Scientific studies submitted to the SDLR for publication should be related to the fields of public law and private law or should be related to the legal doctrine. The studies submitted for publication must not have been published elsewhere before or must not have been submitted for publication.
For articles whose main text is written in Turkish and German, there should be an "Extended summary" written in English, consisting of at least 800 and at most 1000 words, in which the information and opinions contained in the article are compiled. There is a limit of 20,000 words, excluding references and footnotes, in the manuscripts to be submitted for publication. Manuscripts exceeding the word limit will be returned to the author.
The text of the article should be prepared in A4 page size in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 12 pt. font, and footnotes should be prepared in single line spacing and 10 pt. font. On the page edges, 3 cm. top, 3 cm. bottom, 3 cm. left, 3 cm. right margins should be left and the pages should be numbered.
Citations should be based on the OSCOLA citation system. Otherwise, the article will be sent back to the author for corrections without assigning a referee. For OSCOLA see
Süleyman Demirel Law Review (SDLR)
Address: Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Law, 32260 Isparta, Turkey
Phone: +90 (246) 211 00 02
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