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A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications

Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 416 - 428, 15.08.2018


With the widespread use of mobile devices, location-awareness in software applications has become an increasingly important concept. One important aspect of location-aware applications is the ability to provide map and navigation support for the user. Basically, providing maps and navigational information to the user complements and empowers the notion of location-awareness. Although map and navigation support are widely used in mobile applications, there are circumstances, where they are also useful for desktop applications. There are applications which run without any connection to the Internet and/or demand high computing power, where a smart phone is not sufficient. There are many frameworks for providing map and navigation support in the mobile and web domain. For the desktop domain, map and navigation support is limited. There are no frameworks which provide map and navigation support in an integrated manner. In this paper, an easy to use open source navigation framework for the Java programming language is presented. By using this specific navigation framework, software developers will be able to add map, navigation and path finding support to their applications. In order to minimize network costs for downloading map images over the Internet, a caching strategy is employed. The software developers will be able to integrate navigation support and maps easily to their applications. Finally, demonstration applications implemented using our framework are described to demonstrate the capabilities of our framework.


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  • [6] Ficco, M., Palmieri, F., Castiglione, A. 2014. Hybrid Indoor and Outdoor Location Services for New Generation Mobile Terminals. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(2), 271-285.
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  • [18] Rickles, P., Ellul, C., Haklay, M. 2017. A suggested framework and guidelines for learning GIS in interdisciplinary research. Geo: Geography and Environment, 4(2), e00046.
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  • [20] Haklay, M. 2010. How Good Is Volunteered Geographical Information? A Comparative Study of OpenStreetMap and Ordnance Survey Datasets. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37(4), 682-703.
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  • [22] Neis, P., Zielstra, D., Zipf, A. 2011. The Street Network Evolution of Crowdsourced Maps: OpenStreetMap in Germany 2007-2011. Future Internet, 4(1), 1-21.
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  • [25] Sehra, S. S., Singh, J., Rai, H. S. 2014. A Systematic Study of OpenStreetMap Data Quality Assessment. 2014 11th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, April 7-9, Las Vegas, USA.
  • [26] Wan, T., Lu, H., Lu, Q., Luo, N. 2017. Classification of High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Image Using OpenStreetMap Information. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(12), 2305-2309.
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  • [33] Skobbler. Smart mobile technology based on OpenStreetMap. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [34] Hightower, J., Borriello, G. 2001. Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing. Computer, 34(8), 57-66.
  • [35] Hardegger, M., Roggen, D., Tröster, G. 2015. 3D ActionSLAM: Wearable Person Tracking in Multi-Floor Environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 19(1), 123-141.
  • [36] Barkhuus, L., Polichar, V. 2011. Empowerment through Seamfulness: Smart Phones in Everyday Life. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 15(6), 629-639.
  • [37] FreeTTS. FreeTTS 1.2.3 - A speech synthesizer written entirely in the Java programming language. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
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  • [39] Google. A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
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Year 2018, Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 416 - 428, 15.08.2018



