Writing Rules


1. Studies/articles should be prepared and sent to the journal according to the writing rules being explained in the following steps below. Studies/articles that are not due to the Journal of Defence and War Studies Guidelines will be sent back to the author before the referees’ evaluation. If the article is not due again, it will be rejected.
2. The articles/studies should be prepared in plain language and in accordance with Turkish Spelling Dictionary(2018) of Turkish Language Society
3. Articles/studies should be in 5000-15000 word limits, Times New Roman 12 font, justified, single-spaced and convenient to A4 sheet. Spaces should be right:4 cm, left:4 cm, bottom:4,6 cm, top:4,6 cm, and gutter:0. The paragraphs should start at an indent; spacing should be 6 nk for the first level and 12 nk for the second level titles and applied both before and after. The title of the study should be Times New Roman 14 font size, bold and centered. The names of the authors should be stated below the title with a footnote. In the footnote, the liaison author’s title, address of author’s organization (school, university, faculty, and departments should be stated clearly), e-mail, and ORCID number. Other authors’ titles and the addresses of their organizations, e-mails, and ORCID numbers should be stated followingly. Related JEL code of the studies/ articles should be put at the end of the title with capital letters in parenthesis 
4. The studies/articles prepared in Turkish should include ABSTRACT (not more than 250-word, for English 300 words), ARTICLE TYPE, KEY WORDS (3 to 10 words), and JEL CODE in Turkish, followed by title (in small letters with first letters capital), abstract, article type, jel code and key words in English. The rules for the studies/articles in English should follow the same rules but vice versa for the language. Both of these abstracts should be in Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced, and in italics. 
5. A 500-1500-word Extended Summary that is convenient to scientific writing rules should be located after References. The Extended Summary (composed of Introduction, Main Titles, and a Conclusion) will be written in English for articles/studies in Turkish, and in Turkish for articles/studies in English (Times New Roman 12 font, single-spaced).
6. Technical words should be in quotation marks or be explained. Abbreviations should not be used for concepts. Variations should be explained with general statements, rather than using abbreviations. Any language that may cause misunderstandings should be avoided. 
7. The tables, figures and graphs should be numbered (Figure 1, Table, and Graph 1). The titles of tables should be at the top, while the titles of figures and graphs should be at the bottom of the figure. These titles should be centered and the first letter should be uppercased. Reference or other information to be given for the tables, figures and graphs should be at the bottom, italic and with no title. The content, title, reference and information about the tables, figures graphs should be in Times New Roman 10 font size. For the statistics, no more than three numbers should be used after the comma. Equations should have a number that should be in brackets and located at the right side of the sheet.
8. Five title levels are used in the Journal of Defence and War Studies in addition to INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION, REFERENCE, GENİŞLETİLMİŞ ÖZET parts and these five levels should not be exceeded, if it is not compulsory. Titles should not have numbers. 

First Level [1. level]

Second Level [2. level]
(1,25 cm)Third Level [3. level]
(1,25 cm)Fourth Level [4. level]
(1,25 cm)Fifth Level [5. level]

9. Endnotes should be avoided at the most possible level. If it is necessary to use endnotes, those endnotes must be given with numbers and references to the end notes must be given at the end of the article before References. Each article in listings should be in one indent and numbered. If there is no priority between the articles, the symbol shown below is also applicable: 
    1. The devotion of workers, 
    2. The motivation of workers… 
    • This symbol is also applicable.

10. Each tested hypothesis should be indicated separately and numbered individually (Hypothesis 1, Hypothesis 1a, 1b). Hypotheses should be in one indent and in italics. For example; 
    Hypothesis 1: The managers working on public organizations have higher power space than the managers working on private institutions.

11. Appendixes should be titled as “Appendix A”, “Appendix B” and should be convenient to titling rules. The tables in appendixes should be titled as (Table A1,B1).

