un style. Rythme et sonorité dans le mémoire d'outre-tombe. Armand Colin. Newmark, Peter. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. Prentice-Hall. Nobile, Luca. (2014). L'iconicité phonologique dans les neurosciences cognitives et dans la tradition linguistique française. Le français moderne, 1(1), 131-169. Nuckolls, Janis B.. (1999). The Case for Sound Symbolism. Annual Review of Anthropology, 28, 225-252. Ohala, J. J.. (1984). An ethological perspective on common cross-language utilization of F0 of voice. Phonetica, 41(1), 1-16. Pecher, Diane, Zwaan, Rolf A. D., (Eds.). (2005). Grounding cognition: the role of perception and action in memory, language, and thinking. Cambridge University Press. Ramachandran, V., Hubbard, E.. (2001). Synaesthesia - A Window Into Perception, Thought and Language. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 8(12), 3-34. Sapir, Edward. (1929a). The Status of Linguistics as a Science. Language, 5(4), 207-214. Sapir, Edward. (1929b). A study in phonetic symbolism. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 12. 225–239. Sapir, Edward. (1956). Selected Writings in Language, Culture and Personality. University of California Press. Saussure, Ferdinand de. [1959 (1916)]. Cours de linguistique générale. Payot. Séférian, Catherine. (2002). Traduction Allemande du Paysan Parvenu de Marivaux ». In Annie Rivara (Ed.), La Traduction des langues modernes au XVIIIe siècle. (pp.31-47). Honoré Champion. Shigeto, Kawahara, Kazuko, Shinohara. (2010). A Cross-linguistic Study of Sound Symbolism: The Images of Size». Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of Berkley Linguistic Society (6-7 February 2010). (pp.369-410). Shigeto, Kawahara, Kazuko, Shinohara. (2012). A tripartite trans-modal relationship among sounds, shapes and emotions: A case of abrupt modulation. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 34, 569-574. Slavova, Velina. (2019). Towards emotion recognition in texts – a sound-symbolic experiment. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 7(2), 41-51. Starobinski, Jean. (1971). Les Mots sous les Mots. Les Anagrammes de Ferdinand de Saussure. Gallimard. Tsur, Reuven. (2006). Size sound symbolism revisited». Journal of Pragmatics, 38, 905–924. Ultan, Russell. (1978). The nature of future tenses. In Greenberg Joseph H., Ferguson Charles A. et Moravcsik Edith (Eds.), Universals of Human Language, 3, 83–123. Stanford University Press. Vagenas, Nassos. [2004 (1989)]. Ποίηση και μετάφραση [Poetry and Translation]. Stigmi Editions. von Humboldt, Wilhelm. [1999 (1840)]. On Language. On the Diversity of Human Language Construction and its Influence on the Mental Development of the Human Species. Edited by Michael Losonsky, CUP. Wichmann, Søren, Holman, Eric W., Brown Cecil H.. (2010). Sound Symbolism in Basic Vocabulary. Entropy, 12, 844-858.
  • Corpus Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1983). Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire. Librairie Générale Française. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. (1990). Οι ονειροπολήσεις του μοναχικού οδοιπόρου [Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire]. Editions Zacharopoulos.

Rousseau’nun Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire, adlı eserinin fonosemantik bakış açısıyla tartışılması

Year 2019, , 389 - 402, 21.11.2019


Platon'un fıkırı göre, her biri önem işleyerek seslerin bir araya
getirilmesiyle sözcüklerin yaratılmasını anlatan tezi uyarınca, Marchand,
İngiliz dili arasında bir fonesteme listesi yaptı, hangi seslerin uzama,
canlılık vb. veririr anlatan. Bilim adamları arasında Bloomfield, Jespersen,
Sapir, Firth, Jakobson, Ultan, Magnus bu konuyla ilişkili olarak araştırma
yapmışlardır. Tüm bu bilim insanlarının çalışmaları büyük bir alan olan
Fonosemantik alanında örneklerle desteklenmekte ve hala araştırılmaya açık
bulunmaktadır. İki veya daha fazla dil arasındaki karşılaştırmalı bir bakış
açısından yaklaşıldığında sonuçlar daha belirgin olmaktadır. Bu makalenin
amacı, Rousseau’nun Rêveries du promeneur
adlı eserindeki ses tekrarları ve fenomenleri Yunancaya nasıl
aktarıldığı konusunda sezgiler sağlamaktır. Bilinen bir gerçektir ki, edebi bir
çalışmada “kelimelerde oyun” (açık veya kapalı) olması büyük önem taşımaktadır.
Bu fenomenlerin kaynak ve hedef dillerde nasıl davranıldığını göstermek için
uğraşacağız. Var olan tercumerlere dayanıyoruz,
dillerin seçimlerinde ayrıntılı
bir analiz hedefleyerek. Ayrıca
dillerin seçimleride Fransızca orijinalinde estetik etkilerini nasıl
aktarıyor ve detaylı bir şekilde analiz etmeyi amaçlayan onaylanmış bir
çeviriye dayanmaktayız. Terçümen, üslup
efektlerini hedef dil okuyucusuna telkin etmek için ne yapamaktadır? Fonosemantik
etkilerin Yunancaya aktarılmasının imkânsız olduğunu belirten durumlar var
mıdır? Eğer öyleyse, tercüman
potansiyel kayıpları nasıl telafi etmeye çalışmaktadır? 