  • [1] Chen, G., Kotz, D. 2000. A Survey of Context-Aware Mobile Computing Research (Report No. TR2000-381). Dartmouth College, USA.
  • [2] Dearman, D., Inkpen, K., Truong, K. 2010. Mobile Map Interactions during a Rendezvous: Exploring the Implications of Automation. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 14(1), 1-13.
  • [3] Becker, C., Dürr, F. 2005. On Location Models for Ubiquitous Computing. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 9(1), 20-31.
  • [4] Rao, B., Minakakis, L. 2003. Evolution of Mobile Location-Based Services. Communications of the ACM, 46(12), 61-65.
  • [5] Ficco, M., Pietrantuono, R., Russo, S. 2010. Supporting Ubiquitous Location Information in Interworking 3G and Wireless Networks. Communications of the ACM, 53(11), 116-123.
  • [6] Ficco, M., Palmieri, F., Castiglione, A. 2014. Hybrid Indoor and Outdoor Location Services for New Generation Mobile Terminals. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 18(2), 271-285.
  • [7] Pitney Bowes Software. MapInfo MapXtreme Java Edition Datasheet. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [8] Google Inc. Google Maps JavaScript API v3. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [9] Yahoo Inc. Yahoo! Maps Web Services. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [10] Yılmaz O. EgeNav - A Simple Navigation Framework. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [11] Google Inc. Google Static Maps API V2 Developer Guide. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [12] Google Inc. Google Maps Directions API. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [13] Microsoft Corporation. Bing Maps Developer Resources. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [14] OpenStreetMap Foundation. OpenStreetMap. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [15] Zielstra, D., Zipf, A. 2010. A Comparative Study of Proprietary Geodata and Volunteered Geographic Information for Germany”. 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimarães, Portugal.
  • [16] Haklay, M., Weber, P. 2008. OpenStreetMap: User-Generated Street Maps. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 7(4), 12-18.
  • [17] Zhou, Q. 2018. Exploring the relationship between density and completeness of urban building data in OpenStreetMap for quality estimation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32(2), 257-281.
  • [18] Rickles, P., Ellul, C., Haklay, M. 2017. A suggested framework and guidelines for learning GIS in interdisciplinary research. Geo: Geography and Environment, 4(2), e00046.
  • [19] Mobasheri, A. 2017. A rule-based spatial reasoning approach for OpenStreetMap data quality enrichment; case study of routing and navigation. Sensors,17(11), 2498.
  • [20] Haklay, M. 2010. How Good Is Volunteered Geographical Information? A Comparative Study of OpenStreetMap and Ordnance Survey Datasets. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37(4), 682-703.
  • [21] Ludwig, I., Voss, A., Krause-Traudes, M. A. Comparison of the Street Networks of Navteq and OSM in Germany. Pp. 65-84. Geertman, S., Reinhardt, W., Toppen, F., ed. 2011. Advancing Geoinformation Science for a Changing World, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • [22] Neis, P., Zielstra, D., Zipf, A. 2011. The Street Network Evolution of Crowdsourced Maps: OpenStreetMap in Germany 2007-2011. Future Internet, 4(1), 1-21.
  • [23] Hayakawa, T., Imi, Y., Ito, T. 2012. Analysis of Quality of Data in OpenStreetMap. 2012 IEEE 14th International Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing. September 9-11, Hangzhou, China.
  • [24] Wang, M., Li, Q., Hu, Q., Zhou, M. 2013. Quality Analysis of Open Street Map Data. 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, May 30 - June 1, Hong Kong.
  • [25] Sehra, S. S., Singh, J., Rai, H. S. 2014. A Systematic Study of OpenStreetMap Data Quality Assessment. 2014 11th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, April 7-9, Las Vegas, USA.
  • [26] Wan, T., Lu, H., Lu, Q., Luo, N. 2017. Classification of High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Image Using OpenStreetMap Information. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14(12), 2305-2309.
  • [27] TeamDev.JxBrowser. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [28] Oracle. JavaFX - The Rich Client Platform. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [29] Rutz S. Java Swing MapViewer. http://mappanel Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [30] OpenStreetMap Foundation. OpenStreetMap About. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [31] Steiger M. JXMapViewer2. /msteiger/jxmapviewer2 (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [32] Osmdroid. OpenStreetMap-Tools for Android. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [33] Skobbler. Smart mobile technology based on OpenStreetMap. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [34] Hightower, J., Borriello, G. 2001. Location Systems for Ubiquitous Computing. Computer, 34(8), 57-66.
  • [35] Hardegger, M., Roggen, D., Tröster, G. 2015. 3D ActionSLAM: Wearable Person Tracking in Multi-Floor Environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 19(1), 123-141.
  • [36] Barkhuus, L., Polichar, V. 2011. Empowerment through Seamfulness: Smart Phones in Everyday Life. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 15(6), 629-639.
  • [37] FreeTTS. FreeTTS 1.2.3 - A speech synthesizer written entirely in the Java programming language. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [38] JSON. Introducing JSON. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [39] Google. A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back. (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [40] Google. Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service. /maps/terms (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
  • [41] SQLite. About SQLite. /about.html (Date Accessed: 15.02.2018).
There are 41 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Özgün Yılmaz

Publication Date August 15, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 22 Issue: 2


APA Yılmaz, Ö. (2018). A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 22(2), 416-428.
AMA Yılmaz Ö. A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. August 2018;22(2):416-428.
Chicago Yılmaz, Özgün. “A Navigation Framework With Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22, no. 2 (August 2018): 416-28.
EndNote Yılmaz Ö (August 1, 2018) A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22 2 416–428.
IEEE Ö. Yılmaz, “A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications”, J. Nat. Appl. Sci., vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 416–428, 2018.
ISNAD Yılmaz, Özgün. “A Navigation Framework With Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 22/2 (August 2018), 416-428.
JAMA Yılmaz Ö. A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2018;22:416–428.
MLA Yılmaz, Özgün. “A Navigation Framework With Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications”. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 22, no. 2, 2018, pp. 416-28.
Vancouver Yılmaz Ö. A Navigation Framework with Map Support for Developing Desktop Applications. J. Nat. Appl. Sci. 2018;22(2):416-28.

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