SAUJS, Turkey and even across the globe, engineering and basic sciences will contribute to the scientific development of all disciplines in the field to increase scientific research, disseminate and aims to share with the public the academic studies of different disciplines.
The research topics or areas covered by SAUJS are listed below (Topics are not limited to these but generally consist of these):
Computer Engineering,
Cyber Security,
Electrical-Electronics Engineering,
Biomedical Engineering,
Information Systems,
Mechanical and Energy,
Mechanical Design,
Mechatronics Engineering,
Fire & Disaster Management,
Industrial Engineering,
Quality Management,
Civil Engineering,
Geophysical Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering,
Genetic Engineering,
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Food Engineering,
Industry 4.0
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Before submission please check the SAUJS homepage for information SAUJS scope, available article types, specific manuscript length limits and details of any variations to the peer review process that might apply.
Please read author guidelines first. You can find more detail in our author guidelines which are presented in the style of a typical article, and offer suggestions on how to format a manuscript.
Download Template File (.dotx)
This document has been adapted from earlier style guides used for the “Sakarya University Journal of Science (SAUJS)”. Please write you papers using this style guide.
Papers for this journal should be no longer than 20 pages, including references, appendices, figures, and tables. Tables and figures should be inserted directly into the manuscript, close to where they are referenced. Both tables and figures should be numbered sequentially from 1 to n. Do not re-start the numbering with each section in the paper. The paper should be written in Microsoft Word. We have observed that keeping papers on the shorter side usually improves the writing and makes the logic tighter, so we are maintaining a rather strict page limit. It is important that authors follow our instructions carefully. To help you in this task, we have written this document in the recommended format and the Word version includes the embedded styles.
Page Limit
The full manuscript must not exceed 20 pages. It must include an abstract of up to 300 words. The 20 pages should include all tables, figures, and references.
Quality of Your Document
Please be sure to check your document for spelling and grammar before submitting it electronically.
In the first page which includes Title and Abstract must be 5 cm from top, 2.5 cm from bottom, left and right. For the other pages, left and right margins must be 1.5 cm and others should be 2.5 cm, with text fully justified. This guideline is a sample file for all those requirements. You are encouraged to hyphenate words to obtain more even word spacing.
The body text of the paper should be single-spaced and fully justified in 12 point Times New Roman font. Do not leave one-line space between paragraphs, and do not indent the first line of a new paragraph.
Use one space after punctuation marks such as periods, commas, semi-colons, and colons. No space after internal periods in abbreviations (a.m., i.e., U.S.).
Do not insert one-line space between paragraphs. Use 12 pt. line after and before the all paragraphs.
For the main headings use 12 point Times New Roman bold font, all letters caps, centered. Use 12 pt. line before and 18 pt. line after the main headings.
For Level 2 headings, use justified 12-point Times New Roman font and capitalize the first letter of the first word. Please use the MS Word font styles for the headings
Please do not put any header or footer in your paper.
First Page Requirements
Title of the Article
Do not use a separate title page. For the article title, use 14-point Times New Roman bold font, only first letter caps, centered.
Do not write down any information about authors at this stage. Author information will be required after your submission is accepted for publishing.
Abstract and Keywords
Use no more than 300 words in the abstract to indicate the nature of the topic and to briefly summarize the findings of the paper. Put “Keywords:” on the next cell, followed by no more than five keywords. Keywords must be selected from Turkey Science Terms ( it).
The Body of the Paper
The body of the paper should be separated from the abstract by two-line spaces. The “body text” style used here is justified 12-point Times New Roman font. In body text, space no space after each period that ends a sentence. Do not leave a line space between paragraphs. Do NOT indent the first word of a new paragraph.
Footnotes, Figures, and Tables
Footnotes are generally discouraged but may be used when necessary. They should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page on which they appear, separated from the body of the text by a line one inch long (or 10 spaces). Two footnotes on the same page should be separated by a line space. Be sure to observe the margin requirements at the bottom of the page. Footnotes should not be attached to equations.
Figures and Tables
Use a 11 pt Times New Roman font for figure and table captions. Figures and tables should appear soon after their first citation in the text and should be included in a manner that allows easy reference while reading the text. Please try to make them as legible as possible.
Figure captions should be located below the figure, centered and not bolded with no period following the figure number or at the ends of the lines.
Table captions should be located above the table on two lines, not bolded, with the table number on the first line, the description on the next line, both lines left-justified and no periods at the end of the table number or the lines. Leave one blank line between the end of the caption and the table.
For both table and figure captions, capitalize only the first letter of the first word unless a word is normally capitalized because it is a proper name. Do not use bold fonts. Do not use periods after the table and figure numbers, and no periods at the ends of the lines. Refer to all tables and figures nearby in the text.
Tables should be centered, if possible across the entire page, as shown in Table 1. The entries in the cells of the table should be left justified. The font used for the cell entries is left to the discretion of the author. In general tables look better and are easier to read if you minimize the number of vertical lines and use only horizontal lines so far as possible as shown in template file.