  • Arrivé, Michael, Françoise Gadet, Michel Galmiche. (1986). La grammaire aujourd'hui. Guide alphabétique de linguistique française. Flammarion. Baker, Mona. (2001). Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. Routledge. Barrett Feldman, Lisa, Lindquist Kristen A., Gendron Maria. (2007). Language as context for the perception of emotion. Trends in Cognitive Science, 11(8): 327–332. Ben-Ari, Nrrsa. (1998). The Ambivalent Case of Repetitions in Literary Translation. Avoiding Repetitions: A 'Universal' of Translation. Meta, XLIII: 68-78. Childs, G. T. (2014). Sound symbolism. Ιn J. R. Taylor (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of the word. Oxford University Press. Connolly, David. (1996), Η Μετάφραση της Ποίησης: Προλεγόμενα μιας Συζήτησης [Translation of Poetry. Prelegomena of a Discussion], Μετάφραση ’96 [Translation’96], tome 2, p.28‐37. Connolly, David. (2001). Poetry Translation. In Mona Baker (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. (pp. 170-176). Routledge. Crystal, David. (2010). Little Book of Language. Yale University Press. de Beaugrande, Robert (1978). Factors in a Theory of Poetic Translating. Van Gorcum. Delisle, Jean, Lee Hannelore, Jahnke, Monique, Cormier. (1999) Terminologie de la traduction. John Benjamins Publishing Company. Dubois, Jean (sous la direction de). (2007). Dictionnaire de Linguistique et des sciences du langage. Larousse. Eliot, Thomas Stearns. (1964). The Use of Poetry & the Use of Criticism. Faber and Faber. Gendron, Maria, Feldman Barrett Lisa. (2018). Emotion Perception as Conceptual Synchrony». Emotion Review, 10:2, 101-110. Genette, Gérard. (1976). Mimologiques: voyage en Cratylie. Seuil. Golden, Séan. (1997). Whose morsel of lips will you bite? Some reflections on the role of prosody and genre as non-verbal elements in the translation of poetry». In Fernando Payotos (Ed.), Nonverbal Communication (p.217-248). John Benjamins. Grammont, Maurice. (1933). Traité de phonétique. Delagrave. Greenberg, J. H., Jenkins, J. J.. [1966 (1990)]. Studies in the psychological correlates of the sound system of American English: III. Descriptive ratings of selected consonants». In K. Denning and S. Kemmer (Eds.), On language: Selected writings of Joseph H. Greenberg. Stanford University Press. Hinton, Leanne, Nichols, Johanna, Ohala, John J. (Eds). (1994). Sound Symbolism. Cambridge University Press. Imai, Mutsumi, Kita, Sotaro. (2014). The sound symbolism bootstrapping hypothesis for language acquisition and language evolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Jakobson, Roman. (1960). Linguistics and Poetics. In Sebeok T. (Ed.), Style in Language. (pp.350-377). M.I.T. Press. Jakobson, Roman. (1963). Linguistique et poétique. Essais de linguistique générale. (pp. 209-248). Minuit. Jakobson, Roman. (1981). Selected Writings, III. Poetry of Grammar and Grammar of Poetry. Mouton de Gruyter. Jespersen, Otto. (1922). Language: Its nature, development, and origin. George Allen and Unwin Ltd. Karksy, Marie Nadia. (2004). "Ce n'est point ainsi que parle la nature": Traduire Molière en Anglais. In Michel Ballard et Lance Hewson (études réunies par), Correct/Incorrect. (pp.65-76). Artois Presses Université (Collection: Traductologie). Kierkegaard, Soren. [2003 (1933)]. La Répétition, Editions Payot et Rivages. Traduction Jacques Privat. Klink, R. R.. (2000). Creating brand names with meaning: The use of sound symbolism. Marketing Letters, 11(1), 5-20. Köhler, Wolfgang. (1929). Gestalt Psychology. Liveright. Ladmiral, Jean-René. (1994). Traduire: théorèmes pour la traduction. Tel Gallimard. Larthomas, Pierre. (1985). Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire, (étude de langue et de style d'un passage de la première promenade). L'information grammaticale, 25, 20-22. Mackridge, Peter. (2003). Κρυφά λογοπαίγνια στην ποίηση του Καβάφη [Hidden word games in Kavafy's poetry]. In Σύγχρονες Τάσεις στην Ελληνική Γλωσσολογία. Μελέτες αφιερωμένες στην Ειρήνη Φιλιππάκη-Warburton, [Modern Trends in Greek Linguistics. Studies dedicated to Irini Philippaki-Warburton]. (pp. 76-86). Pataki Editions. Magnus, Margaret. (2000). What's in a Word? Evidence for Phonosemantics. Doctoral dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Magnus, Margaret. (2013). A history of sound symbolism. In K. Allan (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of historical linguistics. (pp. 191-208). Oxford University Press. Marchand, Hans. (1969). The categories and types of present-day English word-formation. Verlag C. H. Beck. Meschonnic, Henri. (2002). Traduire n'est pas traduire si on ne traduit pas le rythme ». In Traduire au XXIème siècle: Tendances et perspectives. Actes du Colloque International tenu à Thessalonique le 27-29 septembre 2002. (pp.375-384). Mourot, Jean. (1969). Chateaubriand. Le génie d'un style. Rythme et sonorité dans le mémoire d'outre-tombe. Armand Colin. Newmark, Peter. (1988). A Textbook of Translation. 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There are 2 citations in total.


Primary Language French
Subjects Creative Arts and Writing
Journal Section Turkish language, culture and literature

Maria Antoniou This is me 0000-0002-7618-2985

Publication Date November 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Antoniou, M. (2019). Les rêveries du promeneur solitaire de J. J. Rousseau, traitées de point de vue phonosémantique. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi389-402.

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