Research Article
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Sınırlama altında yan metin çevirisi

Year 2021, Issue: 24, 1260 - 1271, 21.09.2021


Bu makalenin amacı sınırlama altında yazının en dikkat çekici örneklerden biri olarak yazın dünyasında yer edinen Georges Perec'in La Disparition adlı eserindeki yan metin özelliklerinin ana metnin alımlanmasını nasıl etkilediğini ortaya koymaktır. İncelemenin bütüncesini Türkçe çeviri kitap Kayboluş ve İngilizce çeviri kitap A-void oluşturmaktadır. Cemal Yardımcı tarafından çevrilmiş Türkçe kitap 2006 yılında Sel Yayınlarından basılmış kopyadır. Gilbert Adair tarafından çevrilmiş İngilizce kitap 2008 yılında Vintage Random House Yayınevinden çıkmıştır. İnceleme Genette'in yan metin sınıflandırmasına dayalı olarak yapılacaktır. İncelemede özellikle çevre metni oluşturan unsurlarla birlikte çevre metnin ana metindeki uzantısı olan bölümler de (eklenen bölümler- çevirmen günceleri) yer alacaktır. Özellikle başlığın tasarımı, rengi ve konumu; kapak sayfası, içindekiler tablosu ve çevirmenin sözde metne müdahaleleri mercek altına alınacak başlıklardır. Ayrıca çevirmen kararları ile birlikte özellikle ekleme ve çıkarma gibi çeviri teknikleri ve bu tekniklerin metne ve çevre metinsel unsurlara nasıl yansıdığı da ele alınacaktır. Sonuç olarak araştırma, her iki kitabın çevre metinsel öğelerinin örtük ya da açık göndermeler aracılığıyla okuma sürecini farklı yönlerde şekillendirdiğini ve kendi kültürlerinde farklı işlevler kazandığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca çevre metin öğelerin düzenlenişi okura farklı roller yüklemiştir. Yine bu etmenler kısıtlamanın görünürlüğünün yanı sıra çevirmenin görünürlüğünü de güçlendirmiş ya da zayıflatmış ve ana metnin yeniden üretim derecesini etkilemiştir.