To format your references please use the IEEE Citation Reference:
Please left-justify your references and do not use the hanging indents preferred by the IEEE. Books, journals, and other references should be cited in the main document text by a numerical order.
If a quotation contains two or more sentences and four or more lines, it should be set off from the body of the text with 1.5-inch left and right margins.
All formulas should be placed on separate lines, justified, and numbered consecutively. Be certain that all symbols are adequately defined. Identification numbers should be placed in the right side of the formula.
Appendices, if needed, should immediately follow the body of the paper and precede the references. Please use appendices sparingly. All tables and figures should be referred to in the text and located in the body of the paper, as near as possible to where they are referred to in the text.
If you wish to thank the referees, editors, or anyone who contributed to the study, then this thank you text should be written under the heading "Acknowledgments".
Please provide all the details requested by your funding and support organizations under the heading Funding as follows:
“This study is supported by Sakarya University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit. Project Number: 2016-01-02-001.”
If no support was received, then, under this heading "The author (s) has no received any financial support for the research, authorship or publication of this study." statement should be written.
The Declaration of Conflict of Interest/ Common Interest
Authors should indicate in the cover letter any conflicts of interest that may arise from financial relationships, personal relationships or competition, academic competition, or differences in ideologies or beliefs. These conflicts can be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. As the author, you must make a report if this is the case. For example,
"In accordance with the conflict of interest policy and my ethical obligation as a researcher, I inform you that ……… [firm, institution, person] may be affected by the research reported in the accompanying document. I have fully disclosed this conflict of interest situation to the journal and I have an approved plan to manage potential conflicts.” like.
If there is no conflict of interest or common interest, then, the following statement should be written:
“No conflict of interest or common interest has been declared by the authors”.
Authors' Contribution
Under this heading, "The authors contributed equally to the study" or "The first author contributed 60%, the second author 40%." expressions such as should be included.
The Declaration of Ethics Committee Approval
If the study requires the approval of the ethics committee, the name, date, and number of the board from which the consent was obtained should be specified under this heading. In addition, information about the permit should be included in the METHOD section. A copy of the permission obtained should be uploaded as ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE at the article submission stage.
If the study does not require ethics committee permission, the statement "This study does not require ethics committee permission or any special permission" should be included under this heading.
In addition, ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL IS NOT REQUIRED DECLARATION FORM must be signed by the responsible author and uploaded instead of the ETHICS COMMITTEE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE to be requested at the article submission stage.
The Declaration of Research and Publication Ethics
The following statement should be included under this heading:
“The authors of the paper declare that they comply with the scientific, ethical and quotation rules of SAUJS in all processes of the paper and that they do not make any falsification on the data collected. In addition, they declare that Sakarya University Journal of Science and its editorial board have no responsibility for any ethical violations that may be encountered, and that this study has not been evaluated in any academic publication environment other than Sakarya University Journal of Science.”
In addition, the RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION ETHICS DECLARATION FORM regarding this statement should be signed by the corresponding author and uploaded as an additional file when submitting the article.
A sample references list is given below;
[1] T. Wei and B. Khoshnevis, “Integration of process planning and scheduling: a review,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 51–63, 2000.
[2] R. Meenakshi Sundaram and S. Fu, “Process planning and scheduling — A method of integration for productivity improvement,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 15, no. 1–4, pp. 296–301, 1988.
[3] Y. Chu, F. You, J. M. Wassick, and A. Agarwal, “Integrated planning and scheduling under production uncertainties: Bi-level model formulation and hybrid solution method,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 72, pp. 255–272, 2015.
[4] F. S. Chan, V. Kumar, and M. Tiwari, “Optimizing the Performance of an Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling Problem: An AIS-FLC based Approach,” 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, pp. 1–8, 2006.
[5] W. Tan and B. Khoshnevis, “Integration of process planning and scheduling— a review,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 51–63, 2000.
[6] D. Yip-Hoi and D. Dutta, “A genetic algorithm application for sequencing operations in process planning for parallel machining,” IIE Transactions (Institute of Industrial Engineers), vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 55–68, 1996.
[7] B. Yuan, C. Zhang, X. Shao, and Z. Jiang, “An effective hybrid honey bee mating optimization algorithm for balancing mixed-model two-sided assembly lines,” Computers and Operations Research, vol. 53, no. 5–8, pp. 32–41, 2015.
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The File of the Manuscript
This file includes article title, abstract, keywords; main text input, material and method, results, discussion; thank; fund financing information, non-conflict statement; authors' contribution, ethics committee approval statement, research and publication ethics statement, references; should include attachments (if any) information. Author information should not be included in this file. Document properties should be anonymized (The person who wrote the document should not be known. For this, the Remove all options should be selected from the window that opens by saying File-Check For Problems-Examine Document in your word document.)
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Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission
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