12. Citations should be arranged alphabetically according to the last names of authors. In different studies of the same author/authors, the study with previous date should be stated before. The same studies of the same author/authors should include “a”,”b”, “c” next to the year in which the study was completed. Fundamentally, any reference can be cited as in the example shown below:
Name and Year: Organizational Premises, Organizational Justice Perception (Brewer and Cramer, 1986; Cramer, 2005a, 2005b; Lipponen, 2001, 2006)
Only Year: Mael and Ashforth (1992) 
In studies with multiple authors, the first citation should include the names of all authors. Following citations should be abbreviated by using “et. all” If there are six or more authors, it can be stated as “et. all” after the last name of the author.

13. Citation giving rules and examples in the article are below:

One-author article: 
(Yeşilyurt, 2015, s. 58)

Two-author article:
(Yıldız ve Şahin, 2014)

Three-four or Five author article:
While giving citation to three-four or five author articles, the surnames of the authors must be given only for the first citation. For the following citations the first author’s surname and “et al.” must be used.
First citation : (Kara, Şenoğlu, Yalçıner ve Doğan, 2012)
Following citations: (Kara and et al., 2011)

Six or more author article:
While giving citation to six or more author articles the first author’s surname and “et al.” must be used.
(Yılmaz and et al., 2006)

14. If paraphrasing is difficult or causing vagueness, the quoted text with less than 40 words should be in quotation marks and the page number of the original document should be written. For example: (Öztürk, 2003, s. 147). Quoted texts with 40 or more words should be in quotation marks, two times indented, and paragraph (para.15) or page (p.25) should be stated at the end.

15. In studies with no names, the name of the periodical can be used as the name of the author. For example: (Wall Street Journal, 2009), (The Ministry of Trade, 1999). To state multiple sources in the same parentheses, they should be in alphabetical order, and a semicolon should separate each. For example: (Abrahams, 2000; Sullivan and Hellman, 1999). Secondary sources should be stated as (Blau, from Tamer in 1963, 2003), according to Tamer (2003) referencing Blau (1964).

16. When citing electronic sources, general rules are valid (last name, year). If the information is not reachable, the link of the source should be stated in parentheses. When citing a very professional web site, database or the website of a project, the link should be stated in parentheses and the source should be stated in the References as shown in the example. For example: The web site of the UNICEF facilitates to reach various sources which operates for the welfare of the children worldwide (http://www.unicef.org).

17. Acknowledgements: If there is any party that you would like to mention for their fiscal or other contributions, you are allowed to add a note at the end of the study and express your gratitude.

18. The References should be in 12 font size. For detailed information, see APA 6 (Publication Manual of American Psychological Association) scientific writing rules. Some examples of writing rules are given below: 

Brannick, M.T., Levine, E.L. ve Morgeson, F.P. (2007). Job and work analysis. London: Sage.
Bloch S. ve Whiteley P. (2010). Düz bir dünyada yöneticilik. (Çev. Ü. Şensoy), İstanbul: İş Bankası Yayınları.
O'Reilly, C., Snyder R. ve Boothe J. (1993). Effects of executive team demography on organizational change. İçinde G. Humber ve W. Glick (Ed.), Organizational Change and Redesign: Ideas and Insights for Improving Performance (ss. 147-175). New York: Oxford University Press. 

Levine, E.L., Ash, R.A. ve Bennett, N. (1980). Exploratory comparative study of four job analysis methods. Journal of Applied Psychology, 3(1), 524-535. 

Unpublished Studies (Postgraduate and Doctoral Dissertations)
Dağ, İ. (1990). Kontrol odağı, stresle başa çıkma stratejileri ve psikolojik belirti gösterme ilişkileri. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara. 
Welch, K.E. (Basım aşamasında). Technical communication and physical location: Topoi and architecture in computer classrooms. Technical Communication Quarterly,14(3).

Congress Announcements
Gürbüz, S. (2008). Stratejik insan kaynakları yönetiminin örgütsel performansa etkisi: Türkiye’nin en büyük 500 sanayi kuruluşu üzerinde bir araştırma. 16. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 16-18 Mayıs, Antalya, 899-903. 

Shotton, M.A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency. Retrieved from http://www.ebookstore.tandf.co.uk/ html/index.