Süleyman Demirel Law Review aims to contribute to national and international legal doctrine. It also aims to serve the legal doctrine by trying to find solutions to the deep-rooted and current problems of law. The Review, which has the status of “Double-blind Peer Reviewed Journal” indexed by ULAKBİM since 2017, is an open-access journal published bi-annually in June and December. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number will be assigned for each article accepted for publication. The publication language of the Review is Turkish, English, and German. Special issues might be published in print. SDLR includes academic studies such as articles, reviews of judgment, translations and book reviews prepared by academicians, researchers and practitioners in law and other related fields.
SDLR includes academic studies in the field of both public law and private law such as articles, reviews of judgment, translations and book reviews prepared by academicians, researchers and practitioners in law and other related fields.
Süleyman Demirel Law Review (SDLR)
Address: Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Law, 32260 Isparta, Turkey
Phone: +90 (246) 211 00 02
E-mail: hukukdergi@sdu.edu.tr
Web: https://hukuk.sdu.edu.tr/en/journal/sdu-law-faculty-journal-12867s.html / https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/sduhfd"