  • Akdağ, A. I. (2011). Oulipo metinlerinin Türkçeye çevirisinin olanaklari: Yazın dizgesinde boşluğu doldurma araci olarak deyiş kaydirmalari. İÜ Çeviribilim Dergisi, 2(3), 81–116.
  • Alvstad, C. (2012). The strategic moves of paratexts: World literature through Swedish eyes. Translation Studies, 5(1), 78–94.
  • Armstrong, G. (2007). Paratexts and Their Functions in Seventeenth-Century English" Decamerons. The Modern Language Review, 40–57.
  • Atmaca, E. (2006). Çevirmen yarı yazar mı? Radikal. Retrieved from
  • Bloomfield, C. (2012). Traduire ‘La Disparition’ de Georges Perec. Retrieved from
  • Chauvin, A. (2012). La Saga du Scriptural: Occultations, Duplications. Semen. Retrieved from
  • Clarke, C. (2016). The Impact of Constraint Visibility on the Translation of Constraint-based Writing. MLN, 131(4), 877–891.
  • Collombat, I. (2007). L’Oulipo du Traducteur. Semen. Retrieved from
  • De Geest, D., & Goris, A. (2010). Constrained Writing, Creative Writing: The Case of Handbooks for Writing Romances. Poetics Today, 31(1), 81–106.
  • Genette, G. (1997). Paratexts: Thresholds of interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Karahan, A. (2014). Kripto sistemlerde Türk Alfabesi Kullanımı: Şifreleme ve Kriptanaliz. Unpublished Poster Presented at Ted Ankara Koleji. Retrieved from Kellman, S. G. (2010). Alien autographs: how translators make their marks. Neohelicon, 37(1), 7–19.
  • Kung, S. (2013). Paratext, an Alternative in Boundary Crossing: A Complementary Approach to Translation Analysis. In V. Pellat (Ed.), Text, Extratext, Metatext and Paratext in Translation (pp. 49–68). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Meneghello, H. (2016). Italo Calvıno e o intrincado jogo da tradução literária: reinventando Queneau. University of Santa Catarina.
  • Oulipo. (1973). La Littérature Potentielle: Créations Re-créations Récréation. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Oulipo. (1988). Atlas de Littérature Potentielle. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Oulipo. (2002). Abrégé de Littérature Potentielle. Paris: Mille et une nuit.
  • Perec, G. (1969). La Disparition. Paris: Denoel..........................
  • Perec, G. (2006). Kayboluş. İstanbul: Ayrıntı..............................
  • Perec, G. (2008). A Void. London: Village.................................
  • Ruiz, P. M. (2016). Ways to Start Looking at Potential Translation. MLN, 131(4), 919–931.
  • Salceda, H., & Bloomfield, C. (2016). La contrainte et les langues (portugais, italien, français, espagnol, anglais). MLN, 131(4), 964–984.
  • Sapiro, G. (2008). Translation and the field of publishing. Translation Studies, 1(2), 154–166.
  • Spittael, T. (2014). The Peritextual Framework of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s First Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Translations (1751–1779). ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 27(2), 69–75.
  • Stone, D. (2000). Grasping what isn’t shown: Georges Perec, Ellis Island and Jewishness. Jewish Quarterly, 47(2), 37–40.
  • Tahir- Gürçağlar, Ş. (2002). What Texts don’t Tell The use of Paratexts in Translation Research. In T. Hermans (Ed.), Crosscultural Transgressions: Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues (pp. 44–60). Manchester: St.Jerome.
  • Vuaille-Barcan, M. (2011). Douglas Kennedy or an American in Paris: Paratextual Strategies an ‘Acclimatization’ of the Translated Text. In A. Vuaille-Barcan, ML; Rolls (Ed.), Masking Strategies:Unwrapping the French Paratext (pp. 69–84). Peter Lang.
  • Watts, R. (2007). Translating Culture: Reading the Paratexts to Aimé Césaire’s Cahier d’un retour au pays natal. TTR : Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction, 13(2), 29–45.
  • Yuste-Frias, J. (2010). Au seuil de la traduction: la paratraduction. In Event or Incident. Événement ou Incident. On the Role of Translation in the Dynamics of Cultural Exchange. Du rôle des traductions dans les processus d’échanges culturels (pp. 287–316).
  • Yuste-Frias, J. (2012). Paratextual Elements in Translation: Paratranslating Titles in Children’s Literature. In P. O. & S. R.-E. Gil-Bajardí, Anna (Ed.), Translation Peripheries. Paratextual Elements in Translation.

Paratranslation under constraint

Year 2021, Issue: 24, 1260 - 1271, 21.09.2021


The aim of this article is to reveal how the paratext features of Georges Perec's La Disparition, which is one of the most striking examples of writing under constraint, affect the reception of the main text. The corpus consists of the Turkish copy Kayboluş translated by Cemal Yardimci and printed from Sel Publications in 2000 as well as the English version A-void translated by Gilbert Adair, published by Vintage Random House in 2008. The analysis will be based on Genette's paratext classification. Along with the elements that make up the peritext, the main text sections that are its extension (inserted chapters- translation diaries) will also be included. In particular, the design, colour and location of the title; The cover page, the table of contents and the translator's so-called interventions will be scrutinized. In addition, translation techniques such as addition and omission and how these techniques are reflected in the text and peritextual elements will also be discussed together with the translator's decisions. In conclusion, the research showed that the peritextual elements of both translations have shaped the reading process in different ways by making implicit or explicit allusions, acquired different functions in their respective cultures, attributed different roles to the reader, strengthened or weakened the visibility of the constraint as well as the visibility of the translator and affected the recreation degree of the main text.


  • Akdağ, A. I. (2011). Oulipo metinlerinin Türkçeye çevirisinin olanaklari: Yazın dizgesinde boşluğu doldurma araci olarak deyiş kaydirmalari. İÜ Çeviribilim Dergisi, 2(3), 81–116.
  • Alvstad, C. (2012). The strategic moves of paratexts: World literature through Swedish eyes. Translation Studies, 5(1), 78–94.
  • Armstrong, G. (2007). Paratexts and Their Functions in Seventeenth-Century English" Decamerons. The Modern Language Review, 40–57.
  • Atmaca, E. (2006). Çevirmen yarı yazar mı? Radikal. Retrieved from
  • Bloomfield, C. (2012). Traduire ‘La Disparition’ de Georges Perec. Retrieved from
  • Chauvin, A. (2012). La Saga du Scriptural: Occultations, Duplications. Semen. Retrieved from
  • Clarke, C. (2016). The Impact of Constraint Visibility on the Translation of Constraint-based Writing. MLN, 131(4), 877–891.
  • Collombat, I. (2007). L’Oulipo du Traducteur. Semen. Retrieved from
  • De Geest, D., & Goris, A. (2010). Constrained Writing, Creative Writing: The Case of Handbooks for Writing Romances. Poetics Today, 31(1), 81–106.
  • Genette, G. (1997). Paratexts: Thresholds of interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University.
  • Karahan, A. (2014). Kripto sistemlerde Türk Alfabesi Kullanımı: Şifreleme ve Kriptanaliz. Unpublished Poster Presented at Ted Ankara Koleji. Retrieved from Kellman, S. G. (2010). Alien autographs: how translators make their marks. Neohelicon, 37(1), 7–19.
  • Kung, S. (2013). Paratext, an Alternative in Boundary Crossing: A Complementary Approach to Translation Analysis. In V. Pellat (Ed.), Text, Extratext, Metatext and Paratext in Translation (pp. 49–68). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Meneghello, H. (2016). Italo Calvıno e o intrincado jogo da tradução literária: reinventando Queneau. University of Santa Catarina.
  • Oulipo. (1973). La Littérature Potentielle: Créations Re-créations Récréation. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Oulipo. (1988). Atlas de Littérature Potentielle. Paris: Gallimard.
  • Oulipo. (2002). Abrégé de Littérature Potentielle. Paris: Mille et une nuit.
  • Perec, G. (1969). La Disparition. Paris: Denoel..........................
  • Perec, G. (2006). Kayboluş. İstanbul: Ayrıntı..............................
  • Perec, G. (2008). A Void. London: Village.................................
  • Ruiz, P. M. (2016). Ways to Start Looking at Potential Translation. MLN, 131(4), 919–931.
  • Salceda, H., & Bloomfield, C. (2016). La contrainte et les langues (portugais, italien, français, espagnol, anglais). MLN, 131(4), 964–984.
  • Sapiro, G. (2008). Translation and the field of publishing. Translation Studies, 1(2), 154–166.
  • Spittael, T. (2014). The Peritextual Framework of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s First Discourse in Eighteenth-Century English Translations (1751–1779). ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 27(2), 69–75.
  • Stone, D. (2000). Grasping what isn’t shown: Georges Perec, Ellis Island and Jewishness. Jewish Quarterly, 47(2), 37–40.
  • Tahir- Gürçağlar, Ş. (2002). What Texts don’t Tell The use of Paratexts in Translation Research. In T. Hermans (Ed.), Crosscultural Transgressions: Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues (pp. 44–60). Manchester: St.Jerome.
  • Vuaille-Barcan, M. (2011). Douglas Kennedy or an American in Paris: Paratextual Strategies an ‘Acclimatization’ of the Translated Text. In A. Vuaille-Barcan, ML; Rolls (Ed.), Masking Strategies:Unwrapping the French Paratext (pp. 69–84). Peter Lang.
  • Watts, R. (2007). Translating Culture: Reading the Paratexts to Aimé Césaire’s Cahier d’un retour au pays natal. TTR : Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction, 13(2), 29–45.
  • Yuste-Frias, J. (2010). Au seuil de la traduction: la paratraduction. In Event or Incident. Événement ou Incident. On the Role of Translation in the Dynamics of Cultural Exchange. Du rôle des traductions dans les processus d’échanges culturels (pp. 287–316).
  • Yuste-Frias, J. (2012). Paratextual Elements in Translation: Paratranslating Titles in Children’s Literature. In P. O. & S. R.-E. Gil-Bajardí, Anna (Ed.), Translation Peripheries. Paratextual Elements in Translation.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Linguistics
Journal Section Translation and interpreting

Ayşe Işık Akdağ This is me 0000-0003-4338-9071

Publication Date September 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Issue: 24


APA Akdağ, A. I. (2021). Paratranslation under constraint. RumeliDE Dil Ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi(24), 1260-1271.